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James Watt College


Title of the project:

Is the title clear and at the front of the plan?

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)

An explanation of your choice:

Demonstrate an understanding of what the

job /opportunity is about and why you have chosen it.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)

A strong answer:
Will show evidence of having done some

research into the opportunity and will discuss the findings in relation to the opportunity and the choice you have made.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)

A statement of the project issue, a SWOT analysis, a mapping of personal strengths in relation to the job opportunity, identify (from within the core of your course framework) the intended approach to present what you have to offer a prospective employer or backer to maximise your potential:

Provide evidence of accurately identifying the requirements of the opportunity (using research, class worksheets); linking personal strengths/experiences/knowledge to the opportunity (using class worksheet); analysing SWOT and include a statement providing an overview of how you are going to carry out the project.
Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)

A strong answer:
Will include justification, explanation (e.g.

why is something a strength) and very clear links between each section. There will also be evidence of research.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)

A statement of the aims of the practical assignment/s including personal goals and targets.
Provide a clear overall aim for the project, and SMART goals to show how you are going to achieve your aim.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)

A strong answer:
Will include a fuller range of SMART goals

and a brief explanation of why the goals are considered appropriate, for example how they link to the points raised earlier.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)

A timescale for conducting the project that should include both final and intermediate completion dates.

A timescale in the form of a GANTT chart or

spreadsheet/table should be provided to show a step-by-step plan of how you will conduct the project from development stage through to evaluation stage. An intermediate date must be included a few weeks before the presentation and the final completion date must also be included.
Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)

A strong answer:
Must show a logical, meaningful timescale

that covers the steps to achieving your goals. Dates should be included (not week 1, week 2).

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)


A statement demonstrating appropriate working methods employed to achieve aims during the development process and the reasons for the choice of solutions.
Produce a statement that explains the steps

you are going to take from your GANTT/timescale in more detail.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)


A strong answer:
Will provide a discussion of the solutions

considered (alternative ways that you could have approached the project) along with reasons for your choice, clearly referenced to your self analysis.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)


Identification and explanation of the sources of information to be used for your project and why each has been selected. Produce a list of where you will find the

information you require, along with an explanation of why each has been chosen.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)


A strong answer:
Will consider a range of sources used, the

justification for their choice (again, after considering alternatives) and the clear links to what you have planned to do (discussed in earlier sections).

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)


Identification of the resources (including time) required to carry out the project and how they will be accessed.

Provide a list (or table) showing all the

resources you will need, including how much time (eg weekly), you plan to spend on the project.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)


An explanation of the how your project will be conducted with reasons for your choice of methods used.
This should include reasons you have chosen

to take this course of action, clearly linked to the course topics and with some evidence of research.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)


A statement offering the effectiveness of the route you have chosen.

Provide a brief statement stating how you

will decide whether the decisions you have made (your goals, timescale, method, sources of information, resources etc) were effective.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)


A strong answer:
Will list several ways that you will assess the

effectiveness & provide in-depth justification for these, e.g. reasons and perhaps alternatives.

Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)


End of presentation
Sound Production Graded Unit 2 (DR2R 35)


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