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Concept, Theory, Use in Treatments.

Psychoanalysis is a psychological and psychotherapeutic theory conceived in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud.

Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud was a neurologist interested in finding an effective treatment for patients with neurotic or hysterical problems.

Freudian psychoanalysis
It refers to a specific type of treatment where the analysis verbalises thoughts, including free associations, fantasies and dreams from which the analysis induces the unconscious.

Its a controversial theory. It mainly involves the unconscious. It involves study of human behaviour, experience and cognition that are largely determined by irritational drives. It attempts to bring those drives into awareness.

Sigmund Freud mainly looked at drives of sexual nature.

It states that the conflict between conscious view of reality and unconscious material can result in mental disturbances like neurosis, anxiety and depression.

Use in treatments
In the twenty first century, psychoanalytic ideas are embedded in fields like childcare, education, cultural studies and mental health, particularly psychotherapy.

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