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10 Basic Principles of Learning the Lessons in Life

1. You are Gods handiwork.

You were made with a definite purpose. Not by chance nor by probability. Your faculty is intricately designed & this makes you unique from other creatures. Being a rational being it is your innate duty to know the essence of your existence.

2. You will learn lessons.

You are endowed with the capacity to learn the gift to comprehend. The moment you were born youre already enrolled in a full-time informal school called University of Life.

2. You will learn lessons.

Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lesson. Some, you will find relevant, others irrelevant. Filtering is a necessity you must not miss.

3. You can learn lessons of life from your mistakes.

Experience is your best teacher. You will grow by going thru trials & errors or experimentations. The failed experiments in your life are as much a part of the process of the experiment itself that ultimately works.

4. Learning is a matter of repetition.

A lesson is repeated until learned. It is presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. Lessons learned are knowledge applied. Putting into practice what you know spells the difference. When you have learned a lesson, you can then go on the next & so on & so forth.

5. Learning lessons of life is a lifelong process.

As long as you live you will continue to learn lessons. There is no part of your life that does not contain lessons. Learning only stops when your heart stops to beat.

6. Live each day as if it is your last.

You can never be the same in different dispensations of time & never be in different places at the same time. What you were then is different from what you are now & what youll be tomorrow. Each day, do your best for tomorrow might no longer come.

7. You are like others.

But your life is your life. It belongs to no one else. If you wont treasure it, expect no one to do it for you. If youll break it, no one can fix it but yourself. On the Final Day, you are to face the Judge of All & settle your account w/ Him. By then, youll be judged based on how you lived your own life. Not by how you lived w/ others or acted like them.

8. You are equipped to plan for your life.

But Hes the only one who can fulfill your plan, you have all the tools & resources you need. Use them! Explore! But not lavishly. Always keep in mind that your make is not according to your own blueprint but according to what He planned.

9. There are 3 perennial questions about life:

Question of Origin (where are you from?), Question of Existence ( why are you here?), Question of Destiny ( where are you going?) The quest for the answers to these questions is mans toughest assignment in the University of Life. This is the ultimate lesson of life that must be learned by all men.

10. You will forget all that you learned.

Hence, youve got no choice but to share what you learned. Light others candle & youll not be forgotten.

Lessons of Life in the Apples of Gold by Villamor S. Quebral.


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