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Least-square adjustment


Most surveying instruments must conform to certain geometrical conditions. The most by which measurements fail to meet these conditions are called misclosures and they indicate the presence of random errors. Various procedures are used to distribute these errors

Equal distribution of error. Corrections proportion to assigned weights. Compass rule, etc

Random errors in surveying conform to the mathematical laws of probability, least-square method of adjustments is based on laws of probability. It is not a new procedure, having been applied by the German mathematician Karl Gauss in the early eighteenth century. Because of the lengthy calculations involved, leastsquares adjustments were not commonly made prior to the availability of computers.

In modern surveying, adjustments are made rapidly and with confidence. Least squares is currently being used to adjust all kinds of surveying measurements, including differences in elevation, horizontal distances, horizontal and vertical angles. It has become essential in the adjustment of GPS observations. (FGCS) Federal Geodetic Control Sub committee, has set the standard to adopt the least-square adjustments on the survey data.


the small errors (residuals) have a higher probability of occurrence than large ones in a group of normally distributed observations. The method of least-squares adjustment is derived from the equation for the normal distribution curve. It produces that unique set of residuals for a group of measurements that have the highest probability of occurrence.

For a group of equally weighted observations, the least-square method is that the sum of the squares of the residuals is a minimum.

For any group of measured values, weights may be assigned to individual observations;

weights are inversely proportional to variances if measured values are to be weighted in least-square adjustments, then the sum of the weights time their corresponding squared residuals is minimized

Basic assumptions for least-square theory:

mistakes and systematic errors have been eliminated, only random errors remain. the number of observations being adjusted is large. the frequency distribution of the error is normal these basic assumptions are not always met, least-square adjustment still provides the most rigorous error treatment available.


observation equation method. condition equation approach.

No.1 is most common and will be discuss here;

Least-square adjustments by observation equation method

In this method observation equations are written, these equations are written relating measured values to there residual error, and unknown parameters. One observation equation is written for each measurement. For a unique solution, the number of equations must equal the number of unknowns.

To minimize the function partial derivatives of the expression are taken with respect to each unknown variable and set equal to zero. This will give the set of normal equations which are equal in number to the number of unknowns.

End of lecture: 5

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