Adnan Kusuma P Agustina Pungky Annisa Ana Tika Wisnu W Mahar Tri Wahyudin Nurul Vellayeti Linda Fitri A Pratiwi Rini Rinelly Risma Safitri

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kusuma P Agustina pungky Annisa Ana tika wisnu W Mahar tri wahyudin Nurul vellayeti Linda fitri A Pratiwi Rini rinelly Risma safitri

The capital and the largest city of Indonesia.


is located on the northwest coast of the island of Java. It has an area of 650 km and a population of 8.3 million (as of 2000). Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state.


population has sharply risen from 2.7 million in 1960 to 8.3 million in 2000. Jakarta suffers from major urbanization problems. Population below poverty line 27% (1999). Male: 92.5% and female: 83.4% (2002) of the populations.

Variation of people are: Javanese (58%) Sundanese (15%) Batak(10%) Minang(8%) TiongHoa(5%) Others(4%) Religion: Muslim (85%), Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, and Kong Hu Chu.

In Jakarta, the people is so crowded, because many people from out of Jakarta come in to Jakarta. We can see so many people who are not the origin people of Jakarta, such as the Java people, Batak, Medan, Bali, Papua, Kalimantan, Flores, etc. There are people from out of Indonesia too who live in Jakarta, such as China, Arab, Malaysia, Australia, etc. While the origin people of Jakarta called Betawi is not too exist or difficult to find now. Because the population of Jakarta is very crowded while the area is not too weidth, many people at last doesnt have good enough home. There are so many who live in the side of river, under the flyover, in the side of railway, etc. it makes Jakarta looks so slum.


has a pleasant tropical climate most of the year, with gentle breezes. Jakarta is equatorial (located in the equator line) the temperature is about 28 - 35 C. From late October to April, there is usually a rain shower everyday.

JAKARTA is Crowded city in Indonesia. So do the vehicles

For along time, it causes traffic

Especially, when its time for people go home from their office


Jakarta's transportation depends on toll roads, railways, and monorails tracks. Buses and transport cars (local language: Angkot, angkutan kota) are also popular. Like trains, they also become overloaded during peak hours.

Busway provider public transportation that used Air Conditioner Bus. And it has Private rute.

The traffics density has disturbed the obedient. After that, public transportation such as: -metromini -bus -KWK Get stuck at bungling place. It disturbed very much and cause the traffic jam.

Beside that, the use of private vehicles like motorcycle and car. It shows the culminate increasement. It is one cause of the density of transportation in jakarta.

See the effects: 1.If we want to go to somewhere, it will takes many times of ours on the way. 2. It also will disturbes the productivity to do our activity. 3. Add the traffic jam . 4. Air pollution

Air pollution at Jakarta is the worst in Indonesia, the most people in Jakarta gave the nickname "city of pollution" to Jakarta. The nickname came with a big reason.


most significant cause of air pollution in Jakarta is the share of motor vehicles accounted for 70 percent.
Due to pollution in Jakarta is felt at all for our health, the environment and for other living. This pollution is getting worse due to lack of indifference to us in the neighborhood and the city of Jakarta.

So, government out of action. 1. Do a emition test 2. Hell manage the increasement mobilicity in jakarta or 3. Do a limitation of total private vehicle.


in Jakarta is not so good. We can see rubbish everywhere. Though there are regulations from the government about the cleanliness in the city. TPA is also already available. But why cleanliness in Jakarta can not be overcome?

Causes include Many people littering not a lot of waste recycled Society is not doing reuse, recycle, reduce Garbage is not processed properly The rule about cleanliness is not really strict People dont really care about their neighborhood The government didnt give good enough counseling for people to keep the cleanliness Most people dont know the result of dirty environment. Theres not enough garbage bin in public street

Soil Pollution Effects (4) Causes cancers including leukaemia Trees and plants may absorb soil contaminants and pass them up the food chain
Soil and Water Pollution, Lead in soil is especially hazardous for young children causing developmental damage to the brain Mercury can increase the risk of kidney damage; cyclodienes can lead to liver toxicity Causes neuromuscular blockage as well as depression of the central nervous system Also causes headaches, nausea, fatigue, eye irritation and skin rash



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