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Communicative Language Teaching For The Twenty-first Century


What is CLT
The four skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening. In the past Speaking & writing ( active skills) Reading & listening (passive skills)


Speaking, writing, reading & listening ( active skills) Then, new terms appeared: Productive & Receptive. The terms that best represent the collaborative nature of language communication are:

Interpretation, expression, and negotiation of meaning

How and why did CLT developed?

The initial growth of CLT:

North America and Europe (immigrants, guest workers)

language teaching for specific purpose

Linguistic competence, Communicative competence, & Strategic competence

Linguistic competence :

is the system of linguistic knowledge possessed by native speakers of a language Is the use of language in social context. Is the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

Communicative competence:

Strategic competence

refers to the individual's ability to use communication strategies such as paraphrase, literal translation, guessing the meaning, and body language to get their message across, and to compensate for a limited or imperfect knowledge of rules

CLT Activities

Pair/Group Work

How has CLT been Interpreted?


Competence Pyramid) showed HOW a learner expands his learning.

This pyramid highlights: Grammatical competence. Discourse competences Socio-Cultural competences Strategic competences

Grammatical competences.
It is the ability to recognize the lexical,

morphological, syntactic, and phonological feature of language and to make use of these features to interpret and form words and sentences.
In other words: not stating a grammatical rule BUT using it in your communication.

Discourse Competences
Concerned NOT with isolated words or phrases BUT

with the interconnectedness of series of utterances, written words or phrases from a text, a meaningful whole. Concept related to Discourse Competences:

Bottom-up processing Top- down processing Text coherence Text cohesion.

Socio-Cultural Competences
is the social rules of language use.

In other words: understanding of the social context

in with the language is used. Examples:

Turn taking Appropriacy of content Nonverbal language Tone of voice

Strategic competences

Is the coping strategies speakers use in unfamiliar

context, with limits on their knowledge and use of grammatical rules.

Shaping Communicative Curriculum

There are five categories in which the CLT curriculum is

based: 1 Language Arts:

It includes teaching form of English through different activities.

2 Language for Purpose:

This means teaching language for communication but a communication for which a learner is wanting to work.

3 Personal Language:

this looks at learner as an individual with a pre-defined set of psychological strands. This must not, as it cannot, be overlooked while shaping curriculum, e.g., it demands certain respect for learner.

Shaping Communicative Curriculum

4 Theatre Arts: Teaching through role-play, learner can play many roles to understand the meaning in real context.

5 Beyond the Classroom :

This centers on bringing the learner to environment beyond the classroom. If they visit a courtroom trail, a production proceeding in factors, etc., they will get to know real language.

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