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Learning hypotheses:

1) Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned.

According Richard; Rogers (2009), Jerome Bruner distinguishes two traditions of teaching: Expository mode: The student is the listener Hypothetical mode: Views learning as a problem-solving, creative, discovering activity, in which the learner is principal actor rather than a bench-bound listener.

2) Learning is facilitated by accompanying (mediating) physical objects. The rods and the color-coded charts (Fidel charts), provide physical foci for student learning and also create memorable images to facilitated student recall. 3) Learning is facilitated involving the material by problem solving to be learned. The learners grappling with the problem of forming an appropriate and meaningful utterance in a new language, leads the learner to realization of the language.

successful learning involves commitment of the self to language acquisition through the use of silent awareness and then active trial. Silence as avoidance repetition is an aid to alertness, concentration and mental organization. Silent Way learners acquire inner criteria.

General objective: to give beginning level students oral and aural facility in basic elements of the target language The general goal set for language learning is near-native fluency in the target language, correct pronunciation and mastery of the prosodic elements of the target language. Immediate objective: provide the learner with a basic practical knowledge of the grammar of the target language.

Learners go on to create their own utterances by putting together old and new informations. The teacher models a word, phrase, or sentence and then elicits learner responses. Charts, rods, and other aids may be used to elicit learner responses. Teacher modeling is minimal, although much of the activity may be teacher directed.

Learners are expected to develop independence, autonomy and responsibility.


learners are aware that they must depend on their own resources and realize that they can use the knowledge of their own language to open up some things in a new language.


learners choose proper expressions in a given set of circumstances and situations. Responsible learners know that they have free will to choose among any set of linguistic choices, the ability to choose intelligently and carefully is said to be evidence of responsibility.

Teacher silence is, perhaps, the most demanding aspect of the Silent Way. Teacher silently monitors learners interactions.
Teaching meant to present an item once, using typically nonverbal clues to get across meaning. So, he uses gestures, charts and manipulates in order to elicit and shape student responses.

The teachers role is one of neutral observer, neither elated by correct performance nor discouraged by error.

According Stevick (1980, p.56), Silent Way teachers tasks are: (a) to teach (b) to test (c) to get out of the way

The role of the students is to make use of what they know, to free themselves of any obstacles that would interfere with giving their utmost to the learning task, and to actively engage in exploring the language.

This method fosters cooperative learning between individuals. It embodies a new approach to education in general, a respect for the individual and an awareness of the individuals extraordinary cognitive powers. If it is succeeded to teach the language the by using the rods without repeating too much, it will really save time and energy for both teachers students. []. The self-esteem of the students will be increased and this will enhance learning. By this way students will say I learned instead of I was taught well. (Demircan1990).

For some teachers the rigidity of the system (no repetitions by the teacher, no answers by the teacher etc.) may be meaningless. How such a method would in the average classroom situation, or how successfully it might be used at more advanced levels is a question mark left in our minds. Language is separated from its social context and taught through artificial situations usually by rods.

Sound-color Word




charts (color-coded pronunciation charts) / Rod




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