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Water molecules can exist for over 10,000 years in deep enough reservoirs of groundwater before rejoining the

hydrologic cycle

Despite this, recharge is often limited both by natural and anthropic forces

Ogallala Aquifer

Extends as far North as South

Dakota/ as far South as Texas

Aquifer Water Balance

Trends in Groundwater Conditions in the Ogallala Aquifer

Ogallala Aquifer

Extends as far North as South

Dakota/ as far South as Texas

From Wyoming deep into


Aquifer Water Balance

Trends in Groundwater Conditions in the Ogallala Aquifer

77,000sq mi area Edwards overlays Trinity Hydraulically connected Edwards more permeable due to composition

Washita/Fredericksberg rocks

Base of system formed from erosional unconformity on pre-cretaceous rock Altitude ranges from 2,000 ft below sea level to 3,000 ft above sea level

limestone - upper part sandstone/sand - lower part

Generally recharged by precipitation Mostly unconfined in upper parts; more confined in lower parts

Balcones Fault Zone

Highly faulted and fractured carbonate & clastic rocks

4,000sq mi area Feeds Austin and San Antonio areas

AVG annual precip:

22 (WEST) 34 (EAST) _Print.pdf

Arc shaped aquifer

240mi in length Width ranges from 4mi to 30mi

The base of the aquifer slopes generally S/SE Altitude ranges from 2,000ft below sea level to 500ft above sea level

Withdrawals in Austin area: 17m gallons/day (1985) Withdrawals in San Antonio area: 450m gallons/day (1985) Limestone/dolomite make permeable network to allow MASS pumping Recharged by precipitation; Aquifer exposes (at surface/near surface) in some areas Freshwater on upthrown side Saline water on downthrown side

Semi-Arid Plains

Aquifer Water Balance

Semi-Arid Plains
Hastens evaporation and precipitation

Aquifer Water Balance

Semi-Arid Plains
Hastens evaporation and precipitation


Aquifer Water Balance

Semi-Arid Plains
Hastens evaporation and precipitation


Aquifer Water Balance

Semi-Arid Plains
Hastens evaporation and precipitation

Impermeable (Limited drainage)

Aquifer Water Balance

Semi-Arid Plains
Hastens evaporation and precipitation

Impermeable (Limited drainage)

Up to 95% of the region of land over Ogallala is impermeable

Aquifer Water Balance

Where is the water recharged?

Where is the water recharged?

Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley.

Where is the water recharged?

Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley.

Where is the water recharged?

Playas Dry Lakes

Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley.

Where is the water recharged?

Playas Dry Lakes

- Layered

Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley.

Where is the water recharged?

Playas Dry Lakes

- Layered - Cracked
Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley.

Playas Dry Lakes

Playas Dry Lakes

The recharge rate of the Ogallala and Edwards Aquifer system is limited by several natural factors: Semiarid plains region in which the aquifer exists hastens evaporation and precipitation, preventing rain waters from entering the ground. A shallow layer of caliche overlays many locations in the region, which limits the recharge in these nearly impermeable areas. This caliche layer exists due to the high level of evaporation in the region In the Ogallala, up to 95% of the water collected in the Southern portion of the aquifer is recharged by Playa lakes in the region, where water is absorbed through the clay of the playa basin These recharge zones are in danger as the result of farmers and development in the area which further limits the recharge area of these zones.

Aquifer Water Balance

Digital image. Trends in Groundwater Conditions in the Ogallala Aquifer. U Texas, n.d. Web. < onditionswebpage_files/image003.gif>. "A Virtual Field Trip to a Calcrete (Caliche) Outcrop." Virtual Field Trip: A Calcrete (Caliche) Outcrop. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. <>. Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley. Digital image. Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. < rse_in_Death_Valley_NP.jpg>.

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