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Chapter 11

Creative Problem Solving & Leadership

Learning Objectives
Identify the steps in the Creative Process. Identify the Characteristics of Creative
Leaders. Be prepared to overcome traditional thinking in order to be come more creative. Describe both organizational & Individual approaches to enhance creative problem solving. Explain how the leader & the organization can establish a climate that fosters creativity.

The Creative Process

Blending simplicity with sophistication and material with structure, the spiders web, in its many forms, is natures creative solution to the non-flying arachnids

task of capturing airborne prey

Steps in creative process

The creative process has great value in business. It is a series of ordered steps utilizing the principles of creative thinking to analyze a problem or opportunity in a systematic, unbiased and seemingly unconventional way. An old but well-accepted model of creativity can be applied to organizations. This model divides creative thinking into five stages as shown in the figure.

Steps in creative process

Step 1
Opportunity or Problem Recognition

Step 2

Step 3

Step 5
Verification & Application

Step 4

Opportunity or Problem recognition Immersion Incubation Insight Verification & Application

Steps in creative process Contd

Opportunity or Problem recognition:
A person discovers that a new opportunity exists or a problem need resolution.

The individual concentrates on the problem and Becomes immersed in it. He or she will recall & Collect information that seems relevant, Dreaming up alternatives without refining or Evaluating them.

Steps in creative process Contd

The person keeps the assembled information in mind For a while. He or she doesnt appear to be working On the problem actively. How ever the sub-conscious Mind is still engaged.


The problem conquering solution flashes into persons Mind at an unexpected time, such as on the verge on The sleep or during a shower or while running.

Verification & Application:

The individuals sets out to prove that the creative Solution has merit. Verification procedure includes Gathering supporting evidence & experimenting with New ideas.

Characteristics of Creative Leaders

Creative leaders, like creative workers of all Types, are different in many ways from their Less creative counterparts. They are devoted to their fields & enjoy Intellectual stimulation. Creative leaders Challenges Status Quo, which leads them to Seek Improvements.

Characteristics of Creative Leaders

The characteristics of creative people Including creative leaders can be grouped into Four areas:

Knowledge Intellectual Abilities Personality Social Habits & Upbringing

Characteristics of Creative Leaders Contd

These characteristics are described below & Highlighted in the figure.

Characteristics of Creative Leaders Contd

Knowledge: Creative problem solving requires a broad Background of information including facts & Observations. Knowledge provides building Blocks for generating & Combining ideas. Intellectual Abilities: Intellectual abilities comprise such abilities as general Intelligence & abstract reasoning. Creative leaders show An identifiable intellectual style, being able to think Divergently. They are able to expand number of Alternatives to a problem, thus moving away from single solution.

Characteristics of Creative Leaders Contd

The emotional & other non intellectual aspects Of a person heavily influence creative problem Solving. Creative leaders are frequently Nonconformist & dont need strong approval From the group. Many creative leaders are thrill Seekers who find imaginative solutions to Problems. They are also persistent & self Confident.

Characteristics of Creative Leaders Contd

Social Habits & Upbringing:
Most creative people are not introverted Loners or nerds. Many especially who Become leaders, enjoy interacting with People & exchanging ideas. The majority of Creative people lacked a smooth & predicable Environment during childhood because of Some family problems or financial problems.

Overcoming Traditional Thinking as a Creativity Strategy

Overcoming traditional thinking is so important to creative thinking that the process has been characterized in several different ways. There are six concepts of creative thinking. A creative person thinks outside the box People who are not creative suffer from hardening of the categories. To be creative one must develop new paradigms. Creativity requires overcoming traditional mental sets. Creative people overcome traditional wisdom. Creative people engage in lateral thinking in addition to vertical thinking.

Vertical & Lateral Thinking

Organizational Methods to Enhance Creativity

To enhance creative problem solving the Majority of organizations regularly engage In brainstorming. Many others also maintain Suggestion programs to generate creative Ideas from employees. Now we focus on new developments in Brainstorming and other creativity enhancing Methods.

Organizational Methods to Enhance Creativity Contd

Brainstorming The Pet-Peeve Technique The Forced-Association Technique The Excursion Method Equipping a Kitchen for the Mind Evaluation of Creativity Training

Organizational Methods to Enhance Creativity Contd

is a group creativity technique designed to generate a large number of ideas for the Solution of a problem.

The Pet-Peeve Technique:

It is method of brainstorming in which group Identifies all possible complaints others might Have about the groups organizational unit. Through Brainstorming group members develop a list of Complaints from any one who interact with their Group.

Organizational Methods to Enhance Creativity Contd

The Forced-Association Technique:
It is a widely use method in which individuals Or groups solve a problem by making the Associations between the properties of two Objects.

The Excursion Method:

The forced-association technique has many spin-offs One of them is Excursion method in which the problem Solver makes word associations that relate to The problem

Organizational Methods to Enhance Creativity Contd

Equipping a Kitchen for the Mind: According to Mike Vance every business needs a kitchen For the mind, a space designed to nurture creativity. The Supplies can be ordinary items like flip charts, chalk Boards, a coffee pot, a refrigerator & a computer with Graphics software. Sometimes creativity rooms also Supplied with childrens toys such as dart guns, Frisbees & stuffed animals. The purpose of the toys is to help people Loosen up intellectually & emotionally.

Organizational Methods to Enhance Creativity Contd

Evaluation of Creativity Training:
Very little research has been conducted to Directly measure the result of creativity training. Research on creativity training however has Provided useful insights into favorable conditions For such training. For creativity training to be Effective the environment & culture must be Appropriate.

Self-Help Techniques to Enhance Creative Problem Solving

Leaders and others who want to solve problems More creatively can find hundreds of methods At their disposal. All of these methods aim to Increase mental flexibility. There are eight Strategies & specific techniques for enhancing Creative problem solving.

Self-Help Techniques to Enhance Creative Problem Solving Contd

Practice creativity-enhancing exercises Stay alert to opportunities Use multiple senses when seeking solutions Maintain an enthusiastic attitude Speak to lead users Play Business Jeopardy Maintain & use an idea notebook or computer file Play the roles of explorer, artist, judge, & lawyer

Establishing a Climate for a Creative Thinking

Leaders need to develop creative ideas of Their own to improve productivity, quality, & satisfaction. Establishing a climate conducive To creative problem solving is another Requirement of effective leadership. To create such environment a good leader should Follow these steps.

Establishing a Climate for a Creative Thinking Contd

Give creative people tools & resources that
allow their work to stand out. Provide ongoing recognition & appreciation Give creative people flexibility & a minimum amount of structure. Employ creative people to manage and evaluate creative workers.

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