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Introductin Application How it works? Haptic information Haptic Functions

Haptic devices
Virtual Reality Devices Feedback Devices

Future exceptation Conclusion

Haptics is related to sense of touch

which comes from the Greek word HAPTESTHAI for to grasp or to touch. Touch is the first language. From a very early age we become sensitive to the specific qualities of touch rather than its mere presence or absence.

You can convey messages that are just as specific as those conveyed by others means such as facial expression. The interface between humans and computers has been described as an information bottleneck.

Computer can store and process vast amounts of data and human experience and learn through 5 senses. But computers typically only take advantage of one or two sensory channels (sight and sound) to transmit information to people.

Haptics promises to open this

bottleneck by adding a new channel of communication using the sense of touch. Haptics expands the notion of bidirectional communication between humans and computers to include sensory feedback. Haptics = Touch = Connection

The Pew Report

Touch is natural and intuitive and it will succeed. --The Future of the Internet III, Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Where it is used?
Desktop GUI augmentation Medical and surgical simulators sharp

realism needed for effective training environments. Gaming systems greater realism, excitement, and enjoyment. Industrial & commercial systems safer, more efficient, and more accurate control in distractive environments.

Touchscreens of all types the ability to touch back with unmistakable confirmation.


Industrial & commercial systems

One of the earliest forms of haptic devices

is used in large modern aircraft that use servomechanism systems to operate control systems. Such systems tend to be "one-way" in that forces applied aerodynamically to the control surfaces are not perceived at the controls, with the missing normal forces simulated with springs and weights.

In earlier, lighter aircraft without

servo systems, as the aircraft approached a stall the aerodynamic buffeting was felt in the pilot's controls, a useful warning to the pilot of a dangerous flight condition.

This control shake is not felt when servo

control systems are used. To replace this missing cue, the angle of attack is measured, and when it approaches the critical stall point a "stick shaker" (an unbalanced rotating mass) is engaged, simulating the effects of a simpler control system. This is known as haptic feedback.

Haptics applications use specialized

hardware to provide sensory feedback that simulates physical properties and forces. Haptic interfaces can take many forms; a common configuration uses separate mechanical linkages to connect a persons fingers to a computer interface.

Basically a haptic system consist of two

parts namely the human part and the machine part. In the figure shown above, the human part (left) senses and controls the position of the hand, while the machine part (right) exerts forces from the hand to simulate contact with a virtual object. Also both the systems will be provided with necessary sensors, processors and actuators.

In the case of the human system, nerve

receptors performs sensing, brain performs processing and muscles performs actuation of the motion performed by the hand. While in the case of the machine system, the above mentioned functions are performed by the encoders, computer and motors respectively.

So,when the user moves his fingers,

sensors translate those motions into actions on screen, and motors transmit feedback through the linkages to the users fingers. The screen might show a ball, for example, and by manipulating a virtual hand through the device, the user can feel the ball, discerning how much it weighs or the texture of its surface.

Tactile information

Haptic information
Kinesthetic information

Tactile information refers the information

acquired by the sensors which are actually connected to the skin of the human body with a particular reference to the spatial distribution of pressure, or more generally, tractions, across the contact area. For example when we handle flexible materials like fabric and paper, we sense the pressure variation across the fingertip. This is actually a sort of tactile information.

Tactile sensing is also the basis of complex

perceptual tasks like medical palpation, where physicians locate hidden anatomical structures and evaluate tissue properties using their hands. Kinesthetic information refers to the information acquired through the sensors in the joints. Interaction forces are normally perceived through a combination of these two informations.

FUNCTIONS OF HAPTICS : How touch and its underlying brain functions work :-

Haptic technology:- technology that interfaces with the user through the sense of touch. Haptic communication:- the means by which people and other animals communicate via touching.

Haptic perception:- the process of recognizing objects through touch. Haptic poetry:- a liminal art form combining characteristics of typography and sculpture.

Haptic communication is the means by

which people and other animals communicate via touching. It providing information about surfaces and textures. It is a component of nonverbal communication in interpersonal relationships, and vital in conveying physical intimacy.

Human babies have been observed to have enormous difficulty surviving if they do not possess a sense of touch, even if they retain sight and

In chimpanzees the sense of touch is highly

developed. As new borns they see and hear poorly but cling strongly to their mothers.
Heslin (1974) outlines the four haptic categories:
Functional/professional Social/polite Friendship/warmth Love/intimacy


-onary Touch combining with skin surface. Recognizing the object.

Haptic perception is the process of recognizing

objects through touch. It involves a combination of somatosensory perception of patterns on the skin surface (e.g., edges, curvature, and texture) and hand position and conformation. People can rapidly and accurately identify 3-D objects by touch. They do so through the use of exploratory procedures, such as moving the fingers over the outer surface of the object or holding the entire object in the hand


the charcteristics of sculpture and typography to create the object.

Haptic poetry, like visual poetry and sound poetry,

is a liminal art form combining characteristics of typography and sculpture to create objects not only to be seen, but to be touched and manipulated. Indeed, in haptic poetry, the sense of touch is equal to, if not more important than, the sense of sight, yet both text-based poetry and haptic poetry have the same goals: to create an aesthetic effect in the minds of the intended audience.


applications use the haptic concepts directly or indirectly. In this fig. in touchscreen cell, internally there are very small boxes. when we touch any button, it will sense that what we want. And it give it as a output.




Touch Screen

Project began in 2001 Introduced in 2007 A surface computing platform from Microsoft.

Microsoft Surface represents a fundamental change in the way we interact with digital content. With Surface, we can actually grab data with our hands, and move information between objects with natural gestures and touch. Surface features a 30-inch tabletop display whose unique abilities allow for several people to work independently or simultaneously. All without using a mouse or a keyboard.


Touch Screen

A form of computing that offers a natural way of interacting with information, rather than the traditional user interface. Direct Interaction: The ability to "grab" digital information with hands - interacting with touch/gesture, not with a mouse or keyboard. MultiTouch: The ability to recognize multiple points of contact at the same time, not just one (Ex. One finger, like with most touch screens), but dozens. MultiUser: The Surfaces screen is horizontal, allowing many people to come together around it and experience a collaborative, facetoface computing experience. Object Recognition: Physical objects can be placed on the Surfaces screen to trigger different types of digital responses (Ex. cell phones, cameras, & glasses of wine).
36 Touch Screen

3-D gaming

Disney Research,

Pittsburg (DRP) has shown off a revolutionary technology called Surround Haptics that can bring real life experience in video gaming and film watching.

Once you are playing a video game, your spine will

shiver based on the movements. For instance, if you ride a car at its maximum speed and smash into a car coming opposite, your body will feel exactly like you are in a real car accident. Many other virtual experiences can be created to physical sensation with Surround Haptics. The DRP technology is a simply gaming chair, equipped with several simulating actuators. The gamer needs to sit in the chair to feel the innovative gaming experience in his/her body. The actuators will vibrate in response to the music and action from the game or film resulting in the shivering experience for the gamers. In short, the Surround Haptics system will realize the

A haptic device is the one that provides a

physical interface between the user and the virtual environment by means of a computer. This can be done through an input/output device that senses the body movement, such as joystick or data glove. By using haptic devices, the user can not only feed information to the computer but can also receive information from the computer in the form of a felt sensation on some part of the body. This is referred to as a haptic interface.


Virtual reality/ Telerobotics based devices

Feedback devices

a) Virtual reality/ Telerobotics based devices I. Exoskeletons and Stationary device II. Gloves and wearable devices III. Point-sources and Specific task devices IV. Locomotion Interfaces b) Feedback devices I. Force feedback devices II. Tactile displays

i) Exoskeletons and Stationary devices

The term exoskeleton refers to the hard

outer shell that exists on many creatures. In a technical sense, the word refers to a system that covers the user or the user has to wear. Current haptic devices that are classified as exoskeletons are large and immobile systems that the user must attach him- or herself to.


ii) Gloves and wearable devices

These devices are smaller exoskeleton-like devices

that are often, but not always, take the down by a large exoskeleton or other immobile devices.
Since the goal of building a haptic system is to be

able to immerse a user in the virtual or remote environment.

The drawback of the wearable systems is that since

weight and size of the devices are a concern, the systems will have more limited sets of capabilities.


iii) Point sources and specific task devices

This is a class of devices that are very specialized

for performing a particular given task. Designing a device to perform a single type of task restricts the application of that device to a much smaller number of functions. However it allows the designer to focus the device to perform its task extremely well. These task devices have two general forms, single point of interface devices and specific task devices.

iv) Locomotion interfaces

An interesting application of haptic feedback is in the

form of full body Force Feedback called locomotion interfaces. Locomotion interfaces are movement of force restriction devices in a confined space. These interfaces overcomes the limitations of using joysticks for maneuvering or whole body motion platforms, in which the user is seated and does not expend energy, and of room environments, where only short distances can be traversed.

Feedback devices

Limitations :


Limitations of haptic device systems have sometimes made applying the forces exact value as computed by force-rendering algorithms impossible.As this would lead to erroneous or discontinuous application of forces to the user. In addition, haptic devices are not ideal force transducers. An ideal haptic device would render zero impedance when simulating movement in free space, and any finite impedance when simulating contact with an object featuring such impedance characteristics. The friction, inertia, and backlash present in most haptic devices prevent them from meeting this ideal.

Touching a virtual object extracts energy from it. This extra energy can cause an unstable response from haptic devices. 4. Finally, haptic device position sensors have finite resolution. Consequently, attempting to determine where and when contact occurs always results in a quantization error. Although users might not easily perceive this error, it can create stability problems. The first two issues usually depend more on the device mechanics; the latter two depend on the digital nature of VR applications.

As this IT technology is growing very fast. So to think

about the future technology is very tough. A survey of experts shows they expect major tech advances as the phone becomes a primary device for online access, voice-recognition improves, and the structure of the Internet itself improves. Technology stakeholders and critics were asked in an online survey to assess scenarios about the future social, political, and economic impact of the Internet and they said the following:

Voice recognition and touch user-interfaces will be more prevalent and accepted by 2020. The survey found that there were mixed reactions to how haptic technology, will be or wont be adopted in the future.

Haptic technology, which attempts to provide

compelling sensations to human operators in virtual and teleoperated environments It is a relatively new,but fast-growing and dynamic area of research. The field relies not only on fundamental foundations from robotics and control theory, but also on fields in the human sciences, particularly neuroscience and psychology. Todays, commercial success of haptics has been in the areas of entertainment, medical simulation, and design, although new devices and applications are regularly appearing.

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