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Brief History of Quality Movement 1.2 Quality Control Era 1.3 Quality Assurance 1.4 Total Quality Management (TQM) 1.5 Differences of traditional quality and total quality perspectives 1.6 Elements of total quality

Different Responses of Quality

Perfection Fast delivery Consistency Doing it right the first time

Providing a good, usable product

Eliminating waste

Delighting or pleasing customers

Total customer service and satisfaction

Compliance with policies and procedures

Brief History Of Q Emergence Of Q Consciousness

1450 B.C.


Prior to the 20th centuries

Middle Ages in Europe -Era of Craftsmanship

Manufacturer Inspector

Middle of the 18th Century The idea of Quality was brought in to USA *Parts was made following a fixed design -Weakness: underestimate the effect of variation

Skilled craftsperson

Beginning of the 20th centuries

1900s Frederick Taylor ushered Industrial Revolution. -Job were segmented into specific work tasks -Quality assurance fell in the hands of inspectors. -Strength: good quality products -Weakness: 1)Great cost 2)Upper Managers were illprepared when the crisis hit

For example: The Bell System created inspection department in Western Electric Company to achieve quality assurance in its production.

1920/30s Walter Shewhart designed SQC. -SQC goes beyond inspection to focus on identifying and eliminating problems that cause defects. -During World War II, US military began using SQC and imposing stringent standards on suppliers

Post-World War 2
U.S.A: Quality was not a top priority of top Managers in USA. -Their main focus was on production of goods because at that time there was shortage of civilian goods JAPAN: Dr Joseph Juran and Dr Edwards Deming, introduced SQC techniques to the Japanese. -Main concern Upper Management rather than quality specialists alone. -Culture of Continuous improvement - Kaizen Result : U.S (Failure rate was still exist) vs Japanese Products (zero failure)

The U.S Quality Revolution

1950s and 1960s US : Made no significant effort in quality JAPAN: made in Japan was associated with inferior products, but US consumers purchased and accepted their quality without question. - JUSE (Union of Japanese Scientist and Engineers) introduced Deming Prize 1970s US : No improvement in quality markets. JAPAN: Japanese products were able to Penetrate into Western

1980s -

US: period of growing awareness of quality to consumers, industries and government


Extensive product recalls following an intensive media coverage of the Challenger space shuttle disaster in 1986 challenger exploded after takeoff killing all seven astronauts. Consumers: demand high quality products Government: Enacted several laws and Acts to ensure companies complied with the product safety regulation

- Companies: began to institute quality improvement campaign. i.e: MBQA


Quality awareness Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award -Quality differences between US and Japan began to narrow. -Total Quality Management

Definition: Any action directed toward providing consumers with products (goods & services) of appropriate quality.
QA is usually associated with measurement and inspection activity.

DEFINE THE CONCEPT OF QUALITY? because -There is no single definition of quality

quality is situational. -The American Society of Quality (ASQ) define quality as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given need. -Ex: Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services,people, processes and environments that meets or exceeds expectations.


Wide performance excellence rather than based on one discipline only.

Major differences between the traditional view of quality and the total quality perspective;
(for explanation-pls refer to the supplement notes) 1. Productivity (quantity) vs quality 2. How quality is defined : traditional (meeting expectations) vs modern (exceeding expectations). 3. How quality is measured : establish level of non conformance (traditional) vs high performance benchmark (modern).

4. How quality is achieved through product (traditional) vs product, process and effective control technique (modern). 5. Attitude towards defects defect is an expected part measure defects per 100 (traditional) vs defect is to be prevented using effective control technique measure defects per million (modern). 6. Quality as a function - Q is a separate function (traditional) vs Q should be integrated (modern) 7. Responsibility for quality Employees are blamed for quality (traditional) vs at least 85% of quality problems are management fault. 8. Supplier relationships short term (traditional) vs long term (modern)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Strategically based Customer focus Obsession with quality Scientific approach Long-term commitment Teamwork


Continual process improvement

Education and training

9. Freedom through control

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