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Topic Presentation

by :
Amit Dinker MDRA -4th sem


Disability rehabilitation Capacity building: introduction and importance Project management



Disability Defined: Any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being.

PWD" means a person suffering from not less than 40 %of any disability as certified by a medical authority.


Refers to the process aimed at enabling person with disabilities to reach and maintain their optimal physical, sensory, intellectual, psychiatric or social functioning.

Process of rehabilitation

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Case finding Case study Counseling Medical services Education vocational training Employment Social integration


Capacity building also referred to as capacity development is a conceptual approach to development that focuses on understanding the obstacles that inhibit people, governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations from realizing their developmental goals while enhancing the abilities that will allow them to achieve measurable and sustainable results.

capacity building is included in the programs of most international organizations that work in development, the World Bank (World Bank), The United Nations (UN) and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) like Oxfam International

Capacity building often refers to strengthening the skills, competencies and abilities of people and communities in developing societies so they can overcome the causes of their exclusion and suffering.

Importance of capacity development

the concept of capacity building is essential to the elimination of poverty. Effective macroeconomic management capacity, including legislative and regulatory abilities. Reducing poverty requires strong government financial management skills, multi-year expenditure programs, and effective expenditure monitoring.

The need to raise revenue for development and poverty reduction calls for good tax administration skills. Improvements in statistical capacity are crucial for better poverty and social impact analysis and to facilitate more effective monitoring of countries' progress toward their development goals.

Improvements in the capacity to deliver public services to the population,

it encourages the leadership of a nonprofits to evaluate their abilities to perform in a complex environment. for example, is the organization missing potential fundraising opportunities by not having a website with the capacity to solicit and receive donations? In addition, capacity building is important because the evaluation process coupled with the implementation component help ensure organizational success and sustainability.


Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. Project management is the facilitation of the planning, scheduling and controlling all the activities that must be done to meet project objectives.

The basic purpose for initiating a project is to accomplish specific goals.

Evolution of Project Management

Latin word: PROJECTUM, means "to throw something forwards." PROJECT = plan of something OBJECT = something carryout as per plan 1950s: PROJECT covered PROJECT + OBJECT


Better control of financial, physical, and human resources Improved customer relations Shorter development times Lower costs and improved productivity Higher quality and increased reliability Higher profit margins Better internal coordination Positive impact on meeting strategic goals Higher worker morale


PMI Project life-cycle

Environmental impact assessment

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a process which can be used to improve decision-making and ensure that development options under consideration are environmentally, socially and economically sound and sustainable.

It aims to eliminate or minimize negative impacts and optimize positive impacts through mitigation and enhancement measures. EIA relates to a process rather than a particular activity, the environmental impact study itself being only one component of the process.

Social impacts assessment

Social impacts can be defined as the consequences to people of any proposed action that changes the way they live, work, relate to one another, organize themselves and function as individuals and members of society.

Aims and objectives of SIA are to:

Analyze how proposals affect people Identify and mitigate adverse impacts Enhance benefits Help manage social change

Phase Of Project Management





INDENTATION- selection of a project after a careful scanning of the environment of investment opportunity & its likely return. SELECTION- rational choice of a project in the light of objective & inherent constraints. FORMULATION- translation of idea into a concrete project with scrutiny of its important preliminary aspects.




APPRAISAL- searching scrutiny, analysis &evaluation of market, technical, financial, & economic variable. Assessing the profitability, return on investment& breakdown points. IMPLEMENTATION- expeditious completion with in the allocated recourses. REVIEW- judicious operation of a project with objective like, maximization of net present value maximization of return and increase in the rate of return at low risk.

Gantt Chart
Graph or bar chart with a bar for each project activity that shows passage of time Provides visual display of project schedule


Work breakdown structure

A method of breaking down a project into individual elements ( components, subcomponents, activities and tasks) in a hierarchical structure which can be scheduled and cost It defines tasks that can be completed independently of other tasks, facilitating resource allocation, assignment of responsibilities and measurement and control of the project It is foundation of project planning It is developed before identification of dependencies and estimation of activity durations It can be used to identity the tasks in the CPM and PERT

Work Breakdown Structure for Computer Order Processing System Project



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