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When We talk about Effective Communication one thing that comes in mind, what are the basic principles of effective communication . These principles tell us how your message can becomes effective for your target group, These principles also tell about style and importance of the message. These principles commonly known as 7 Cs of effective communication.

1. 2. 3. 4.

6. 7.

Completeness Conciseness Consideration Concreteness Clarity Courtesy Correctness

Getting the meaning from your head into the head of your reader accurately is the purpose of clarity.

In order to bring clarity in your communication, following practices are important. Selection of precise, concrete and clear words. Construction of effective sentences and paragraphs.

Clarity is achieved in part through a balance between precise words and familiar words. For example, it is appropriate to use technical terms and business jargon's in professional institutions but they need to be avoided when communicating with a person who is not acquainted with the terminology.
Technical Term Buyouts Assessed valuation Familiar to the Layperson Purchased by another company Property value for tax purpose

For example, a member of National Bureau of Standards wrote to a plumber to avoid using Hydrochloric acid for cleaning the clogged drains. He wrote:

The efficacy of hydrochloric acid is indisputable, but the corrosive residue of hydrochloric acid is incompatible with metallic permanence.
The plumber did not understand it. Then the bureau again wrote:

Dont use hydrochloric acid. It eats hell out of the pipes.

When you have a choice between a long word and a short word, use the short, familiar word that your reader and listener will quickly understand.
Familiar Words After For example Pay Support Harmful High Next Familiar Words Subsequent e.g. Remuneration Buttress Pernicious Lofty

Now consider the following statements, one with unfamiliar words and the other with familiar words.

Unfamiliar: After our perusal of pertinent data, the conclusion

is that a lucrative market exists for the subject property.


The data we studied shows that your property is profitable and in high demand.

At the core of clarity is the sentence. The important characteristics to consider are as follows: Length Unity Coherence Emphasis

Generally short sentences are preferred. The average sentence length should be 17-20 words. Variety in sentence length adds interest to writing so adopt a range of from 3 to 30 or more words. When a sentence exceeds 40 words, try to rewrite it into more than one sentence. If the sentences are short (under 10 words), the result is uneven and too simple.

Unity means that you have one main idea in the sentence and any other ideas must be closely related to it.

For example: I like Sana and Taj Mahal is in India. There is no unity in the above sentence.

In a coherent sentence, the words are correctly arranged so that the ideas clearly express the intended meaning. Place the correct modifier as close as possible to the word it is supposed to modify. Unclear: Being an excellent lawyer, I am sure you can help us. Clear: Being an excellent lawyer, you can surely help us.

The quality that gives force to important parts if sentences and paragraphs is emphasis. Writers must decide what needs emphasis, and then choose sentence structure. In a complex sentence, the main idea should be placed in the main clause while the less important points are in the dependent clauses.

Little emphasis: The airplane finally approached the speed of sound, and it became very difficult to control.

Better emphasis: As it approached the speed of sound, the airplane became very difficult to control.
In the above sentences, the important idea is that the airplane was difficult to control, the second sentence is more meaningful and its main idea is in the main clause.

EMPHASIS: Software allow a lot of ways to innumerable ways to visually add emphasis tot words. Some visual procedures include: headings, tabulations, graphs, line charts, pie charts, underlining, italics, indentations, colored capitals or even wide or short margins.

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