Fine Art Nudes

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Creative Visualisation

Paintings, Graphics, Sculptures, Photos

Art Nude

The nude does not simply represent the body, but relates it, by analogy, to all structures that have become part of our imaginative experience. (Kenneth Clark) Traditionally the Nude was used to express formulations about life as larger-than-life, as Heroic or Ideal... The nude is not a 'genre' subject. (Isabel Bishop) Every artist undresses his subject, whether human or still life. It is his business to find essences in surfaces, and what more attractive and challenging surface than the skin around a soul? (Richard Corliss) He who does not master the nude, cannot understand the principles of architecture. (Michelangelo) What is the body? That shadow of a shadow of your love, that somehow contains the entire universe. (Rumi) Good for the body is the work of the body, good for the soul the work of the soul, and good for either the work of the other. (Henry David Thoreau) The body [is the] advocate of immanence, the palpable refutation of metaphysical falsehood. (Nietzsche) European art is fixated on the nude just as its philosophy is fixated on the truth. (Jullien) Nudity is thus itself a garment. It is its own clothing. (Klossowski) The undraped figure in nature has a beautiful outlook. It is the important task of the artist to save the world. To defend art from pornography means to defend art model from offensive image. Pornography offends the model; art never. Art respects, arises, loves model. (Yaroslaw Rozputnyak)

Scene from banquet in Nebamun's tomb. 1400 1300 BC

Discus thrower, drawing of a classical sculpture, c.1874 BC

Alessandro Botticelli. The Birth of Venus. c.1485.

Donato di Niccol di Betto Bardi: David. c. 1430.

Salvador Dali. My Wife, Nude, Contemplating Her Own Flesh Becoming Stairs, Three Vertebrae of a Column, Sky and Architecture. 1945.

Piero della Francesca. Legend of the True Cross: Death of Adam. Detail. 1452-1466.

Michellangelo. The Piet. 14981499.

Michellangelo. The Piet. Detail. 14981499.

Luca Signorelli. Resurrection of the Dead. Detail. Fresco. 1499-1502.

Giorgione. Sleeping Venus. c.1508.

Michelangelo, Adam and Eve in the Garden with the Serpent. Detail. c. 1508-1512.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Torso of Neptune.1620.

Paul Gauguin. Tahitian Eve. 1892.

Albrecht Drer. Apollo And Diana.1502.

Albrecht Drer. Male And Female Nudes. 1516.

Guido Reni. Drinking Bacchus.1623.

Pietro Perugino (1448-1523) . Apollo and Marsyas.

Michelangelo. The Study of Adam. 1508.

Edward Burne-Jones. The Three Graces. c. 1890-1896.

Rene Magritte. Three nudes in an interior.1923.

Francis Picabia. Idylle. 1924-27.

Max Ernst. Eve, the Only One Left to Us. 1925.

Francis Picabia. Adam et ve. c. 1931.

Henri Matisse. Blue Nudes. c. 1952.

Henry Moore. RecliningFigure. 1951.

Pablo Picasso. Lying female nude. 1932.

Marcel Duchamp. Nude Descending a Staircase (No.2). 1912.

Marc Chagall. Song of Songs. 1974.

Martin Zurmuhle: Island, 2007.

Martin Zurmuhle: In the spotlight, 2006.

Andre Brito, 2004.

GIAMBOLOGNA: Venus Urania or An Allegory of Astronomy, c. 1585 95.

Creative Visualisation

Paintings, Graphics, Sculptures, Photos

Art Nude

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