Presentation 9

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Francium is the heaviest element of the alkali metals series, appearing as a result of the disintegration of the element actinium. This element was discovered in 1993 by Marguerite Perey, scientists Curie Institute in Paris.


Francium can be found naturally in uranium minerals, the content of this element in the earth's crust may be only less than one ounce. Francium is also the most unstable element among the first 101 elements in the periodic table.


There are 33 known isotopes of francium. The longest-lived 223Fr (Ac, K), the son of 227Ac, has a part-time for 22 minutes. This is the only isotope of francium that occurs naturally. Due to other isotopes of francium are very unstable, the physical properties are known by radiochemical techniques. Chemical properties of francium are very similar with Caesium.


Francium is a heavy, unstable, radioactive metal with a maximum half-life of only 22 minutes. It has a low melting point (27oC, 81 oF) and, if enough of it could be accumulated, it would be liquid in a warm room.Francium is the second rarest element in the Earth's crust, next to astatine. Less than thirty grams of francium exists on Earth at any given time.

Uses of Francium
Due to its instability and rarity, there are no commercial applications for francium. It has been used for research purposes in the fields of biology and of atomic structure. Its use as a potential diagnostic aid for various cancers has also been explored, but this application has been deemed impractical. Commercially, there are no uses for francium, due to its rarity and instability. It is used for research purposes only.

Making Francium
Francium can be synthesized in the nuclear reaction: 197Au + 18O 210Fr + 5 n This process, developed by Stony Brook Physics, yields francium isotopes with masses of 209, 210, and 211, which are then isolated by the magnetooptical trap (MOT). The production rate of a particular isotope depends on the energy of the oxygen beam. An 18O beam from the Stony Brook LINAC creates 210Fr in the gold target with the nuclear reaction 197Au + 18O = 210Fr + 5n.

Francium is the least electronegative of all the elements, therefore it should be the most chemically reactive alkali metal. Unfortunately, it is not available in sufficient quantities to show it reacting with water - it is made in tiny quantities in particle accelerators. In theory, its reaction with water would be more violent than cesium's and very much more violent than sodium's.


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