Setting Up and Introducing The Classroom Computer

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Setting Up and Introducing the Classroom Computer

Completing the Computer Puzzle

How to arrange the computer learning center How to connect the various computer components How to introduce the computer learning center to young children How child-initiated activity can be supported with technology Where to place the computers in the learning center How to avoid common mistake when organizing or introducing computer center

Classroom Computer Center Location

The board guidelines for organizing space remain the same no matter what curriculum you follow:
Place related centers adjacent to each other Avoid placing quiet centers next to noisy ones Make certain that safety and physical needs are met (electricity/ traffic patterns, appropriatesized furniture and space) Plan sufficient space to allow children to work cooperatively.

Be sure that materials offer variety of multisensory and developmental experiences Use child-sized furniture to facilitate learning Arrange materials in away encourage children to assume some responsibility for maintaining the environment

Safety Equipment Care Lighting Traffic Patterns Noise Level Printer Location Furniture Secuirty

Rules of connecting
Each connection has matched partner that will fit together with it snugly If you find the perfect partner for the connection they will go together easily Avoid great strength Do not force any connection Violating either of these basic rules could result in expensive repairs

Introducing Computers to Children

Preschool and Kindergarten Explaining how a computer works Makes a computer
Preparation Assembling the Make-Believe Computer

Use of the Computer Center

Brainstorm with the class come special rules for the computer center Time and computers Child-Initiated Activities Equity (Observe children)

Locations for Computers

Computer Labs
Get involve, find out what software is available, plan to spend some time, determine the nature of the content Make strong efforts to tie children computer experiences with what happens in the classroom Display the classroom computer creations, stories and computer art Be sure two chairs at each workstations Stay and assist children Set time to debrief children when they return from the computer lab. Review and summarize Get involve on the software selections in the school, identify content, educational objectives

Computers on Rolling Cart

Promote computer use as a newness experience since they have limited access for hands-on use Teachers have limited access to the computer and is unable to plan adequately Available time is short All children dont get a chance to use the computer The computer wont wear off Children's will be happy to play with it

Avoid Common Mistake

Organizing the computer center to support only solitary computer use Having the printers out of reach and unavailable for children to watch as their work prints out Treating computers as video arcade game Supporting the notion through words or action After youre done with your homework, you can use the computer Thinking that printer is not an important component of the computer learning center When selecting software, be particularly wary products advertised as edutainment

Believing that the computer center can be an independent learning center with any introduction of instruction

Thank you Next Class at 3.00 pm Today

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