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Chinhoyi University of Technology

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology Department of ICT and Electronics

BTCI : 4.2
Anesu Mushate :C086294P

Optimum Task Scheduling Heuristic for a Banking System

What is optimum?
The most favourable conditions or level for growth, reproduction, or success. What is task scheduling.

Task scheduling is the process of arranging jobs or processes in an sequence that has an order of priority

Optimum Task Scheduling Heuristic for a Banking System

What is a heuristic? a heuristic is an algorithm that seek to find an optimum solution among many possible ones but does not guarantee that the best solution will be found.

Banking System?
The structural network of institutions that offer financial services including accepting deposits and providing loans and credit, money transmission, and investment facilities

Chapter 1 Introduction

Background to the problem

A lot of productive time is spend while people are waiting in queues. People get robbed in queues.

Queues create violence which results in vandalism of banking property and people being beaten by the police.

Problem Statement

Productive time is spent while customers wait in the bank reflecting lack of optimal task scheduling algorithm which takes cost implications into consideration while reducing time spent by customers waiting in queue before accessing a teller.

To develop an optimum task scheduling heuristic that will be used to compute a feasible and cost effective solution in reducing queues in the banking sector.

To determine the causes of long queues in the banking halls. To design an optimum task scheduling heuristic algorithm that determine the best method of retrieving customers from the queue considering cost. To identify and evaluate the impacts of the optimum task scheduling heuristic algorithm in reducing customer waiting time.


People in queues at Barclays Bank (Zimbabwean herald December 21,2011)

Loss of productive time in queues. People are getting robbed in queues. Destruction of property because of violence caused by people who get angry while they are in queues. Loss of potential customers because of inefficient queue management.


Lack of optimum task scheduling heuristic algorithm that takes cost implications as constraints in reducing time spend by customers in the queue.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

What does other authors say about
The causes long queues in the banks. The mechanisms that are used to draw customers from the queue i.e. different queuing methods that exist, Their weaknesses and strength in reducing queues

The effects of increasing or decreasing the number of tellers affect the sizes of the queues against cost implications.
What has been done to minimise queues.

Chapter 3: Methodology
In this research the following methods will be used to accomplish the proposed tasks:
Research type and general goal
The proposed research is applied and experimental The proposed research will be developed from qualitative point of view.

Population and sample
The population of the proposed research is formed by customers from the Kingdom Bank First Street Harare. The population represents a sample of real customers that will be appearing in the algorithms evaluation process.

Methods and Techniques

In this research we will use the following methods to accomplish the proposed tasks:

Queuing tips
If anything can go wrong, it will. If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now. Your queue always goes the slowest. Whatever queue you join, no matter how short it looks, will always take the longest for you to get served. ( Murphy Laws on reliability and queuing )

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