PP6-How To Mould Children

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How to mould children according to their psychology?

By Sri P. Ganeswara Rao, M. Tech.,(Structures) Chief Engineer, PR, Vig & QC

Duly identifying the preferences of children and knowing their temperaments and acting suitable, the children can be moulded suitably. There are 4 pairs of preferences in children. They are
1. 2. 3. 4. Extraversion (E) Sensing (S) Thinking (T) Judging (J) Introversion (I) Intuition (N) Feeling (F) Perceiving (P)

Observation of preferences in children: 1. Extraversion (vs) Introversion Does the child show hesitation in approaching unfamiliar visitor, teacher or game or does the child approach a visitor, teacher or game quickly and actively without apparent reserve? The introvert child is likely to hold back when faced with some thing or some one unfamiliar. The extraverted child is more likely to approach the situation without hesitation. The introverted child tends to be shy, quiet, and less intrusive than in the extraverted child. The extraverted child, by way of contrast, is usually understands relatives well and easily to others.

2.Sensing (vs) Intuition Does the child day dreams frequently and seems hungry for fantastic tales, even wanting them repeated over and over (or) is the child more bent on action getting involved in games and liking more factual stories? The intuitive child is apt to ask for a repetition of stories whether read from a book or told over and over and he is apt to want to hear stories of fantasy and metaphor.

The S child likes stories with a large amount of details and usually prefers a new one to oft-repeated tale. The N child is apt to anticipate to be events more than does the S child. If a promise is made to N child, breaking that promise can be a tragic occurrence, whereas the S child might take the change of plans in stride.

3. Thinking (Vs) Feeling When asked to obey in a situation, he does not quite understand, does the child tend to ask for reasons or does the child tend to seek to please. The T child likely to know the reasons for being asked to do some thing while F child does it to pleasing others without asking any reasons and shows his obedience.

4. Perceiving (Vs) Judging Does the child seems to want things settled, decided, choosen or does he wants to be surprised and choices at all times? The J child seems to want things established and in order. The J child who is likely to be ready for school on time to worry about being late. The P child may seem unconcerned about whether he is on time for class or not.

The temperaments in Children There are four temperaments in children. They are as follows (SP,SJ, NT and NF). 1. The Dionysian (sensible playful SP) The SP child is very active. SPs psychological response shows a greater enjoyment. SP generally enjoys his food and is called a good eater. SP generally does not bother about clean rooms or orderly closets. SP is cheerful in the class room and brings fun and laughter. Lecture type presentations should be short for SPs and they like action, audio, video classes and instrumental classes. The SP is not apt to pay much attention to directions whether clear or not.


The Epimethian (Sensible Judicious SJ)

The SJ seeks the security of parental firmness and he does well in a large family. Frequental residential changes can be unsettling to an SJ child. The SJ enjoys routines and responds to the assignment of specific responsibilities. The SJ also responds to scolding and negative criticism. The SJ adjusts well to the school environment and school routine. The SJ child is apt to worry about his school work and dedicated to pleasing his teacher. The SJ learner needs constant feed back from the adults around him on how he is doing, he wants to do the things in the right way. The SJ child responds well to praise such as You are a good boy/girl, you did that just the way I wanted, Your work is very neat, etc., The SJ child enjoys being given detailed directions.


The promethean (Intuitive thinking NT)

The NT child talks early and learn to read long before he goes to school. The NT child is apt to keep at parents with why questions like why does the sun come up there and not there?, why cant I fly like a bird?. Physical punishment is deeply violating to the NT. Dignity is usually important to NT child and he is described as Prideful. The NT child deeply involve with a new toy playing with it for hours. Once the NT child understands the toy, he is no longer interested. The NT child responds well to negative criticism. The NTs usually do well in school. They usually do not skip the difficult subjects such as hard sciences and advanced mathematics. The NT likes to be given directions only once and becomes impatient with repetition. The NT learner needs to receive feed back on the quality of his work.


The Appollonian (Intuitive Feeling NF)

The NF is likely to begin to talk early and extraverted NFs may seem to their parents to never stop talking. The NF child become insecure when his parents quarrel. He needs the assurance that those around him are in harmony. NF children are apt to enjoy people toys, dolls or animals. The NF child is apt to be hypersensitive to anothers feelings. He tends to suffer with the loser even if he is the winner, he feels bad about the loser. NF children need and like to discuss the content of their lessons. Promises are important to NF child, if those commitments are not honoured, the neglect is felt very deeply and taken very personally, he flourishes in an atmosphere of love and harmony. NF needs to be loved by his teaches as well as parents. NF student usually enjoys social studies as well as languages. The NFs should be given both oral and written directions. The NFs value the messages like I value you, You are important to me, etc.

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