Suggestion Schemes & Union's Attitude Towards It: Aditi V. Jain Aditya Oak Sampada Naik

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Suggestion Schemes & Unions Attitude Towards It

Aditi V. Jain () Aditya Oak () Sampada Naik ()

First recorded suggestion program by British Navy in 1770. Eastman Kodaks Employee Suggestion System in 1898; first physical box to collect ideas appeared at William Denny & Brothers Shipyard in 1880 This method gained popularity in the manufacturing sector post WWII

Employee Suggestion Scheme

International Labour Organisation promotes this system under its Factory Improvement Program

Government of India, under its Ministry of Labour & Employment, through Director General, Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) promotes this and declares Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskars (Awards)

Indian Companies that Implement

Suggestions Schemes Work Because

Good ideas are not dependent on age, education or hierarchical levels. Employees have the actual knowledge of work, processes, relationships and environmental complexities and they counter the problems at work Other benefits such as recognition, sense of contribution, idea sharing etc

system in which people who work for an organization suggest ways in which it could be improved, and are given rewards for useful suggestions. A system whereby employees can make suggestions on how the organisation should be run more efficiently or profitably Suggestions are requested on the following topics : Engineering / Technical Inspection Methods and Procedures Process changes / Drawings Material / Procedure related Gauges and Tools Logistics

1. 2. 3. 4.

Objectives of suggestion scheme: To stimulate creativity To encourage employee participation To recognise constructive ideas by rewards To imbibe a spirit of co-operation and teamwork amongst employees at all levels.

ELIGIBILITY All employees other than Managers are eligible to give suggestions. Suggestions are invited from all areas of operations. There is no restriction in the number of suggestions that an employee can give.

ELIGIBLE SUGGESTIONS Productivity enhancement Cost saving Reduction of cycle time, machine setting, inspection or through put time. Process standardization. Improvements of tools/fixture Waste elimination Quality improvement and Defect prevention. Improvements in industrial safety, material handling, house keeping, operational efficiency, packing and transportation. Conservation of energy, water and other resources. Inventory reduction Any other innovative ideas. NON ELIGIBLE SUGGESTIONS

Govt. Rules/ Regulations Company Policy Personal grievance Pertaining to routine work and correction of an obvious error.


Suggestion scheme at Telco

Motivation and morale are also helped through an appropriate suggestion scheme. For example, the suggestion scheme is described as partnership for progress scheme at Telco According to the Company, it has helped boost employee morale. Under this scheme, handsome cash awards are offered to employees who come up with practice ideas to save money, materials or man hours and increase productivity. Under tis scheme, many suggestions have been received and implemented dealing with diverse subjects such as reuse of scrap, import substitution, saving in operation time, improvements in procedures, safety and beautifying the town. This testifies to the popularity of scheme;. The Company gives away, on an average, Rs 40,0000 a year in Suggestions Box awards which is probably the highest amount disbursed by an organisation in India.

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