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Presented by: Fay Ballo Jeremiah Villaroman Sachi Iwasaki Jenelle Ouyang Lucelle Zuniga

From Greek: an archo (no rule/no govt)

Abolish the State

Anarchism or anarchist thought were already found in

Greek and Chinese writings, Utopian religious movements in the Middle Ages This ideology first originated in the outbreak of the French Revolution in the 18th century In the late 19th century this emerged throughout Europe, particulary in Southern Europe, such as Spain. This idea was further more involved in uprisings and revolutions.

Anarchism is a political theory that opposes any

structure that is hierarchal, coercive and authoritarian. It points out the importance of gaining freedom and equality for all. Emphasizes individual freedom, choice and centers on the view of human potential. In order for us to achieve our full potential, Anarchism argues that there is a need to overthrow the authority.

Human beings are essentially good, but this is

corrupted by the government and other artificial and coercive institutions. We generally think of ourselves as free, but in fact this is not true. We are highly controlled by the state or by our religion that is why overthrowing the authorities would help us reach our full potential. This idea would help bring freedom and equality for all, and with this it believes that every single one of us can live a decent life.

Government is defined by anarchist by

nature evil and immoral. It causes ills in the society,

forces people to do things they dont want (like tax and wars) Not all government functions are rejected Government can exist in order to protect the people from invasion by other countries and to coordinate productive work within the society Government should be small and decentralized, not all powerful and controlling

Anarchist criticize the blond acceptance of the status

quo. This serves as mental indolence among the people. Instead all of us have the right to examine ideas to analyze and investigate every propositionEmma Goldman

William Godwin (British) late 18th c. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (French) 19th c.

Peter Kropotkin (Russian) late 19th c.

Mikhail Bakunin (Russian) late 19th c. Emma Goldman (Lithuanian-American)

Red Emma

Anarchism was great liberator

from Religion, State and Property Early feminist

ANARCHISM:--The philosophy of a new social order

based on liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on violence, and are therefore wrong and harmful, as well as unnecessary.

Two misconceptions about anarchism: 1. That it is impractical, merely a beautiful idea. Goldman says it is the current system that is wrong, foolish,

and impractical. In contrast, anarchism promotes a vital new society that will eliminate wrong and foolish practices.
2. That it is violent, destructive and dangerous - a

black monster bent on swallowing everything. Anarchists claim that they are constructive, not destructive, because they want to build a society free of the chaotic and disfiguring features of current society.

Goldman also believes that the society is has 3

Oppresive Institutions: 1. State 2. Religion Because of the view that man is a mere speck of dust who owes complete surrender to a superior power on high. She criticizes this idea of a spiritual hierarchy. 3. Private Property To her, this is the most oppressive. For the average person, private property has robbed him of his birthright, and has turned him loose a pauper and an outcast.

That government which governs best

governs not at all Incensed about Spanish-American war and slavery Advocate violent overthrow of the State or advocate a peaceful path that can lead to a cooperative society Basically, replace government with a consensual and cooperative society where people can live according to higher individual or communal ideals

Wrote War and Peace

Devout Pacifist
State exists to commit violence Must peacefully be abolished Anarcho-Communism Played important role in socialist movement Marxs main rivals Some made strong moral case pacifism and non-

violence Others criticized need for a transitional proletarian government

Advocated violence to overthrow

the state
Destruction of oppressor (state)

would liberate the people

Split with Marx Wanted no dictatorship of proletariat

Anarcho-Socialism Anarcho- Syndicalism

Anarcho-Communism Individualist Anarchism

Social Anarchism. Advocated a collectivist society,

combining the fundamental principles of Socialism and Anarchism, while the other advocates an individualist system with heavy emphasis on human liberty.

Form of Anarchism that revolves around the labor

movement, advocating the abolishment of the State and Capitalism in favor of a society where workers rule.

Is in a form of Anarchism that directly opposes

Anarcho-Communism. It advocates the destruction of State but not the Capitalist system. Instead this revolves entirely around the existence of Capitalism

A socio-economic system that combines the basic

ideas of Anarchism and Communism. It advocates the destruction of State, private property, and capital, and asserts that such systems should be replaced by Direct Democracy and common ownership by means of production.

Lies on the extreme and sometimes dubious fringe of

the libertarian philosophies since, in seeking to assure the absolute independence of the person, it often seems to negate the social basis of true anarchism.

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