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Urban music magazines

All magazines have a dual income revenue stream. This means that the

money comes from two places: advertisements and magazine sales.

Magazine sales
Magazine companies do not make a lot of profit from individual

magazine sales. This is because as well as paying all of the fixed costs to make the magazine, the company must also pay for the logistics in order for the magazines to reach different destinations, and they must pay the news stand company for providing the space to sell the magazine. Magazines make far more money from subscriptions since they cut out costs such as transport, and get their product directly to the consumer. Magazine companies also have your address so they can make a pitch to renew your magazine subscription when it is coming to an end, as well as pitch any other magazines they may produce that they think could be of interest to you.

There are two types of advertisements in magazines: Classified

Advertising and Other Advertising. Advertising is the single best way that a magazine makes money. This is done by allowing advertisers to use the magazines unused space throughout the issue, including the inner and outer covers. Full back-page cover adverts usually cost several thousand dollars (or more) in popular magazines with national coverage. Not only does the magazine make money with this form of advertising, it also fills up the pages by placing ads in space on pages around the story lines. The magazine looks better as there are no white spaces, and its revenue increases. The more circulation the magazine gets and the more popular it is, the more expensive it will be for businesses to advertise in that magazine.

Publishing houses

IPC Media NME Billboard Publications Billboard Magazine Vibe Media Group Vibe Magazine Bauer MOJO, Q, Kerrang!

A Publishing house is a business that publishes magazines.

These magazines may be from various genres such as music, fashion, lifestyle, sports etc. Music magazines will usually look for publishers who do not already publish a magazine similar to theirs, therefore there is less chance of competition within the publishing house. This may be part of the reason why large music magazines such as Billboard and Vibe eventually started publishing their own magazines rather than giving them to a publisher.

Online vs. Print

The zeitgeist seems to be technology and online media such as social networking sites, the internet, smart phones, mobile apps etc. Therefore, the magazine industry must ensure that they keep up with this new trend in order to stay current and appeal to their audiences. It is very difficult for magazines and print media to compete with the internet (seeing as it is so advanced compared to any print media out there), as a result, readers can get the latest music industry news straight from the internet instead of waiting a week or month for the next issue of a magazine. This has resulted in many magazines deciding to control this situation by making sure that their company gives out any information that the readers will find online. Music magazines do this through having their own websites and using well-known social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. The magazines may tweet the latest headlines, which will encourage their followers to buy the next issue of the magazine in order to find out more information. This also means that the readers will get the information straight away, as soon as it is posted in the internet, keeping their customer loyalty to the magazine. They must also keep up with the latest fandom about new music stars as musicians seem to be the new obsession. An example of this would be Justin Biebers beliebers or One Directions directioners.

Online vs. Print

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