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Corporate Legal Environment Guide by Mrs Jagmeet Kaur Prepared by Avinandan Kumar

Sections Questions-Answers Leading Cases True-False Identify the Diagram Rapid Fire Examples & Effects

Round 1: Sections

This round consists of seven questions for each team. No negative Marking. 20 marks for each right answer. Every team has to give answer in 20 seconds. Question will pass to the next team if previous team fails to give the correct Ans. Time for passed question is 5 seconds and marks are 10.

Section of Contract:Ans. Section-2(h).

Section of Offer: Ans. Section-2(a).

Section of Acceptance: Ans. Section-2(b).

Section of Agreement: Ans. Section-2(e).

Section of Modes of Revocation: Ans. Section-130.

Section of Consideration: Ans. Section-2(d).

Section of Capacity of Parties: Ans. Section-11.

Person of Unsound Mind comes under Section: Ans. Section-12.

Section of Free Consent: Ans. Section-13

Section of Coercion: Ans. Section-15

Section of Undue Influence: Ans. Section-16(1).

Section of Fraud: Ans. Section-17.

Section of Mis-representation: Ans. Section-18.

Section of Mistake: Ans. Section-21.

Section of Legality of Object & Consideration: Ans. Section-23.

Section of Agreement by the way of Wager: Ans. Section-30.

Section of Performance of Contracts: Ans. Section-37.

Section of Discharge Contract by Agreement: Ans. Section-62

Section of Discharge Contract by Breach: Ans. Section-39.

Section of Discharge Contract by Performance: Ans. Section-37.

Section of Discharge Contract by Impossibility: Ans. Section-56.

Section of Contract of Indemnity: Ans. Section-124.

Section of Contract of Guarantee: Ans. Section-126.

Section of Law Relating to Bailment: Ans. Section-148.

Section of Particular Lien: Ans. Section-170.

Section of General Lien: Ans. Section-171.

Section of Agent: Ans. Section-182.

Section of Common Carrier: Ans. Section-2.

Round 2: QuestionAnswers

How many parties involved in Carrier and name them? Ans. 3 Parties-Consignor, Consignee & Carrier.

How many parties involved in Insurance and name them? Ans. 2 Parties-Insured & Insurer.

How many parties involved in Bailment and name them? Ans. 2 Parties-Bailor & Bailee.

How many parties involved in Pledge and name them? Ans. 2 Parties- Pledger or Pawner & Pledgee or Pawnee.

Name the parties involved in Indemnity. Ans. Indemnifier & Indemnified.

Name the parties involved in Guarantee. Ans. Surety, Principal debtor & Creditor.

Name the parties of Contract Act. Ans. Offeror & oferee.

Which parties are capable to form a Contract? Ans. Major, Person of sound mind & person not disqualified by law.

Consideration is also called: Ans. Quid-pro-quo.

Free Consent is also called: Ans. Consensus-ad-idem.

Bailees Lien is also known as: Ans. Particular Lien.

Second name of Pledge is: Ans. Pawn.

Contract Consists of: Ans. Agreement + Enforceability at Law.

Agreement includes: Ans. Offer + Acceptance.

What are the Different types of Damage? Ans. General Damage, Special Damage, Vindictive Damage & Nominal Damage.

What are the Basis for the Classification of the Contract? Ans. (a)On the basis of Validity. (b) On the basis of Formation. (c) On the basis of Performance.

Consent is said to be free when it is not caused by: Ans. Coercion, Undue influence, Fraud, Misrepresentation & Mistake.

What are the various types of Carrier? Ans. Common Carrier & Private Carrier.

What are the different types of Charter Party? Ans. (a)Voyage charter. (b) Time charter. (c) Charter with or without a lease or demise of the ship.

Name the different types of Offer: Ans. (a)Conditional. (b)

Round 3: Leading Case

Leading Case of Enforceable at Law: Ans. Balfour vs Balfour,1919.

Leading Case of Offer may be conditional: Ans. Thompson vs L.M. & Railwas,1930.

Leading Case of Acceptance must be communicated to offeror: Ans. Brodgen vs Metropolitan Railway,1877.

Leading Case of Object defeats the provisions of any law: Ans. Rama Murthy vs Gopaya,1963.

Leading Case of Acceptance: Ans. Lalman Shukla vs Gauri Dutt,1913.

Leading Case of Consideration must be move from Promisee: Ans. Chinnayya vs Rammayya,1881.

Leading Case of Minor under the capacity of parties: Ans. Mohori bibi vs Dharmodas Ghosh,1903.

Leading Case of Fraud: Ans. Horsefall vs Thomas,1862.

Leading case of Exceptions to the rule of stranger to contract: Ans. Daroti vs Jaspat Rai,1905.

Leading Case of Duty of Agent on termination of agency on Principals death: Ans. Ebrahim vs Chunnilal.

Leading Case of the discharge of surety from his liabilities: Ans. Bonar vs Macdonald,1850.

Leading Case of Consideration must move at the desire of the promisor: Ans. Durga Parsad vs Baldeo,1880.

Round 4: True or False

Offer must not be communicated to the oferee. Ans. False.

An offer can never be implied. Ans. False.

An invitation to offer is not an offer. Ans. True.

Acceptance can not be implied form silence. Ans. True.

Consideration may be past, present or future. Ans. True.

Consideration of an agreement is lawful if it is forbidden by law. Ans. False.

Consideration of an agreement is unlawful if court regards it as immoral. Ans. True.

In novation old contract is replaced by new contract either between the same parties or between the different parties. Ans. True.

Common carrier can refuse to carry goods if the conveyance is already full. Ans. True.

Common carrier is not bound to carry gods safely. Ans. False.

Common carrier has no right to refuse to carry goods in any situation. Ans. False.

Bill of lading is a document acknowledging the shipment of goods signed by the carrier. Ans. True.

Carrier is liable for the damage due to act of god to goods in transit. Ans. False.

In contract of indemnity, the liability of indemnifier is secondary in nature. Ans. False.

All illegal agreements are not void. Ans. False.

All void agreements are illegal. Ans. False.

Round 5: Name the Diagram

Offer & Acceptance

Legal formalities Intention to create Legal relations

Not declared to be void

Lawful consideration

Possibility of performance

Capacity of parties

Certainty of meaning

Free consent

Lawful object

Ans:Essentials of a valid contract

Offer must be capable of Creating legal relations

An invitation to offer is not an offer It must be certain, Definite & not vague

Lapse of an offer

It must be communicated to the offeree

It should not contain a term non-compliance of which would amount to acceptance

It must be made with a View to obtaining the assent of the other party

It may be conditional

Ans. Requirements of a valid offer.

It must be absolute and unconditional

It cannot be implied from silence It must be communicated to the offeror

It must be given before the offer lapses

Acceptance must be made within a reasonable time

The acceptor must be aware of the proposal at the time of the offer

It must be according to the mode prescribed

Ans. Essentials of a valid acceptance.

It must move at the desire of the promisor

It must be lawful

It must move from the promisee

It must be real

It must be past, present or future

It need not be adequate

Ans:Essentials of valid consideration

By notice of revocation By lapse of time By non-fulfilment of condition precedent By death or insanity By counter offer By the non-acceptance of the Offer according to the prescribed Or usual mode

Ans:Lapse or revocation of an offer

If it is forbidden by law It is of such a nature that if permitted it would defeat the provisions of any law If it is fraudulent If it involves injury to the person or property of another If the court regards it as immoral If the court regards it as being opposed to public policy

Ans. Unlawful Object and consideration.

Discharge by agreement Discharge by operation of law Discharge by breach

Discharge by performance
Discharge by impossibility Discharge by lapse of time

Ans. Modes of Discharge of contract.

Cancellation or Rescission Restitution Specific performance

Quantum meruit Damages

Ans. Remedies for breach of contract.

Ans:Fundamental elements/Principles of insurance.

The passenger ticket

Air consignment note or air way bill

The luggage ticket or baggage ticket

Ans. Documents of carriage by air.

Time charter

Charter by demise

Voyage charter

Ans: Kinds of charter party

Common carrier

Gratuitous carrier

Private carrier


Round 6: Rapid Fire

Round 7: Examples & Effects

Mr.X takes on hire a house from Mr.Y for use as a gambling place. Gambling being an illegal act,the contract oh hiring is void.

Ans. Lawful object

Mr.X proposes to sell his bike to Mr.Y for Rs 20,000 and Mr.Y accepts this proposal.

Ans. Valid agreement

A agrees to sell his books to B for Rs100,B promises to pay Rs 100 is the consideration for As promise to sell his books and As promise to sell the books is the consideration for Bs promise to pay Rs 100.

Ans. Lawful consideration

The letter of acceptance is posted by B on 14th.A can revoke his proposal at any time before 14th or before the posting of letter of acceptance.

Ans. Time of revocation of offer

Y offers to sell his bike to Z for Rs10,000.Z accepts Ys offer. Y delivers the bike to Z and Z pays Rs 10,000 to Y.

Ans.Executed contract

The relationship between the finder of lost goods and its true owner.

Quasi contract

A agrees to have lunch at a friends (B) house on a promised date. But A fails to arrive at Bs house on promised date. Can B sue to A? Justify your answer.

A who owns two cars, one Maruti and the other Santro, offers to sell B one car. A intending it to be the Maruti car. B accepts the offer thinking that it is the Santro. Can they form a valid contract? Give reasons to justify your answer. Ans consent not free

T, who could not read, took an excursion ticket on the railway. On the front of the ticket was printed for conditions see back. One of the conditions was that the railway company would not be liable for personal injuries to passengers. T was injured by a railway accident. Can T sue the railway company for damages and injuries? Give reasons to support your answers. Yes for sue

D offered to sell wool to H on Thursday and agreed to give him three days time to accept. H accepted the offer on Monday, but by that time D had sold the wool. Can H sue D? justify your answer. No accept is not within time

X, a minor insured his goods with an insurance company. The goods were damaged. X filed a suit for claim. The insurance company took the plea that the person on whose behalf the goods were insured was minor. Can the insurance company do so? Justify your answer. Yes

An illiterate woman executed a deed under the impression, that she was executing a deed authorizing her nephew to manage her lands, while in fact it was deed of gift in favor of her nephew. The evidence showed that the woman never intended to execute such a deed of gift nor was deed read or explained to her. Can she file a suit against her nephew? Justify your answer. No

By threat of suicide, a Hindu induced his wife and son to execute a release in favor his brother in respect of certain properties which they claim as their own. What will be the effect of it? Voiadable contract

A poor Hindu widow who was in dire need of money was forced by a money lender to agree to pay 100% rate of interest. What will be the effect of it? Voiadable contract considration is not valid

A person aged over 60 years & thus beyond insurable age, deliberately makes a false statement that he is 48 years old in order to take out an insurance policy. What will its effect? Voidable contract

A, a horse dealer sold a mare to B. A knew that the mare had a cracked hoof, which is filled up in such a way to defy detection. The defect was subsequently discovered by B. what will be the effect of this contract? Voiadable /fraud contract

A intends to sell his horse to B and says, My horse is perfectly sound. a genuinely believes the horse to be sound, although he does not know that the horse has fallen ill yesterday. B there upon buys the horse. Give its effect. No

A seller, within the knowledge of B, the buyer, makes a mistake in writing the figure $1250. What will its effect? A sue to b

A, B & C enter into in an agreement for the division among them of gains acquired or to be acquired by them by fraud. Give its effect. voiadale

A & B contract to marry each other. Before the time fixed for the marriage, A goes mad. What will its effect? Breach of contract

A borrowed Rs. 5,000 from B a money lender and agreed to repay the loan on 31st March, 1986. On 31st March, 1986 A failed to repay the loan. B remains does not demand payment for the same for a period of three years. B cannot recover the amount of loan from A. Why? No

N, a film actress agreed to act exclusively for Worner Bros for one year. During the year she contracted to act for X. but she could not do so. Why?

Round 8: Identify the terms in which the difference is given

It involves the use of physical force. coericion It involves the use of moral pressure. Undue inflence

It involves a criminal act.

It does not involve any criminal act.

A false statement made with an intention to deceive. fraud

A false statement made without an intention to deceive. mistake

It may amount to an offence of cheating. It is a criminal act.

It gives a right to avoid a contract only.

Its defect is curable.

Its defects are incurable.

Liability of indemnifier is primary plede.

Liability of surety is secondary. garantee

It can be exercised by all bailees. bailment

It can be exercised only by bankers, factors, attorneys and policy brokers. garantee

It is for reimbursement for loss.

It is for the surety of the creditor.

It can be exercised only against the goods on which bailee has rendered services.

It can be exercised against the goods of property of another in possession of the person exercising the right.

It carries goods for all persons in discriminately.

It carries goods of particular persons of his own choice.

The aggrieved party has the right to claim damages in addition to his right of avoid the contract.

But in this the contract merely avoided.

It is one who is engaged in a regular trade or business.

It is engaged in casual occupation.

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