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Dramatic Opener or Hook Transitional Sentence

Thesis Statement

Topic Sentence Details and Examples

Concluding Transition Sentence

The body of your essay can be three or more paragraphs long.

Summary Statement (restate your thesis) Clincher

Introduction Contains background information on the topic, but not information specific to the essay itself Last sentence should be the thesis statement a general, three point outline on the paper Body paragraphs At least one body paragraph on each point from the thesis statement Should contain specifics as to each point Be as detailed as necessary Conclusion
Should be a mirror image of the introduction Restate the thesis Wrap up the paper

Every essay has three parts: a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning is also called the introduction. The introduction has two main purposes: to draw the reader in and make him/her want to read more and to prepare the reader for the direction that the essay is going to take. The introduction usually has three parts: 1. The hook (or dramatic opener) consists of several sentences that pull the reader into the essay. 2. The transitional sentence connects the hook to the thesis statement. 3. The thesis statement is one or two sentences that states the idea of the essay.

The Thesis Statement: What is It?

It is the last sentence of your introductory paragraph. It makes a connection between the overall topic of your paper and how you will discuss that topic using specific examples.

A very basic thesis statement is one or two sentences at the end of the first paragraph that tells the reader the main idea of your essay. The thesis statement tells the reader what the essay will be about, and what point you, the author, will be making.
A thesis statement should do these three things: 1. It should clearly express what the essay is about. 2. It should make a discussible point. 3. It should indicate the structure of the essay. Here is an example of a thesis statement for an essay about why a dog would make a great pet. My three major points will be that dogs are loyal, easy to train, and make good companions. (these are your topics for the BODY of the essay). Here is an example of a thesis statement that I could use for my essay. Thesis Statement: A dog would make a great pet for me because they are very loyal, they are easy to train, and they make good companions.

A thesis statement is an assertion (a claim or declaration), not a statement of fact or an observation.

Fact or observation: People use many lawn chemicals. Thesis: People are poisoning the environment with chemicals merely to keep their lawns clean.

A thesis takes a stand rather than announcing a subject.

Announcement: The thesis of this paper is the difficulty of solving our environmental problems.
Thesis: Solving our environmental problems is more difficult than many environmentalists believe.

A thesis is the main idea, not the title. It must be a complete sentence that explains in some detail what you expect to write about.
Title: Social Security and Old Age.
Thesis: Continuing changes in the Social Security System makes it almost impossible to plan intelligently for one's retirement.

A thesis statement is narrow, rather than broad. If the thesis statement is sufficiently narrow, it can be fully supported.
Broad: The Canadian steel industry has many problems.
Narrow: The primary problem if the Canadian steel industry is the lack of funds to renovate outdated plants and equipment.

A thesis statement is specific rather than vague or general.

Vague: Hemingway's war stories are very good.
Specific: Hemingway's stories helped create a new prose style by employing extensive dialogue, shorter sentences, and strong AngloSaxon words.

A thesis statement has one main point rather than several main points. More than one point may be too difficult for the reader to understand and the writer to support.
More than one main point: Stephen Hawking's physical disability has not prevented him from becoming a worldrenowned physicist, and his book is the subject of a movie.
One Main point: Stephen Hawking's physical disability has not prevented him from becoming a world renowned physicist.

Thesis Statements
Your thesis statement will have two parts. The first part states the topic.
Kenya's Culture Building a Model Train Set Public Transportation

The second part states the point of the essay.

has a rich and varied history takes time and patience can solve some of our city's most persistent and pressing problems

Once you have formulated a thesis statement that fits this pattern and with which you are comfortable, you are ready to continue.

Revising Your Thesis Statement

You can revise your thesis statement whenever you want to while you are writing your essay. Writers often discover what their real purpose and point is in the process of putting their thoughts into words and then reading what they've written.

Thesis Statement
It should have 3 (for a 5 paragraph essay) points specifically laid out in the order you want to discuss them: Dogs are great pets because they help owners get exercise and are loyal and friendly. Paragraph 1 will be about dogs helping owners get exercise, Paragraph 2 about dogs being loyal, Paragraph 3 about dogs being friendly.

If using this as a thesis, the paper should follow the format it lays out.

You should be able to transition smoothly between paragraphs, so order your points in a manner that flows well logically. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that relates directly back to your thesis.

Now you are ready to put the introductory paragraph together. Remember that the transitional sentence acts like a bridge to make a smooth connection between the hook and the thesis statement. You don't always need to include a transitional sentence, but you should always evaluate your introduction to see if one is necessary. Here's an example of an introductory paragraph for the "favorite pet" essay using a quotation for the hook.



The author Aldous Huxley once said, To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs. As I consider the pet I would like to have share my life, its Huxleys quote that sums up why a dog would be the best choice. Because of its sense of loyalty, its ability to protect you and its great companionship, a dog is the perfect pet.

What is the body of an essay?

The body of an essay is the part between the introduction and the conclusion. It contains the evidence. So far, we have used the example of three paragraphs, but there can be a hundred or more paragraphs to an essay. It all depends on the subject of your essay. If you have a lot to say about your subject, you will probably have more than 3 body paragraphs. Each paragraph in the body of the essay contains the following sentences: TOPIC SENTENCE: This sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is going to be about.
DETAIL SENTENCE: Your paragraph can have many detail sentences. The detail sentence tells your reader a little more about your topic. Each detail sentence must include an EXAMPLE. CONCLUDING/TRANSITIONAL SENTENCE: This sentence wraps up what you have already told the readers and gets them ready for the next paragraph.

Body Paragraph #1
Discusses the first topic of your thesis statement. Begins with a sentence that connects the subject of your paper and the first area of discussion.

Body Paragraph #2
Discusses the second topic of your thesis statement. Begins with a sentence that connects the overall subject of the paper, the previous paragraphs topic, and the current topic using a transitional phrase.

Transitional Phrases
Make stronger connections between paragraphs within a paper. Act as a bridge between the previous discussion and the current discussion. Some common transitions:
To add: and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.) To conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole

Body Paragraph #3
Discusses the third topic of your thesis statement. Begins with a sentence that connects the subject of the paper, the previous paragraphs topic, and the current topic using a transitional phrase.

Generally the hardest part for students to write should be a mirror image of the introduction Restate the thesis (use different words) Wrap up the paper

Just as every essay has a clear beginning, it should have a clear ending. The last paragraph, also know as the conclusion, should make your essay sound finished.

The concluding paragraph typically has two parts:

1. The summary statement is one or two sentences which restate the thesis in a fresh way to reinforce the essay's main idea. 2. The clincher is a final thought which should create a lasting impression on the reader.

The summary statement is an effective way to start your concluding paragraph because it helps to drive home the ideas you've expressed in your essay. Look at your thesis statement again and rework it in a new way. Avoid repeating key words and phrases from the thesis statement because you don't want the summary statement to sound boring or repetitive. Using a thesaurus is a good way to find new, interesting words. Here is an examples of thesis statements and summary statements: Thesis Statement: Many Americans are buying the Toyota Corolla because of its competitive price, fuel economy, and high resale value. Summary Statement: Reasonable pricing, low miles per gallon, and an attractive resale value have all contributed to the popularity of the Toyota Corolla in today's market.

The clincher, also referred to as the closer, is your last opportunity to connect with the reader. One way to make the most of this moment is to return to the technique you used for your hook. Here is a list of clinchers.

Complete the Anecdote (the story you told at the beginning.

Ask a final rhetorical question.

Use a new quotation or refer back to the opening quotation. Continue the original description of a character, setting, or object. Make a prediction or recommendation based on the facts you researched.

Now lets put it all together. Here's an example of a concluding paragraph for the "favorite pet" essay that uses a quotation as the clincher.
Summary Statement Clincher

Nothing can compare to a dogs dedication, intelligence, and friendship. Because a dog offers all these wonderful qualities and more, it is once again clear why people say that a dog is mans best friend. Dogs not only make great pets but also wonderful companions.

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