Argumentum Ad Populum (Appeal To The People)

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Argumentum ad populum

(Appeal to people)

Twinkle Joy Gagarin and Alifa Camille Santos 4-A Biochemistry

Argumentum ad populum
From the Latin word, to the people. Also called appeal to the mob or appeal to the masses. This fallacy consists in advancing an argument for a certain principle and rule without any sufficient reason to prove it.

It simply makes an appeal to the prejudices and passions of the populace

This fallacy occurs when: One is attempting to win popular assent to a conclusion by arousing the feeling and

enthusiasm of the multitude.

The case of a communist fanatic tried to stir up the feelings and passion of the listeners by:
1.) By presenting pictures of the oppressed laborers as

result of the unequal treatment.

2.) Then proposing the idea of communism as a good system without actual proof that it really is.

Two Forms:
1.) Snob Appeal the fallacy of attempting to prove a conclusion by appealing to what an elite or a select few (but not necessarily an authority) in a society thinks or believes.

Example #1: According to Charles Darwin, Men evolved from apes.

Charles Darwin is a genius.

So its true that men came from apes.


Charles Darwin is a genius, therefore there is no doubt on his assumptions.

Example #2: A ferrari sports car isnt for everyone. But then, youve always stood apart from the

crowd, havent you?

So ferrari is the car for you.


Having a ferrari sports car will make the customer or client stand out more

Two Forms:
2.) Bandwagon the fallacy of attempting to prove a conclusion on the grounds that all or most people think or believe it is true.

Example #1: Most people believe that a perfect figure , height and complexion defines beauty.

Therefore, to be considered beautiful, I must be tall , slim and fair.

Explanation: These characteristics of beauty are considered as the standard because majority believes that it is.

Example #2: Most analysts consider Jollibee Corporation a well-run company with excellent management.

So its common stock is a good investment.

Explanation: Since financial analysts have a good review regarding Jollibee, investing to this company will be worth it.

Argumentum ad populum in advertising:

Caring mothers choose pampers Watch the vampire diaries - the #1 watched show on television! The most successful business people in the country read the The Business World shouldn't you read it, too Over four million people have switched to our insurance company shouldn't you Lactum is preferred by 8 out of 10 moms.

Thank you for Listening!


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