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Functions of Communication

Group: Timothy Ruby Jyoti Nikita

Main Functions of Communication

Information Persuasion

It consists of facts & figures. It does not include emotions. Information moves in all directions. It can be oral or written.

It is an effort to change or influence the attitudes & behavior of others. Factors: 1. Source Credibility 2. Emotional Appeal 3. Must be reasonable

Difference Between Information & Persuasion

Emotions Purpose/Style/Tone

Downward Communication

Functions of Downward Communication

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Instructions & Orders Education & Training On-the-job Training Motivation Raising Morale Advice Counseling Warning Appreciation

Instructions: It is information about processes & procedures. Mostly oral

Orders : It is formal In written form Office Orders : formal written statement of any change to be effected in office routine.

Education: Development of the general & special abilities of the mind. Training: Practical education or practice under supervision, in some particular skill. It is an organized program.

On-The-Job Training
Given to new employees to learn new skills, the routine & the policies related to their particular field. It is in-house Oral communication

Morale is the individual and collective spirit and Morale condition of employees with regards to discipline and confidence Keeping employees inform Upward Communication Low Morale = Poor Performance Eg: Informal Meeting and Special Meeting

Motivation means providing people with a motive, an incentive, an inner urge to make effort to do their best Ways to motivate Subordinates and team mates in an organisation can be done as fallow Listening Appreciation Avoiding Criticisms Other Important factors are: Open communication Co-operative and friendly Regular and careful communication

Advice may be given on matters related to work, or on personal matters, if the relationship permits Advice is most effective if it is oral, face-to face, informal and confidential

Counselling is an organised and specialised form of advice Eg: Doctor, lawyer etc Employee welfare

Warning means urging or advising someone to be careful. A warning is also an authoritative or formal notice of something unfavourable When is warning given?
It may be given orally or in writing Warning and legal notices are given only after milder methods have failed to achieve results

Appreciation creates good attitude among the staff

Methods of Appreciation

Public Occasion Meeting / Function

Letter of Appreciation Notices Minutes of a meeting House Magazine

Giving Certificate Promotion Special Invitation

Functions of Upward Communication


Appeal Demand Representation Complaint Suggestion

Request: Request are made by staff for various kinds of permission. First stage is the immediate superior and written request to a higher authority.
Application: written request given full details of the matter and suppose with reason whenever is necessary.

Appeal: Is obtained by appealing to higher authority with proper reason and appeal may be written or oral by on individual or a group.
Demand: Request and appeals for better service condition may turn in to demand if the management is unsympathy pr the union is aggressive.

Representation: Representation is always in writing. Representation may be made by a group

Complaint : Complaint is made when there are a faults and defects in the system a complaint maybe written or a oral.

Suggestion: Suggestion can be mad by any employee or customer. Suggestion from employee at all levels are greatly welcome by modern management well operated suggestion is a effective moral building.

Functions of Horizontal Communication

Exchange of information Discussion Co-ordination Conflict Resolution Problem Solving Advice Social and Emotional support

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