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ERGONOMICS Design of Repetitive Tasks

A Presentation By: Richa Sharma (17) Sandeep Kumar (19) Shloka Raaj (21)

Repetitive tasks is defined as doing the same task over and over again within short intervals. The premise of Ergonomics is to reduce physical strain by designing or modifying the work station, work methods, and tools to eliminate excessive exertion and awkward postures and to reduce repetitive motion.

Identification of Repetitive Motion Problem

The early identification of a repetitive motion problem, increases the chance of taking corrective action on time: Attention should be paid to any warning signs such as pain or soreness. Symptoms like numbness, tingling and apparent loss of strength of muscles should not be ignored. Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD's) are becoming more commonplace in the work world and are caused by repetitive movements over long periods of time, vibration from machinery and improper arm or body support.

Introduction to work-related musculoskeletal disorders

Fatigue or tiredness in muscles and /or joints is the body's way of telling a person to change the pattern of working. Tendinitis - inflammation of the tendons. Can be caused by performing repeated motions incorrectly or in an awkward position. Tenosynovitis - a condition in which both the tendon and its covering become inflamed. Can be caused by improper or repetitive bending of the wrist. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - painful squeezing of the median nerve in the wrist. Causes loss of grip, muscle pain, weakness, and numbness in the thumb and first two fingers. If after an appropriate period of time, test and medication do not work, surgery may be necessary.

Factors associated with adverse outcomes

The main occupational factors associated with musculoskeletal conditions at work are Force Posture Repetition Duration

Effects of Repetitive Task: Muscle Pain

Human muscle has excellent endurance capacity for loads less than 15% of the muscles maximum voluntary contraction Above this threshold, rest periods are needed, if acute or chronic problems are to be avoided.

Pain in Tendons
Tendons have a tensile strength of 50100 MPa (megapascals). Under further tension, the fibrils elongate by 15% of their length. This results in inflammation of tendons(tendinitis) and impaired blood supply to the tendons.

Rapid,repetitive movements of hand or fingers can cause the sheaths surrounding tendons to produce excess synovial fluid. The resultant swelling causes pain and impedes movement of the tendon in the sheath. This is known as tenosynovitis.

Control of Neck Problems

The head and neck should not be flexed forwards by more than 15 degrees if undue postural stress is to be avoided. frequent or sustained flexion of the head and neck beyond this is related to chronic neck and shoulder pain.

Elbow rests appear to be beneficial for both sitting and standing workers by stabilising and supporting the arms, they reduce the load on the shoulder musculature. More upright postures are obtained if the monitors are raised such that the middle of the monitor is at eye height rather than at 1525 degrees below eye height as is usually recommended.

Methods of Reducing Shoulder Stress

If possible work with the hands near waist level and close to the body. If the hands have to be positioned above shoulder level, their elevation above the shoulders should be no more than 35 degrees. Hand loads should not exceed 0.4 kg and the posture should be held for no more than 20 seconds for each minute of work. Shoulder flexion >90 degrees should be avoided Taller workers should be selected for workplaces that cannot be modified. Regular rest breaks should be provided. Hand-held weights need to be minimized. External support should be provided for the weight of the arms Work objects have to be within the zone of convenient reach. Wrist rests must be provided for keyboard workers.

Prevention of WMSD of Upper Limbs

1.Tool Design and Posture Bend the handle (510 degrees) not the wrist. Avoid excessive use of pinch grip (thumb and fingers). Maintain neutral wrist posture. Reduce required grip forces: Use high-friction materials for handles. Longer handles increase mechanical advantage. Maximum allowable grip force (holds for less than 3 seconds) Add handles for carrying tool and resisting reaction torque. Damp vibration from powered tools. Encourage use of large muscle groups.

Workstation design
Damp jerk and impact forces. Position work objects so as to eliminate static neck postures. Eliminate static shoulder elevation or provide elbow rests or slings. Provide vices, clamps or other aids to minimise the need for sustained holding of work objects. Use arm supports in the form of slings or balancers to lower EMG activitiy in the trapezius and deltoid muscles.

Task/job design
Limit repetitive movements to 2000 per hour or less. Eliminate highly repetitive (<30 second cycle time) jobs. Design out movements requiring rapid acceleration of body parts. Spend no more than 50% of the time doing the same task. Rotate workers between high-repetition and low-repetition tasks. Avoid mental stress: Unrealistic deadlines/production targets Excessive supervision Piece rate systems of remuneration Design in micro-breaks (210 seconds rest every few minutes). Repetition frequencies greater than 1 Hz may pose a risk to joints or soft tissues. Frequencies less than 1/6 Hz may cause fatigue through the mechanisms of static loading Increase task variety.

Management of working conditions and worker exposure

Avoid repetitive work in cold conditions. Use ergonomic criteria when making equipment procurement decisions. Redesign tasks before a discomfort becomes a disorder. Eliminate excessive overtime working.

Work Practices should include a program with key elements such as proper work techniques, employee conditioning, inspections, feedback, and maintenance. Proper work techniques include training on the correct lifting procedures and correct use of ergonomically designed work stations, fixtures, and tools. Employee conditioning should include employees gradually being worked into a full workload as appropriate for their specific job. Employees reassigned to new jobs should also have a break-in training period. Inspections shall be conducted periodically to ensure safe operating procedures are being followed. Feedback will provide a system for employees to notify supervisors about conditions with potential ergonomic hazards. Employees should be instructed to report ergonomically related symptoms to their supervisors immediately. Maintenance should be the preventive program for monitoring mechanical equipment and tools to ensure they are in proper working condition.

Work area should be adjusted to fit the body. There should be comfortable work environment. Stretching every few hours relieves physical tension and body aches and increases the productivity. The work pattern should be changed so that the operators are not doing the same motion over and over. If you can, lean or sit rather than stand for long periods of time. Wrists should be straight while work. Use legs, arms for lifting. Bend your knees and keep your head, back and hips in a straight line. Never bend over to pick anything up without first

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