Breastfeeding: Deddy S Putra

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Deddy S Putra

Why breastfeeding

Benefits to the baby

Species specific Complete food The right temperature Easily digested and well absorbed Protects against infection Promotes emotional bonding Better growth and development

Why breastfeeding
Milk from each mammal differs and is species specific Variation of milk composition are due to:

of size and physical appearance Length of gestation Growth rate Frequency of feeding Living habitat

Why breastfeeding

Benefits to mother
Prevents postpartum hemorrhage Helps in involution of uterus Delays fertility and pregnancy May be used as a method of contraception Lowers risk of breast and ovarian cancer Decreases mothers workload Makes a mother feel needed

Why breastfeeding

Benefits to family and society

Saves money Promotes family planning Decreases need for hospitalization Contributes to child survival Decreases pollution

Anatomy of the breast

Breast consist of:

Glandular tissue

lactiferous ductules ducts sinuses (storage of milk) nipple

Supportive tissue Fat

Milk production and secretion

During pregnancy

During lactation

as a result of interaction of several hormones the glands are stimulated to produce milk but other hormones prevents it to be secreted

Two reflexes play a role Prolactin (milk scretion) reflex and Oxytocin (milk ejection) reflex

Types of breast milk (1)

Colostrum, milk secreted during first week
contains more antibodies and white blood cells and has a higher protein content Transitional milk, milk secreted during the following two weeks Immunoglobulin and protein decreases while fat and sugar content increases Mature milk follows transitional milk. Thinner but contains all the nutrients essential for optimal growth of the baby

Types of breast milk (2)

Preterm milk is the milk of a mother who delivers


Contains higher quantities of proteins, sodium, iron and immunoglobulins needed by the preterm baby Fore milk is secreted at the start of a feed.
It is rich in proteins, sugar vitamins, minerals and water. It satisfies the babys thirst Hind milk comes later at the end of a feed. It is richer in fat content and provides more energy It satisfies the babys hunger

What are the benefits of emptying a breast

The benefits of emptying a breast during each feed are To prevent breast engorgement To enhance feedback to produce more milk For optimal growth of the baby because he will get both fore milk and hind milk

The policy of breastfeeding

Breastmilk alone can provide

100% of babys need during the first 6 months of life 70 % during 6-8 months 55 % during 9-11 months 30 % during 12- 23 months

So exclusive BF for six months

BF + complementary food after 6 months Family food + BF until at least 2 years of age

Key messages to promote exclusive breastfeeding (1)

Put baby at the breast as soon as possible after birth, preferably in the delivery room Do not discard colostrum Keep baby close to mother (rooming in) Mother may lie down or sit in bed or on a chair to feed the baby Breastfeed during day and night at least 8 times in 24 hours

Key messages to promote exclusive breastfeeding (2)

The more the baby sucks at the breast the more milk the breast will produce Allow the baby to empty the breast then feed him at the other breast until he leaves the nipple on his own Do not give baby any other food until he is 6 months old (incl water, or fruits) Do not use bottles or pacifier

Positioning and attachment

Proper position of baby while breastfeeding includes:

1. Supporting whole of babys body 2. Entire babys body should face mother 3. Ensure babys head, neck and back are in the same plane 4. Babys abdomen touches mothers abdomen

Positioning and attachment

Proper attachment of baby while breastfeeding includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Babys chin touches mothers breast Majority of areola inside babys mouth Lower and upper lips turned outwards Babys mouth wide open Mother feels no pain No sound except swallowing sound

Poor attachment result in

a. Pain or damage to nipple or sore nipple b. Breast milk not removed effectively thus causing breast engorgement c. Poor milk supply baby not satisfied after feeding d. Breast produces less milk baby frustrated baby refusal to suck poor weight gain

Indicators of adequate Breastfeeding

Baby passes urine 6-8 times in 24 hours Goes to sleep 2-3 hours after each feed Gains weight 20-40 gm a day Crosses birthweight by 2 weeks

Contraindications to breastfeeding

Galactosemia, a hereditary metabolic disease. Mother on antimetabolic /anticancer /radioactive drug. In this situations breastfeeding should be withheld for a period the mother is on the drug HIV mothers: breastfeeding in such situation increases the risk of mother to baby transmission. If artificial milk is not acceptable, feasible, affordable, safe or sustainable (AFASS), exclusive breastfeeding is still the best option

Air Susu Ibu, hadiah sangat berharga yang dapat diberikan orang tua pada bayinya. Pada keadaan miskin, mungkin merupakan hadiah satu-satunya yg dapat diberikan. Pada keadaan sakit, dapat merupakan pemberian yang menyelamatkan jiwanya


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