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Corporate Excellence Program In Electronics & Communication AVR Development Board

Building Blocks | | 9818403093

Corporate Excellence Program

Outline: AVR Development Board

- Feature Overview - Block Diagram of Development Board - Components in Development Board - How to burn Programs on the Board - A sample Program to burn - How to write Programs for ATMEGA 16 - LED Pattern Example - Interfacing a simple Output Device with ATMEGA 16 - Seven Segment Example - Interfacing a Display Device with ATMEGA 16 - LCD Display Example - | | 9818403093 | | 9818403093

Corporate Excellence Program

Outline: AVR Development Board
Following points should kept in mind to write program Programmer notepad- Open the programmer notepad - Select the c/c++ from the plan text tool bar - write the program - Click on File and save the program with C extension example : led.c in separate folder - minimize the programmer notepad MFile(WinAVR) - open the Mfile - Click on Makefile - click on main file name & give the file same file name without C extennsion. example : Main file led - Click on Mfie & click on MCU type & select the type of microcontroller ATMEG 16 - Click on Mfie then programmer & click on PON EYSER - Click on Mfie & click on File & Save as with name (Makefile) in the same folder. Programmer notepad- Maximize the programmer notepad & click on Tool - then click on (WinAVR)Makefile:- make is formed - Connect the hardware - then click on (WinAVR) program :- The program is burned in MCU. | | 9818403093 4

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Features Overview
AVR ATMEGA 16 Development board has: 16MHz crystal oscillator for maximum speed. One ATMEGA-16 Chip In-built motor driving circuitry On board LCD connector LCD brightness control variable resistor 1 Switch for the ON/OFF power indicator LED

RED LED as a Power Indicator.

All Pins accessible through male header pins. On Board Voltage Regulator with filters and operating voltage from 6V to 12V. | | 9818403093

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Block Diagram

LCD: device where you can display the string or character. Switch : can be used ON & OFF the power supply Can be used to drive the motors.

Sensors: used to sense the change in environment.

Can be used to indicate the power supply . | | 9818403093

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Component Overview Misc. There are some small and essential component which are required to initialize the Development Board, which are: Power on/off Button-provide power to the LED indicator of Development Board Power Jack Used to connect the power source with the development Board.

L293D IC is used to take 5 voltage in input and provide the voltage of 6 to 8v to the motors.
7805 IC is used to give 5 volt to the ATMEGA 16. Crystal oscillator:- Is used to gives
the fixed value of clock to the MC | | 9818403093

Corporate Excellence Program ATMEGA 16: Overview Overview - Is an 8 Bit Microcontroller - Is a 40 Pin IC - Advanced RISC Architecture - 32x8 General Purpose Working Registers Memory - 16 K Bytes of In-system Self Programmable Flash - 512 Bytes of EEPROM - 1K Byte Internal SRAM I/O Peripherals - 32 Programmable I/O Lines - 8 Channel, 10 Bit ADC

Interrupts/Timers - 8 Bit Timer/Counters 2 - 16 Bit Timer/Counter 1 | | 9818403093

Corporate Excellence Program ATMEGA 16: Overview

Overview Vcc (Pin 10) is power-up voltage for the IC - GND (Pin 11, 31) must be grounded - RESET (Pin 9) Reset Pin generates Low Level Pulse Length that is longer than the minimum Pulse Length - XTAL1 (Pin-13) It Inputs to the inverting Oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit. - XTAL2 (pin-12) -- Output from the inverting Oscillator amplifier. - AVCC (pin-30) --AVCC is the supply voltage pin for Port A and the A/D - AREF (pin- 32) AREF is the analog reference pin for the A/D Converter. I/O (Input/output) pins grouped as A, B, C & D with 8 pins in each group. PA0 - PA7 (PORTA) PB0 - PB7 (PORTB) PC0 - PC7 (PORTC) PD0 - PD7 (PORTD) | | 9818403093

Corporate Excellence Program ATMEGA 16: Overview

Four bidirectional I/O ports. Port A (PA7...PA0) It is beginning from the (pin 33- 40) 1. is acting as the analog inputs to the A/D Converter. 2. also serves as an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port, if the A/D Converter is not used. 3. The Port A pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running. Port B (PB7...PB0)---- It is beginning from the (pin 08- 01) 1. is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistor 2. Port B also serves the functions

Port C
1. 2.

(PC7...PC0)---- It is beginning from the (pin 29- 22) is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistor Port B also serves the functions

Port D (PD7...PD0)---- It is beginning from the (pin 21- 14) 1. is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistor 2. Port B also serves the functions | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program ATMEGA 16: Overview ADC system of Atmega16 microcontroller consists of following pins: i ADC0-ADC7: 8 Channels from Pin 40 to Pin 33 ii. AREF: Pin32 of Atmega16 microcontroller, - the voltage on AREF pin acts as the reference voltage for ADC conversion, - reference voltage is always less than or equal to the supply voltage, i.e., Vcc. iii. AVCC: - Pin30, - is the supply voltage pin for using PORTA and the ADC; - must be connected to Vcc to use PORTA and ADC. Note: External reference voltage source can be used at AREF pin. However, Atmega16 also has internal reference voltage options of 2.56V and Vref = Vcc. | | 9818403093 11

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: How to write Programs
Following points should kept in mind to write program Programmer notepad- Open the programmer notepad - Select the c/c++ from the plan text tool bar - write the program - Click on File and save the program with C extension example : led.c in separate folder - minimize the programmer notepad MFile(WinAVR) - open the Mfile - Click on Makefile - click on main file name & give the file same file name without C extennsion. example : Main file led - Click on Mfie & click on MCU type & select the type of microcontroller ATMEG 16 - Click on Mfie & click on PON EYSER - Click on Mfie & click on File & Save as with name (Makefile) in the same folder. Programmer notepad- Maximize the programmer notepad & click on Tool - then click on (WinAVR)Makefile:- make is formed - Connect the hardware - then click on (WinAVR) program :- The program is burned in MCU. | | 9818403093 12

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Hardware Requirement for burning the program

Burner: It provides an interface between computer and hardware(Development Board). Power Cable: It provides a voltage to the development board circuit. Serial Cable: It provides an interface between computer and burner. 6 Pin Female molex connecting cable: It provide an interface between Development Board and Burner. Development Board: It is board where instructions is resided and executed. the | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: How to write Programs
-A program is a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified task for a computer or a hardware.

Following are the commonly used keywords in AVR Programming:

Make File: It is a file which gives the information about the file to the compiler that which interface we used, which microcontroller we are using etc.

Make All: It is a command which is used to compile the program essentially it is a set of statements. | | 9818403093


Make Clean: To remove all the executable files - .hex, .elf, .o etc. Whenever you make any changes to the code, you will have to execute this command.

Make Program: In order to burn the program into the chip, Program extension is used after make on the command prompt.

Ponyser: It is the programmer (hardware circuit) for the serial interface. | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Hardware Interfacing of LED Board
INPUT/OUTPUT Board: - is used as a Input/output device. - On the pin of the PORT of MC, The value of 1 is written and this value is sent on the LED board through Molex connecting wire. Ground: ground may be the reference point in an electrical circuit from which other voltages are measured. This ground comes from the development. 8-Pin connector: The point where development Boards Port is attached directly with the LED Board to show output. The power comes to LEDs through the programming to LEDs board by 8 pin Molex connecting cables. Push Button: This button makes the LED Board functional. The power is on | | /off 9818403093 through this switch.


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Hardware Interfacing of LED Board
Molex Female Connecting Cable: There are three types of cable is used here. 1. 2 pin molex connecting Cable:- Is generally used to power supply to the board. 2. 6 pin molex connecting Cable:- Is used to interface the Engineering Development Board with serial programmer. 3. 8 pin molex connecting Cable:- Is generally used to interface the PORT of the Microcontroller to the peripherals board such as LEDs board , seven segment board. . | | 9818403093 17

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Hardware Interfacing of LED Board

Serial programmer:- This device is used to burn the program from computer to the microcontroller. Serial Cable:- Is the cable used to interface the serial programmer with computer. | | 9818403093


Following points should kept in mind to write program Programmer notepad- Open the programmer notepad - Select the c/c++ from the plan text tool bar - write the program - Click on File and save the program with C extension example : led.c in separate folder - minimize the programmer notepad MFile(WinAVR) - open the Mfile - Click on Makefile - click on main file name & give the file same file name without C extennsion. example : Main file led - Click on Mfie & click on MCU type & select the type of microcontroller ATMEG 16 - Click on Mfie & click on PON EYSER - Click on Mfie & click on File & Save as with name (Makefile) in the same folder. Programmer notepad- Maximize the programmer notepad & click on Tool - then click on (WinAVR)Makefile:- make is formed - Connect the hardware - then click on (WinAVR) program :- The program is burned in MCU. | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Programming in embedded C How to write the programming in embedded C? Following steps should be followed to write any program
1. Initialize the Header File a. Header File: contains prototypes and other compiler/pre- processor directives. Or in other words DEFINITIONS Without header file, Embedded c is the useless software. Whenever the program is written we initialize the header file.

Following header files are initialize while programming:a. <avr/io.h> :- This header file is used for giving input to the microcontroller & taking output from the microcontroller . Syntax:- #include<avr/io.h>
b. <util/delay.h> : - This is the header file used to initialize the delay function in the programming. Syntax:- #include<util/delay.h> | | 9818403093 20

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Programming in embedded C
2. Write void main() :- The execution of the program is stared from the void main. Syntax : <return_type> main() { /* opening of the main function */

// set of execution statements could be any: - Declaration statements; - Arithmetic Operations; - Function Calls; return (instance of <return_type>) ; } /* end of the main function */
4. Do Commenting - used to make any program readable/understandable for other programmers - is not an executable statement - should be given at the beginning or end of the line but not in middle of the line 5. Every statement in c should end with semicolon (;) Note: C is a case sensitive Language | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Programming in embedded C

6.Initialize the Data Direction Register:- this is the register used to indicate the microcontroller that programmer will used the particular port as either input or output in the programming. - is initialized at the beginning in the main function. - Example:- DDRA ox00-----For declare PORT A as input port. DDRA oxFF-----For declare PORT A as output port. 7. Write the PORTA/ PORTB/PORTC/PORTD for making output of the pin of a port of the MC Example:- PORTA=ob11110000; | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Interfacing LED Board

LED Board Circuit diagram Home work:Make an input/output board containing 5 switch & 5 LEDs | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Interfacing LED Board
Qu.1. write a program to glow the Number of LEDs as 1, 2, 3, 4,-. One by one with using of loop.

#include<avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> Void main() { DDRD= 0xFF; PORTD=0b10000000; _delay_ms(500); PORTD=0b01000000; _delay_ms(500); PORTD=0b00100000; _delay_ms(500); PORTD=0b00010000; _delay_ms(1000); }
Assignment 1. Write a program to rotate the LEDs glow one by one in right shift. Assignment 2. Write a program to rotate the LEDs glow one by one in Left shift. Assignment 3. Write a program to glow all odd ON in one time & all Even LEDs on on second time. This pattern will glow continuously.| | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Delay programming
#include<avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> void DELAY(unsigned int j) { for(;j>0;j--) { _delay_ms(10); } } Void main() { DDRD= 0xFF; while(1) { PORTD=0b10000000; DELAY(100); PORTD=0b01000000; DELAY(200); PORTD=0b00100000; DELAY(200); } } | | 9818403093 25

Corporate Excellence Program

Embedded command: INPUT command
PIN command :- is the command used to give the input power supply to the MC pin - write PINA for input to the port A - write PINB------ for input to the port B, write PINC------ for input to the port C write PIND------ for input to the port D Example:- PINA=ob11110000;

Embedded C Has Three major decision making instructions:1. If statement 2. If-else statement 3. if else if statement

If statement:
- is used to implement the decision control instruction. - Syntax: if (This condition is true) { execute this statement ; } - Generally Relational operators are used to compare two values to get a TRUE or FALSE - No semicolon at the end of the if statement - No bracket is needed if single statement has to be executed | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Embedded command: Decisional Instruction

1. Two ports, A & B are taken, One I/O card is connected at PORTA for input & second I/O card is connected at PORTB for output display. Then If input key 1 is press to input then all odd LEDs glow, 2 is press to input then all even LEDs glow, 3 is press to input then 1,2,3 LEDs glow, 4 is press to input then 4,5,6 LEDs glow, 5 is press to input then 7,8 LEDs glow. 2. Quest. Give the input on port D & output port A . By pressing first switch of I/P board then output will be display first 4 led glow on LED board connected on PORT A. How will use the LED board as input board. / PIN programming | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Embedded command: INPUT command

If else if statement:
- is used to implement the decision control instruction. - Syntax: if ( This condition is true) { execute this statement ; } else if ( This condition is true) { execute this statement ; } - Generally Relational operators are used to compare two values to get a TRUE or FALSE - No semicolon at the end of the if statement - No bracket is needed if single statement has to be executed | | 9818403093

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Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: PIN programming
Quest. Give the input on port D & output port A . By pressing first switch of I/P board then output will be display first 4 led glow on LED board connected on PORT A.How will use the LED board as input board. / PIN programming #include<avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> Void main() { DDRD= 0X00; DDRA= 0XFF; If(0b10000000==PIND) { PORTA=0b11110000; } else If(0b01000000==PIND) { PORTA=0b00001111; } If(0b00100000==PIND) { PORTA=0b11111111; } } | | 9818403093

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Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Loop Programming
Loops : - Is a programming control used to repeat a set of instructions for a certain number of times. - The number of times can be defined ITERATIVELY or based on a CONDITION - There are three methods by which we implement LOOPS in C for statement while statement do-while statement 1. While statement: Syntax: while(CONDITION) { do this ; do this ; } - is used to execute a set of instructions till the condition is TRUE . - when the condition is false, then the control will come out of the loop - Examples: - To implement an infinite LOOP, while (1) - To implement a timed LOOP, while (i < 20) { i++; } | | 9818403093 34

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Loop Programming
Qu.1. write a program to glow the Number of LEDs as 1, 2, 3, 4,-. One by one with using of loop. #include<avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> Void main() { DDRD= 0xFF; while(1) { PORTD=0b10000000; _delay_ms(500); PORTD=0b01000000; _delay_ms(500); PORTD=0b00100000; _delay_ms(500); PORTD=0b00010000; _delay_ms(1000); } } Assignment 1. Write a program to rotate the LEDs glow one by one in right shift. Assignment 2. Write a program to rotate the LEDs glow one by one in Left shift. | Assignment 3. Write a program to glow all odd ON in one time &|all Even LEDs on on second 9818403093 time. This pattern will glow continuously.


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Interfacing LED Board
void DELAY(unsigned int j) { for(;j>0;j--) { _delay_ms(10); } } int main (void) { PORTD=0b11110000; DELAY(20); } Assignment 4. Write a program to rotate the first 4 LEDs from left to right & remaining 4 LEDs from right to left by using the delay function. Assignment 2. Write a program with use of proper delay function to rotate the LEDs glow one by one in Left shift. Assignment 3. Write a program to glow all odd ON in one time & all Even LEDs on on second time. This pattern will glow continuously. | | 9818403093 36

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Delay programming
#include<avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> void DELAY(unsigned int j) { for(;j>0;j--) { _delay_ms(10); } } Void main() { DDRD= 0xFF; while(1) { PORTD=0b10000000; DELAY(100); PORTD=0b01000000; DELAY(200); PORTD=0b00100000; DELAY(200); } } | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Interfacing Seven Segment
Seven-segment display:-is an electronic display device for displaying numerical digit, Letters, Punctuation. - - is composed of seven different elements . - Individually on or off, they can be combined to produce simplified representations of the numerals.

Application of the Seven Segment: -used in digital clock , - electronic meters, and - other electronic devices for displaying numerical information.
Description of Seven-segment Display: Standard Common Cathode Seven-Segment Display It has 10 pins. Each pin is used to ON or OFF the segments. The Middle two pins of a seven segment is a cathode (-ve), which provides a ground to the seven segment. Decimal Point also connected Standard 5V control for Atmeaga16 controller. Easy to Connect Female Headers | | 9818403093 38

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Seven Segment Board

Important point to remember: 7-Segment Display can be attached to any PORT through connector. 8 pins can be connected to one port & 4 pins can be connected to second port. Ground is connected from the supply of the board. Connection with Development Board must be same as with the LED. | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Segment PORT Value | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Program on Seven Segment
Q.2. Write a program to display 1 to 4 numeric number on 7- Segment at constant delay on different segment.
#include <avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h>

Void main() { DDRD= 0XFF; DDRA=0XFF; while(1) { PORTA=0b10000000; PORTD=0b01100000; delay_ms(2000); PORTA=0b01000000; PORTD=0b11011100; delay_ms(2000); PORTA=0b00100000; PORTD=0b11110100; delay_ms(2000); PORTA=0b00010000; PORTD=0b01100010; delay_ms(2000);
} }



//4 | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Interfacing seven segment Display Assignment.3 Write a program to display all 1 to 9 on the seven segment board one by one on seven segment. Assignment4. Interface LED board on port A & sevaen segment with port B & D . Display n all even number on seven segment & all even LEDs ON at the same time .
#include <avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> Void main() { DDRA= 0XFF; DDRB=0XFF; DDRB=0XFF; while(1) { PORTA=0b01000000; delay_ms(2000); PORTA=0b00010000; delay_ms(2000); PORTA=0b00000100; delay_ms(2000); PORTA=0b00000001; delay_ms(2000);
PORTA=0b01000000; PORTD=0b11011100; //2 delay_ms(2000); PORTA=0b00010000; //4 PORTD=0b01100010; delay_ms(2000); } } | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Interfacing Motors (DC) Motor : is a device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

Principal and working of motor : This motor works on Farad law of the electromagnetic induction.
Law:A current -carrying conductor generates a magnetic field. when a current carrying conductor is placed in the external magnetic field, it will experience a force proportional to the current in the conductor, and to the strength of the external magnetic field. Application Motor is applied where there is there motion is needed. - Used in car, used in washing machine, fans ets. | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Interfacing Motors (DC, Stepper)
Q.2. Write a program to run two motors in forward direction for 20 second and back ward direction for 10 second #include <avr/io.h> #include<util/delay.h> Void main() { DDRD= 0xFF; DDRC=0XFF; while(1) { PORTD=0b00001010; delay_ms(20000); PORTD=0b00000101; delay_ms(2000); } } | | 9818403093 44

Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Interfacing LCD Display

LCD PINS Pin 1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5 Pin6 Pin7 Pin8 Pin9 Pin10 Pin11 Pin12



Pin13 Pin14
Pin15 Pin16


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Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Interfacing I/P (Touch Sensors) | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Create A Line Follower | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Create A Wall Follower | | 9818403093


Corporate Excellence Program

Development Board: Create A Obstacle Avoider | | 9818403093


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