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GROUP MEMBERS Vineet Kumar Susheel Kumar Yadav



Introduction Existing system Advantages Division of work Deadlines

What is SVC?
1. Electrical loads both generate and absorb reactive power. Since the transmitted load varies considerably from one hour to another, the reactive power balance in a grid varies as well. The result can be unacceptable voltage amplitude variations, a voltage depression, or even a voltage collapse. A rapidly operating Static VAR Compensator (SVC) can continuously provide the reactive power required to control dynamic voltage swings under various system conditions and thereby improve the power system transmission and distribution performance


At the basis of capacitor bank switching by adjustment of firing angle of thyristor several configuration has been derived some of them are mentioned here. Saturated reacter. Thyrister-controlled reactor. Thyristor-switched capacitor. Commined TCR & TSC compensator.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Thyristor Switched-Capacitor circuit


it consist of a thyrister switched capacitor bank which split into a number of unit of equal rating to achieve stepwise control. II. All the switching takes place when the voltage across the thyrister is zero. III. Characterised bystepwise control,no transient,very low harmonics & flexibility.

Thyrister controlled reactor

I. TCR consist of a six pulse or twelve pulse thyrister controlled reactor with afixed shunt capacitor bank. II. The reactive power is changed by adjusting the thyrister firing angle III. Characterised by continious control,no transient & generation of harmonics,.

Combined TSR & TSC compensator


In such compensator continious variable reactive power is obtain throu the complete control range. II. This advantagious feature permitting optimum performance during large disturbance in power system. III. Charaterised by continious cotrol,no transient ,low genration of harmonics..

Comparison with other scheme

I. The main advantage of SVCs over simple mechanicallyswitched compensation schemes is their nearinstantaneous response to changes in the system voltage II. They are, in general, cheaper, higher-capacity, faster and more reliable than dynamic compensation schemes III. However, static var compensators are more expensive than mechanically switched capacitors, so many system operators use a combination of the two technologies (sometimes in the same installation),. using the static var compensator to provide support for fast changes and the mechanically switched capacitors to provide steady-state Vars.

1. VineetDesign svc & Analysis of svc on Mat Lab or PSCAD.

2. Sushil create algorithm and program for

whole system which will be used to control and operation.

1. End of NovemberDesign svc & Analysis of svc on Mat Lab or PSCAD 2. End of January create algorithm and program for whole system which will be used to control and operate it 3. March April Project Report

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