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Simple, Compound, & Complex


What is a sentence?
A sentence is a group of words with a subject and a predicate (verb) that expresses a complete thought. A fragment is a group of words that does not express a complete thought. A fragment has either a subject or a predicate, but not bothit is incomplete.

Examples of Fragments
The cloudless, blue sky. Whats missing? Came in first in the race. Whats missing? Fell gently on the ground. Whats missing? Ally s brother, Kyle. Whats missing?

Dependent Clauses
Sometimes a group of words has a subject and a predicate, but it still does not express a complete thought. This is called a dependent clause. Because it was Saturday.

Until spring arrived.

Does the group of words have a subject? A predicate? Why isnt it a sentence? Does the group of words have a subject? A predicate? Why isnt it a sentence?


Practice: Make each fragment into a complete sentence.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the cold winter day after they finish the game found a coin in the street Ms. Telford chased the kids down the hall.

Practice: Answer the questions using complete sentences.

6. What is your name? 7. Where do you go to school?

Simple Sentences (Independent Clauses)

A simple sentence contains a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. Simple sentences are also called independent clauses. Examples: Cindy goes to school. They worked on the house all day. Sarah has great style.


A. Write F (Fragment), DC (Dependent Clause), or SS (Simple Sentence) on the line to the left of each group of words. B. If you chose a Simple Sentence then underline the subject once and the predicate twice. C. If it is not a simple sentence, add words to make it one!

SS _____ 8. She takes orders and waits tables.

SS _____ 9. Chris, Jim, and Frank went to dinner.

F _____ 10. Ice skated in the morning.

DC _____ 11. Since Julia left. F _____ 12. Seventeen.

Compound Sentences
When two or more sentences are combined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction, it creates one big sentence called a compound sentence. Examples: Hockey is a fast game, and fans shriek with excitement. Anna bought tickets to the concert, and then she printed them at home.

Coordinating Conjunctions
Conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses. Coordinating conjunctions connect two independent clauses. Both clauses (groups of words) can stand alone. There are 7 coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.

How in the world will I remember those 7 words?

F = for A = and N = nor B = but O = or Y = yet S = so


You know a sentence is compound if it passes the thumb test: 1. Find the coordinating conjunction 2. Cover everything before it and read what is left. Is it an independent clause (can stand alone)? 3. Now cover everything after the coordinating conjunction and read what is left. Is it an independent clause, too? 4. If you can answer yes to both questions, then the sentence passed the thumb test and it is a compound sentence. Try it! Ms. Telford works hard and loves her cat! Aaron isnt studying, so he is failing his class.

The Thumb Test

Practice: Place a S for Simple or C for compound on the line.

S ____ 13. He didnt eat anything for supper. C ____ 14. I want to buy a dog, so I am saving money. S ____ 15. Jill doesnt like to read, because she isnt

very good at it.

S ____ 16. Who is coming to the party?

S ____ 17. Both Tommy and Jake like Angie.

C ____ 18. She doesnt want to date Tommy, nor does she like Jake.

Practice: Use a coordinating conjunction to combine the simple sentences into a compound one.
19.The boy did not like school. He ran away.
20.I dont want to eat. I dont want to drink. 21. She saw a cat run in front of her. She fell down while roller-skating. 22. You can cry like a baby. You can clean your room like an adult. 23. I need to go to the store. I dont haveSosna a car.

Review What is a fragment?

A fragment is a group of words with a subject OR a predicate.

What is a dependent clause?

What is an independent clause?

A dependent clause is a group of words with a subject AND a predicate.

An independent clause is a group of words with a subject and a predicate that expresses a complete thought. It can stand alone. Independent clauses are also called simple sentences.

What is another name for independent clause?

What is a compound sentence?
A compound sentence consists of two or more simple sentences joined together with a coordinating conjunction.
The coordinating conjunctions are: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

What are the coordinating conjunctions?


Growing Up
Think of a fragment like a baby = it only has a subject or a predicate. Its helpless it cant do anything on its own! If a fragment is a baby, then a dependent clause would be a child. It has a subject and a predicate, but it still cant stand alone. Its growing up, but still cant do everything by itself! Now we have a simple sentence. Think of this as a college student. It has a subject and a predicate and it expresses a complete thought. It can stand on its own. Then that college student graduates and meets another nice simple sentence. They decide to get married. They both have subjects and predicates and they both have their own complete thoughts they just like being together. Who marries them? A fanboy does! Sosna

Complex Sentences
A complex sentence consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause. (Think of a single mom!) Subordinating conjunctions are used to combine independent clauses with dependent causes.


Subordinating Conjunctions
O N A only if now that after, although, as


while, when, whereas, whenever, wherever, whether or not in case, if though even though, even if
before, because until, unless since, so that


Practice: Circle the subordinating conjunction and underline the dependent clause.
24. Michelle read a magazine until she saw the dentist.
25. Mr. Evans likes a cup of tea while eating dinner. 26. After she got engaged, Julie placed an announcement in the newspaper. 27. Since the season is winter, the weather is cold. 28. When January arrived, the temperature dropped below freezing.

Comma or No comma?
When a dependent clause is at the beginning of a sentence, a comma is needed after it. Example: Because it rained, the game was cancelled. But if the dependent clause is at the end of the sentence, no commas is needed. Example: The game was canceled because it rained.

Practice: Combine the independent and dependent clauses. Make sure to use a comma where needed.
29. After Nathan ate the popcorn. He was very
thirsty. 30. Because everyone had fun. The party was a success. 31. I couldnt leave the party. Unless Emily left too. 32. Although they all like root beer. They ordered lemonade instead.

What is a subordinating conjunction?
A subordinating conjunction combines an independent clause (or simple sentence) with a dependent clause.

How can I remember the subordinating conjunctions?

Use the mnemonic device ON A WHITE BUS.

When do I use a comma?

What is the difference between compound and complex sentences?

Compound sentences combine two independent clauses (two complete thoughts) using a coordinating conjunction. Complex sentences combine one independent clause and one dependent clause using a subordinating conjunction.

Use a comma when the dependent clause occurs at the beginning of the sentence.


Remember the baby, the kid, and the college student? What did they help us remember? Baby? Fragment Kid? Dependent Clause College Student? Independent Clause Good! Now think of the complex sentence as a single parent. The independent clause is the mom or the dad they can stand on their own. The dependent clause is the kid they cant stand on their own. Think of the subordinating conjunction that connects them as the kid holding hands with their parent.

Practice: Write S for Simple, C for compound, or a Cx for Complex.

Cx ____ 33. Because they are a rich source of vitamin A, many people eat carrots. S ____ 34. The part of the carrot we eat is the root. ____ 35. Parsley belongs to the same family of C vegetables, yet potatoes do not. Cx ____ 36. Even though we dont eat it, it is interesting to note that the top of the carrot looks like parsley. C ____ 37. People eat the leaves of parsley, but we eat the roots of carrots. S ____ 38. Parsley is often used as decoration.Sosna

Compound-Complex Sentences
A compound-complex sentence has two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Dependent Clause (notice Example: the subordinating Before the Spanish conquered Peru, the Incas had built Machu Picchu; this tour visits the ruins of that city.
Independent Clause # 1 Independent Clause # 2 conjunction and comma!


More Compound-Complex Examples

Dependent clause Independent clause # 1 Independent clause # 2

When you called, I was reading a book; now I cant find my place. When the last tsar of Russia was arrested by revolutionaries, he and his family were hiding at a palace near St. Petersburg; now that palace is open to tourists.

Remember the single parent?

Compound sentences are like a married couple: two independent clauses. Complex sentences are like single parents: one independent and one dependent clause. Compound-complex sentences are like a mom, a dad, and a kid: two (or more) independent clauses and one (or more) dependent clauses.

Practice: Circle the dependent clause. Underline the first independent clause once, the second twice, etc.
39. Id like to see the North Pole, but I will never go
where it is that cold! 40. A tourist attraction that also has practical importance is the Panama Canal: both cruise ships and freighters pass through it daily. 41. Although snow was predicted, the temperature has stayed above freezing, so rain is falling instead. 42. After the holiday dinner is over, my brother washes dishes and I dry them.

Practice: S = Simple, C = Compound Cx = Complex, CC = Compound-Complex

CX ____ 43. We had gone a little way into the cave

before our flashlight went out. C ____ 44. Is the universe expanding, or is it contracting? C ____ 45. Everyone who saw the movie has liked it, so Im going tonight. CC 46. In Florida, if you arent a fan of amusement ____ parks, you can explore the Everglades, or you can go to the beaches, which are a fine place to relax. Sosna

Practice: S = Simple, C = Compound CX = Complex, CC = Compound-Complex

CX ____ 47. Joe ate while Jill packed her lunch. C ____ 48. Abby rode the bus, but Sam walked. S ____ 49. My dog is old and shaggy. CC ____ 50. If you want to draft an essay , you can type it using a computer, or you may write it on notebook Sosna paper.


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