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Personal Informations
Whats your name? My name is How do you spell your name? Whats your last name? My name is Where are you from? Im from Where do you work? I work at Whats your phone number? How old are you? Im .. years old. Whats your address? Whats your E-mail address? When is your birthday?





He, she, it IS

They ARE

I am a police officer. You are a good investigator. She is my favorite teacher. He is a soccer player. We are looking for a doctor. They are teaching me Math.




He, she, it IS NOT (ISNT)



To be - Past tense
Affirmative I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were

Negative I wasnt You werent He wasnt She wasnt It wasnt We werent You werent They werent

Interrogative Was I ...? Were you ...? Was he ...? Was she ...? Was it ...? Were we ...? Were you ...? Were they ...?

She was a good co-worker. The officers werent working last night. Sandra was my teacher when I was a child. My friends were studying last Sunday. Jessica and Fred were eating pizza. My mother wasnt cooking dinner. I wasnt late for class. Daniel was my boyfriend. Kevin was in the movies with Gabriela. The students werent at school.

Chose the correct form of the verb to be - am/is/are. 1. It _____________ cold today. 2. I _____________ at home now. 3. They _____________ Korean. 4. There _____________ a pen on the desk. 5. My name _____________ Nikita.
Complete using Was or were: 1.I __________ at home. 2.We __________ in the garden. 3.Lucy __________ tired. 4.We __________ in the castle. 5.Why __________ they at school yesterday? 6. I __________ feeling very well.

Verbo there to be (haver)

There To Be
There To be significa HAVER no sentido de Existir. PRESENT TENSE- Singular: There is Plural: There are Ex: There is a dog in the backyard. There are four bedrooms in my house. Negativa: There isnt/There arent Interrogativa: Are there / Is there PAST TENSE- Singular: There WAS Plural: There WERE Ex: There was a man here. There were four boys in my class. Negativa: There wasnt/There werent Interrogativa: were there / was there

Lets Practice!
Complete using There is or There are: 1. _________ many animals in the zoo. 2. _________ a snake in the window. 3. _________ a zebra in the grass. 4. _________ lions in the zoo, too. 5. _________ many baby lions near their parents. Complete using There was or There were: 6. _________ a bird next to the tree. 7. _________ many monkeys in the trees. 8. _________ an elephant in the zoo. 9. ________ water in the lake near the elephants. 10. _________ birds in the zoo.


Present Continuous
Para indicar uma ao que est acontecendo no momento em que se fala. Regra Geral: sujeito + to be + verbo + ing Ex: Sheila is swimming Kevin and Joana are playing cards.

Interrogativa- Negativa
Negativa: sujeito + to be + not + verbo + ing Ex: They are not singing. She is not working. Interrogativa: Verbo to be + sujeito + verbo + ing Ex: Are they singing? Yes, they are. Is she working? Yes, she is.

Past Continuous
Indica uma ao que estava acontecendo no passado. Regra Geral: suj + to be no passado + verbo + ing Ex: She was dancing ballet. He was watching Tv.
NEGATIVE: suj + to be PAST+ not + verbo + ing Ex: He wasnt sleeping. The kids were not studying. INTERROGATIVE: to be Past + sujeito + verbo + ing Was Jessica cooking? No, she wasnt. Were the kids swimming? No, they werent.

Lets Practice!
Put the verb in the correct form using Present Continuous. John ____________ (read) a book now. Silvia ______________ (not listen) to you. Maria _____________ (sit) next to Paul. How many students ____________ (you study) with?
Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive). Yesterday at six I ____________ (prepare) dinner. The kids ___________ (play) in the garden when it began to rain. I __________ (practice) the guitar when he came home. While Alan ________ (work) in his room, his friends _____ (swim) in the pool.


Plural of Nouns Regra Geral: adicionar S

Books Girls Days Tables Words ending with: o, ch, sh, ss, x and z + es Heroes Tomatoes churches Watches

Words ending with consonant + Y - y + ies Country countries family families

Words ending with f or fe - f or fe .... + ves Elf Elves knife knives thief - thieves

Lets Practice!
Add an s or es at the end of each word to form the plural. 1. flower _________________ 2. tool _______________ 3. box _________________ 4. tree _______________ 5. flash _______________ 6. church _______________ 7. lunch _________________ 8. apple _______________ 9. peach _______________ 10. truck _____________ 11. quiz ________________ 12. crash _______________ 13. blanket ______________ 14. tax _______________


Simple Present
Usado para expressar fatos e hbitos. Regra geral: verbo + s na 3 pessoa do singular: Ex: She loves cooking. Ricardo plays soccer. Verbos terminandos em Y precedidos de cons: - y + ies Ex: She studies Math every day. Verbos terminados em S, SH, CH, X, Z ou O ES Ex: Jessica watches Malhao in the afternoon. Negativa: dont / doesnt Ex: I dont speak French. Ricardo doesnt play soccer. Interrogativa: Do / Does Ex: Do you speak French? Yes, I do / No, I dont Does Ricardo play soccer? Yes, he does / No, he doesnt.

Lets Practice!
Preencha os espaos em branco com a forma adequada do verbo destacado - Tempo verbal: Presente simples a)John______ with his parents in a country town.(Live) b)That guy _____ a lot of important information.(Have) c)Our great grandfather ______ a pension.(Get) d) She ____________ me. (not / understand) e) I ______________it. (not / believe) f) I _____________ why you are so mean. (not / know) g) We ___________ that this is right. (not / think) h) What ________________? (mean / it) i) _________________ the music? (you / hear)


Simple Past - Regular Verbs

REGRA GERAL: adicionar ED no final do verbo. Regra Geral: ED Ex: To arrest = arrested Verbos terminados emE. Ex: To love = loved Consoante + y = IED Ex: Dry = Dried Consoante + vogal + Consoante = repetir Consoante + ED Ex: Plan = Planned Vogal + y = Ed Ex: play = played

Irregular Verbs
REGRA GERAL: os verbos irregular possuem uma forma diferente no passado. Regra Geral: To make = made To have = had To be = was/were To buy = bought To go = went To see = saw To speak = spoke Regra Geral: To hear = heard To take took To eat ate To drink drank To steal stole To deal dealt To sing - sang

Simple Past Structure

Affirmative form: Sujeito + verbo + complemento Ex: I stopped here yesterday.
I went to the beach.

Negative form: Sujeito + did not (didnt) + verbo Ex: I did not (didnt) stop here yesterday. I didnt go to the beach.

Interrogative form: Did + sujeito + verbo + ? Ex: Did you stop here yesterday? Did you go to the beach?



Usamos 'will' para falar de um futuro incerto: Ex: The sun will rise tomorrow morning. Para formamos frases no futuro simples, adicionamos will aps o sujeito. Ex: He will arrest the suspects. Contracted form :ll Ex: Ill travel this year. NEGATIVE FORM: adicionar o NOT aps o WILL : I will not (wont) study Math this weekend. INTERROGATIVE FORM: Apenas trocar o auxiliar WILL e o sujeito de lugar: She will work Will she work?

Complete as frases afirmativas e negativas a seguir usando WILL. - The phone is ringing! - Don't worry, I ___________ (answer) it.

Your idea________ (negative/work)! It's too complicated.

We _______ (negative/get) to the school on time. Look at the traffic! Paul __________ (be) here soon. We_______ (negative/start) the meeting before 2 pm.

Going to
Usamos GOING TO para um futuro planejado ou algo que sabemos que ir acontecer. Estrutura: Sujeito + to be (am, is, are) + going to + verbo principal + complemento: Ex: I am going to move to Canada next week. NEGATIVA: Apenas adicionamos not depois do verbo to be: Ex: I am not going to work today. INTERROGATIVA: Deslocamos o verbo to be para o incio da frase: Ex: Are you going to play tennis?

Complete as frases a seguir. Use "to be + going to + verbo: There are lots of dark clouds in the sky. It __________ (rain). - Do you want to travel with us? - Thanks, but we can't. We __________(buy) our new house this weekend. - So, what time ______ we ________ (meet) tomorrow? - Sorry, we _________ (negative/ go) to the theater. Our car isn't working very well.


Futuro do Pretrito - Condicional

O futuro do pretrito expressa uma probabilidade no futuro, uma condio: Ex: The student said that he would study one more hour. Para se formar uma frase na forma condicional basta colocar would antes do verbo principal: They would play basketball next year. Shed live in London if she had money. I wouldnt study Portuguese.

Negativa: Apenas adicionar o NOT aps o Would: - I would not (wouldnt) like to study now. Im tired. Interrogativas: Trocar o Would e o sujeito de lugar : - Would you like to travel with us?

Complete the following sentences with the auxiliary would. a) I __________ some coffee. (to like) b) I would like some coffee. c) We ____________ our best. (to try) d) I ________________ everything carefully. (to plan) e) You _______________ a great deal. (to learn) f) I think it __________ wise to let them know. (to be)


Can/Could verbo PODER

'Can' significa PODER. Ele no leva S na 3a pessoa do Singular no Present Simples: she can/he can. O passado de CAN 'could'. Interrogative form: can you go? Can we go? Negative form: he can't / he cannot / I cant No futuro usamos: 'to be able to': Ex: He will be able to travel tomorrow.
CAN expressa Possibilidade, Permisso ou Habilidade: He can work today. Sam said we can leave now. I can dance and he can dance too.

May / Might
May formal de CAN. Usado para fazer pedidos: May I borrow your pen? Might Sugere possibilidade remota. Usado como passado de May ou Futuro remoto e condicional: It might rain tomorrow.

Sould / Shouldnt (Deveria)

Should Usado para dar conselhos ou opinies: They shouldnt spend so much time in front of the TV. I think we should reserve our holiday in advance.

Must - DEVE
MUST - expressa uma obrigao leve. Ex: I must go to bed early. I have classes at 6 am. Ex: You mustnt watch Tv. You have homework.

Have to TER QUE

Usado para expresar forte obrigao: Ex: I have to arrive at work at 9. My boss is very strict. She has to wake up early everyday. She works at 6 am. NEGATIVE FORM: We don't have to get there on time.

Fill in the gaps with the right modal of deduction: CANT or MUST. 1. You've been working all night long. You ______ be tired. 2. That doctor _______ be pretty famous in the town. Everyone knows him. 3. That restaurant _________ be very good. It is always empty. 4. The weather was stormy everyday during their holiday, so they _______ have had a very nice holiday. 5. Despite his wife's illness, the baby was delivered safely. The couple ______ be very happy and relieved.

Choose the correct modal: MUST or HAVE TO. 1. Tom is leaving now. He ______ go home early for dinner. 2. It's later than we thought. We _______ go now. 3. Children _______ wear uniforms when they go to school. 4. When you come here, you _____ come and see us. 5. Our son, Paul is ill. We ______ to call the doctor.

Complete the sentences with the modals CAN or COULD: 1. When Tom was 16, he was a fast runner. He ______ run 200 metres in 22 seconds. 2. I'm afraid I _____ (neg) come to your party next Saturday. 3. I'm not in a hurry. I _______ wait. 4. I was feeling sick yesterday. I ______ (neg) eat anything. 5. Can you speak loudly, please? I _______ (neg) hear you very well.


Usamos a 1a Condicional para falar de uma situao e seu resultado no futuro. Como numa situao de causa e efeito. Ex: If it's sunny, we'll go to the park. Paula will be sad if Juan leaves.
A frase com IF sempre estar no presente e a sua conseqncia no futuro, no Imperativo ou com um Modal. Ex1: If my mother asks me, Ill clean the house. Ex2: If he calls you later, tell him I need Ex3: If she leaves early, she might catch the bus.

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence. Only use the will-future in the main clauses. 1) If I _________(to study), I ________(to pass) the exams. 2) If the sun ______ (to shine), we ________ (to walk) to the town. 3) If he _____ (to have) a temperature, he ____ (to see) the doctor. 4) If my friends _____ (to come), I _______ (to be) very happy. 5) If she ____ (to earn) a lot of money, she ___ (to fly) to New York.

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