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Past Continuous
Indica uma ao que estava acontecendo no passado. Regra Geral: sujeito + to be no passado + verbo + ing Ex: She was dancing ballet. He was watching Tv.

He was cooking.

Elvis was singing.

Selma was sleeping.

Jack was talking on the phone.

Past Continuous - Negativa

Regra Geral: suj + to be PAST+ not + verbo + ing
He wasnt sleeping. He was eating.

Ted was not eating. He was drinking.

The police officers werent on vacations. Last night, they were working.

The kids were not studying. They were singing and dancing.

Yesterday, Greg and Tina were not playing. They were studying Geography.

Jack and I were not eating pizza. We were having a popsicle.

1 I ____________ letters all day yesterday. (write) 2 You _________ very rude to your mother. (be) 3 You ____________ on the phone. (talk) 4 They ___________ much exercise. (do / NEG) 5 She __________ French. (speak/ NEG) 6 It ___________ last week. (rain /NEG) 7 What _____ you __________ yesterday? (do) 8 _______ you ___________ TV? (watch) 9 What _______ you ________ at the party? (wear) 10 He __________horrible to everyone! (be) 11. Ted ___________ Math with Alex. (study)

Past Continuous - Interrogativa

Regra Geral: to be Past + sujeito + verbo + ing
Were the kids swimming? Yes, they were.
Was Sabrina reading a book? Yes, she was. Was Jessica cooking? No, she wasnt. She was singing.

Was Ted studying yesterday? No, he wasnt. She was playing soccer.

Make past continuous questions: 1) (Alan/dance)? _________________________ 2) (Susie/drink gin)? _________________________ 3) (John and Ann/sing)? _____________________ 4) (Luke/talk to the girls)? ______________________ 5) (Jodie/put on make up)? _____________________ 6) (we/cook)? _______________________ 7) (Jane/play the guitar)? ______________________ 8) (David/read a book)? ______________________ 9) (Francis/sit in the corner)? __________________ 10) (everybody/have fun)? _____________________

muito comum o uso das palavras When ou While em frases no Past Continuous. When significa QUANDO. WHILE significa ENQUANTO. When geralmente utilizado para separar a frase no Past Continuous da frase no Simple Past. Ex: Ted was watching TV when Sabrina called. Julia was making a cake when her mother arrived.

While, na maioria das vezes, usado para separar duas sentenas no Past Continuous, ou seja, descrever duas frases que estavam acontecendo ao mesmo tempo. Ex: I was listening to the radio while Meg was watching TV. Julia was dancing while Ted was singing.

Lets Practice!
Complete using the Past Continuous: I __________ (study) while Cecilia ___________ (make) dinner. While Ellen __________ (read), Tim ________ (watch) television. _____ you _________ (listen) while he _____________ (talk)? What ________you ___________ (do) last night? Thomas _____________________ (neg/work) last Sunday. They ___________ (have) dinner and having a good time. I ____________ (watch) TV while my husband ________ (sleep). Sheila _____________ (listen) to her new iPod this morning. You ________________ (neg/listen) to me last time I called you. While John ___________ (sleep) last night, someone stole his car. Sammy ____________ (wait) for us at the airport. Sabrina ______________ (write) me an email last night. Ted _________________ (arrest) the suspect. The police officer ______________ (investigate) Sabrinas rape.

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