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Prevention of Rising Alcoholism for Healthy & Happy Society

Presented By:
Suraj Kumar, D-47 Prabhakar Dash, D-34 Ashraf Raj, D-33 Karan Sharma, D-60 Abhishek Agrawal, D-27

Is Alcohol Good?

Germany Oktoberfest Beer Festival.flv

Social Drinking is Good ?

Drinking in Culture
Drinking is documented in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. in art history, in Greek literature as old as Homer, and in Confuciuss Analects. Wedding Receptions, Festivals, celebrations.

But alcoholism is BAD!

Another Night Wasted_ Binge Drinking.flv

Some facts about Alcohol

Alcohol is a depressant drug that * slows down the activity of the brain * contains absolutely no nutrients * does not help relieve tension , induce sleep or solve problems

All alcoholic beverages contain the same mood-changing agent - ethyl alcohol though in varying percentage.
Distilled Spirits (whisky, brandy, rum)





Alcohol needs no digestion and is absorbed rapidly into the blood stream. Cold showers or coffee do not remove the effect of alcohol from the body only the liver can. It takes the liver about one hour to break down one drink of alcohol.

About 10 to 15% of alcohol users develop alcohol dependence and become alcoholics. Anybody can become an alcoholic - age, education, intelligence or socio-economic status has nothing to do with it. The person increases the quantity or frequency and continues drinking even though alcohol causes problems to his health, work life, family or social relationships.

Alcoholism is a chronic and often progressive disease that includes problems controlling your drinking, being preoccupied with alcohol, continuing to use alcohol even when it causes problems, having to drink more to get the same effect (physical dependence), or having withdrawal symptoms when you rapidly decrease or stop drinking.

Alcohol consumption in India

62.5 million alcohol users estimated in India Due to its large population, India has been identified as the potentially third largest market for alcoholic beverages in the world which has attracted the attention of multi national liquor companies. Sale of alcohol has been growing steadily at 6% and is estimated to grow at the rate of 8% per year. About 80% of alcohol consumption is in the form of hard liquor or distilled spirits showing that the majority drink beverages with a high concentration of alcohol.

Impact of alcohol on Indian society

With more than half of all alcohol drinkers in India falling into the criteria for hazardous drinking, alcohol abuse is emerging as a major public-health problem in the country. Although alcohol advertising is banned in the electronic and print media, surrogate advertising is rife.

The Ugly Truth !

Change in patterns and trends of alcohol use in India. The average age of starting alcohol use has reduced from 28 years during the 1980s to 17 years in 2007. Once begun, the average duration generally lasts for more than 10 years. What starts as experimentation and pleasure-seeking, often becomes an addictive process.

What is known is that alcohol-related problems account for more than a fifth of hospital admissions; 18% of psychiatric emergencies; more than 20% of all brain injuries and 60% of all injuries reporting to India's emergency rooms. Binge Drinking Alcohol.flv

Health Consequences of Alcohol Use

Increased risk of cardiovascular diseases
(Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, Hypertension)

Increased risk of cancer:

(liver, stomach, colon, pancreas, breast, mouth, throat)

Impaired immune system Malnutrition Reproductive problems

Behavioral Consequences of Alcohol Use

Contributes to 50% of all motor vehicle fatalities Contributes to risky behavior and accidental death Best MADD Anti DUI commercial ever.flv

Social Consequences of Alcohol Use on Campus

80% of campus vandalism involved alcohol. 70% of violent behavior on campus involved alcohol. 75% of men and 55% of women involved in acquaintance rape were under the influence of alcohol Violent and property crimes Driving under the influence 13 year old girl to Pull Rickshaw.flv

Alcohol and Work place

20%of absenteeism and 40% of accidents at work place are related to alcohol. Annual loss due to alcohol was estimated to be Rs.70 000 to 80 000 million In a public enterprise, number of workplace accidents reduced to lesser then one fourth of the previous levels after alcoholism treatment.

Academic Consequences of Alcohol Use

40% of poor academic performance at college has been linked to drinking. 7% of first year dropouts are related to alcohol. Alcohol intake is inversely related to GPA.

Why People Start Drinking

Peer pressure Need to belong and be accepted Media depiction of drinking Easy access (often at home) Absence of religious attachment Cultural / sociological traditions Social "lubrication" Makes one "feel good"

Ways to prevent Alcoholism

Socialize without alcohol. Early intervention can prevent alcoholism in teens. Avoid going to bars- Develop healthy habits. Do not keep alcohol in your home. Avoid situations and people that encourage drinking. Make new non-drinking friends. Do fun things that do not involve alcohol. Avoid reaching for a drink when stressed or upset. Limit your alcohol intake to a moderate level.

Early Signs of Alcohol among teens

Loss of interest in activities and hobbies Declining grades and problems in school Frequent mood changes and defensive behavior Bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, problems with coordination and memory lapses

Steps to Being a Responsible Drinker

Limit number of drinks Drink less than 1 per 90 min. Sip slowly Eat lots of protein/starch Avoid carbonated drinks Measure drinks carefully Don't drive if intoxicated

Identify What You Really Need

Make It Essential Pick and Choose Your Beliefs Replace The Behavior Over and Over Again

Validate Your Progress

Environmental Support


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