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Landscape comprises the visible features of an area

of land. The physical elements of landforms such as mountains, hills. Water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds and the sea. Living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation. Human elements including different forms of land use, buildings and structures. Transitory elements such as lighting and weather conditions. Landscape architecture is the design of outdoor public areas, landmarks, and structures to achieve environmental, social-behavioral, or aesthetic outcomes

Mughal Empire (1526-1857)

Started with battle of panipat. Ended with indian rebellion. Capitals are agra, fatehpur sikri, lahore. Famous rulers were Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah jahan, Auranga zeb. Languages persian and urdu. Religion islam. Government was monarchy with federal structure. Area is 4,500,000 km2(1,737,460 sq mi). Population was 150 millions. Density was 33.3 /km2 (86.3 /sq mi). Currency was rupee.

The Mughal or Mogul or Moghul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power in the Indian subcontinent from about 1526 to 1757 (though it lingered for another century). The Mughal emperors were Muslims. At the height of their power in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, they controlled most of the subcontinent. Extending from Bengal in the east to Balochistan in the west, Kashmir in the north to the Kaveri basin in the south. Today it is a part of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh.

Mughal architecture, an amalgam of Islamic, Persian, Turkish and Indian architecture, is the distinctive style developed by the Mughals in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. It is symmetrical and decorative in style. The influence of Mughal Architecture lives on in Afghan, Pakistani and Indian architecture today, but yes a few like chahar bagh (CHAR BAGH) still exists. Lets us talk about the view of some of the kings on architecture.

Akbar (15561605)
He was the begginer of the Architecture in mughal dynasty. He built largely, and the style developed vigorously during his rule. There is a combination of Muslim and Hindu features in his works. Akbar constructed the royal city ofFatehpur Sikri, located 26 miles (42 km) west of Agra, in the late 16th century. The numerous structures at Fatehpur Sikri best illustrate the style of his works. Historical city of bharath. Buland Darwaza-54m high entrance to fatehpur sikri. Jama Masjid Humayun Tomb in delhi was first tomb garden in india. Fathepur sikri and Humayun Tomb are the World Heritage Sites.(UNESCO).

Jahangir (16051627)
Hindu features vanished from the style. At Agra, the tomb of Itmad-ud-Daula, which was completed in 1628, was built entirely of white marble and covered in pietra dura mosaic. It is draft of Tajmahal. His constrcutions were primarily with red sand stone and decoration with marble. His great mosque at Lahore is in the Persian style, covered with enameled tiles. Jahangir also built the Shalimar Gardens and its accompanying pavilions on the shore of Dal Lake in Kashmir. He also built a monument to his pet deer, Hiran Minar in Sheikhupura, Pakistan. It is the symbol of peaceful environment in lahore.

SHAH JAHAN (16271658)

The force and originality of the style gave way under Shah Jahan to a delicate elegance and refinement of detail, illustrated in the palaces erected in his reign at Agra andDelhi. Taj Mahal at Agra The tomb of Mumtaz Mahal, the wife of Jahangir. Moti Masjid (Pearl Mosque) in theAgra Fort. The Jama Masjid at Delhi. Shalimar Garden in Lahore, Pakistan. Their position and architecture have been carefully considered so as to produce a pleasing effect and feeling of spacious elegance and well-balanced proportion of parts. Taj Mahal and Shalimar Gardens are considered as World heritage sites by UNESCO. Taj Mahal is in the seven wonders of the list.

AURANGAZEB (16581707)
In Aurangzeb's reign squared stone and marble was replaced by brick or rubble with stucco ornament. He encouraged INDO-MUSLIM Archiecture. He made additions to the Lahore Fort and also built one of the thirteen gates. Lahore fort was built by akbar and he upgraded it. Aurangzeb also built the Badshahi Mosque which was constructed in 1674, which is adjacent to the Lahore Fort. The red sandstone of the walls contrasts with the white marble of the domes and the subtle intarsia decoration. Second largest mosque in pakistan and south asia. Fifth largest mosque in the world. 5000 people inside the mosque and 95,000 in the courtyard. World heritage site by UNESCO.

MUGHALS gardens
Mughal gardens are a group of gardens built by the Mughals in the Islamic style of architecture. This style was heavily influenced by the Persian gardens particularly the Charbagh structure. Significant use of rectilinear layouts are made within the walled enclosures. Some of the typical features include pools, fountains and canals inside the gardens. The cypress trees symbolize death. Fruit trees in the garden symbolize life. The garden attracts many birds, which are considered one of the features of the garden. The Mughal Gardens were surrounded by high rised brick walls.


Charbagh or Chahar Bagh is a Persian-style garden layout.

In Persian, "Char" means 'four' and "bagh" means 'garden.

The quadrilateral garden is divided by walkways or flowing water into four smaller parts. One of the hallmarks of Islamic gardens is the four-part garden laid out with axial walkways that intersect in the garden center. This highly structured geometrical scheme, called the char bagh, became a powerful metaphor for the organization and domestication of the landscape, itself a symbol of political territory.


In islamic style of architecture, the garden is not just another feature but has a well defined meaning and it symbolizes the spirituality. According to the Holy Koran, a garden is symbolic of Paradise. In islam, it is believed that there are four river in paradise. They are water, milk, honey and wine. These all connects the central pool. From this the concept of Char Bagh took root. Now a days it is known as Square Foot Gardening. It is Highly Geometrical, Scaled and Well planned.

Bagh e Babur
It is in kabul, afghanisthan. Built in 1528 AD by Babur. Avenue Garden in Kabul city. It is called as Garden of Babur.

Hazuri bagh
It is infront of theLahore Fort.

Mughal garden wah

It is in wah, punjab, pakistan. it was built by Akbar. It has a pond which is surrounded by 12 doors.

Shalimar Gardens
It is also known as SHALAMAR GARDEN. It was Pakistani Garden. It is in Lahore. Built by Shah Jahan. Started in 1641 and completed in 1 year only. It has so many constructions inside it. It was surrounded by high brick walls. It has 410 fountains in it. It is considered as World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Different types of fruits and trees were grown inside the garden. Such as Apple, Palm, Peach, Cherry, Mango, Plum, Orange.

Humayun Tomb
It was constructed by Akbar. It took 8 years to build. It is build in an area of 30 acres. It is placed in the middle of char bagh with Quadrilateral layout. First of its kind in South Asia. Highly Geometrical Garden. 4 squares by paved walkways. 2 bisecting channels. That reflect 4 rivers. Further divided into equal parts. At last it is divided into 36squares with pathways.

Mehtab bagh
North of tajmahal, across yamuna river.

Shalimar garden
In Srinagar city, Jammu and Kashmir. Built by Jahangir in 1619. On the right bank of Dal lake. High point of Horticulture.

In Srinagar city, Jammu and Kashmir. On the east side of the Dal lake.

Brindavan gardens
Started in 1927 , completed in 1932. It was in Mysore, Karnataka. It was on the banks of the river Kaveri. It was built similarly to Shalimar garden in Lahore. It was built in terraced fashion. 2million visit this garden every year. It has an area of 60 acre. In 2003 the gate collection was 2.07 crore. In 2004 the gate collection was 4.3 crore.

Rastrapathi bhavan
The back side of the building, the garden is built in mughal and english styles. They have 2 water streams flowing from east to west and south to north, Which divides the garden into 4 equal parts.

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