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Presented by: Niaz Ali Khan Yousafzai Mohammad Siraj Khan Muhammad Sajjad Wazir Muhammad Ashraf

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Mba121006 Mba123005 Mba121012 Mba123006

Presented to: Dr. Khurram Shehzad Sir

Course: Leadership & Art of Management

Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Islamabad Dated: 16th October, 2012

PRESENTATION TOPICS Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq (R.A)

Bill Gates

Hazrat umar-e-farooq (R.A)
Introduction Leadership Styles and Qualities Achievements Influence based on Reason or Emotion Direct Vs Indirect Leadership Key Lessons Introduction Vision Before & After Microsoft Characteristics & Qualities Achievements Microsoft software Applications Influence Based on Reasons or Emotions Leadership Styles Used By Gates Bill Gates as a Manager Key Lessons

William (Bill) Henry Gates III



Introduction Second Caliph of Muslims Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Son of Al-Khittab. Born on A.D 586 and breathed his last on 26th

Dhul-Hajj, 23 Hijri.
An expert jurist (Distinguished between right and wrong).

Earned the Title of Al-Farooq ("leader, jurist and


Sahabi (companion) & Advisor of the Islamic prophet Muhammad(PBUH).

Embraced Islam after six year of Prophet hood.

Second Caliph of Rashidun Caliphate on 23th August, 634 A.D. Ruled over 1.8 million Sq.meters which included Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Persia, Kurdistan, Amenia, Azerbhaijan, Kerman and Mekran. Ruled for about 10 years.

Leadership Styles and Qualities Greatest Conqueror Honesty and truthfulness Equality and fairness Compliance and observance Freedom of opinion

Justice and integrity Administration Personality and nature Great scholar

ACHIEVEMENTS Peoples Treasury for the State & Public.

Judicial Courts of Justice.

Established Army Headquarters.

Construction Roads and Canals.

Schools and Masjids.

Police stations and Prisons were built.

Introduced first Islamic Lunar Calendar Proper Weights and Measures Introduced Proper punishment system and banned slavery Built orphanages and welfare homes Population census established

Influence based on Reason or Emotion

Never used unethical power. Justice and Equality.

Honesty and Fairness.

Braveness And Courage. Disciplinary actions. Set an example (Ideal).

Direct Vs Indirect Leadership

Direct Leadership Through: Speeches. Shurahs (Meetings).

Indirect leadership Through: Letters and Memos. Messengers, Administration Teams, etc.

Leadership Vs Management Hazrat Umar(R.A) As a Leader: Justice and Equality Greatest Conquerors

Political and Civil Administration

As a Manager: Accountability

Peoples Treasury and others etc.

KEY LESSONS Hazrat Umar-e-Faroq(R.A) was the greatest leader in the Islamic Era, founded the governance system and other achievements to work on the system & in the system. Role Model for the whole world that how to manage and lead.

Charismatic Personality.

William (Bill) Henry Gates III

INTRODUCTION Born on : 28th Oct 1955 in Seattle, Washington, US Father : Mother : Wife: William Henry Gates II (lawyer) Mary Gates (School Teacher) Melinda French

Excellence: Math's & Science

Designation: Chairperson of Microsoft A living example of success American Business Magnate

Vision "A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer. Each business and domiciliary must have a computer and must run a Microsoft software

BEFORE MICROSOFT 1968 :Formation of Lakeside programmers group. 1971 :Opportunity from (ISI) to develop program to manage payroll system. 1972 :Started their own company.Traf-O-Data. 1973 :Gates & Allen got job in Honeywell. 1974 : Development of BASIC program.

AFTER MICROSOFT 1975 :Gates & Allen formed their own company MICROSOFT in April. 1977 :Gates released version of FORTRAN language for microcomputers.

1978 : Duo introduced a version of COBAL.

emerged as market leader. 1979 :Microsoft develop new version of BASIC. 1981 : 35% of employee were working for IBM project.

Characteristics & Qualities:

Entrepreneurship Technical mind Intelligent Visionary Passion Innovative. Risk bearer Confidence Continuous learner Accepting the criticisms

Time Magazine included his name in '100 most influential people of 20th century. Received doctorates from various universities and institutes like Harvard University and The Royal Institute of Technology. Forbes Magazine listed his name in 'The World's Richest People' from the year 1995 to 2007. Sunday Times included his name in its Power List in 1999.

Microsoft software Applications:

Development Software Digital media authoring System Administration OS For Macintosh Server software Video games


Influence Based on Reasons or Emotions Position Power (Legitimization influencing tactic). Rational Persuasion. Reward Power ( Remuneration packages,

promotions & other rewards).

Expert Power (Knowledge, Expertise, & Special Skills).

Referent Power (Image in IT & beyond).

Leadership Styles Used By Gates

Autocratic style (Full authority and control over


Delegate Style (Gives autonomy to his manager).

Charismatic Style of leadership.

Bill Gates as a Manager High Morale. Provided productive environment to employees. Different Decisions in different situations.

Built strong Teams.

Have Long term approach.

Creative Quotes of Bill Gates If you cant make it good, at least make it look good. I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot. I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job .Because, he will find an easy way to do it.

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.

Key Lessons
Bill Gates is a successful Entrepreneur & Manager. Having Technical and innovative mind. High level of confidence and Cognition.

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