Scanning and Skimming

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Can you read my mind?

Scanning, Skimming and Inferring

Name of Group:
Rahmad Wahyu Agus Budiana Mona Andriana M. Syahrizal firdaus Hisyam Romadhon

Skimming and scanning are especially valuable when there is only one item of information that you need to find from a particular passage.

Skimming and scanning are very rapid reading methods in which you glance at a passage to find specific information. These reading methods make it easier for you to grasp large amounts of material, especially when you're previewing. They are also useful when you don't need to know every word.

Skimming refers to the process of reading only main ideas within a passage to get an overall impression of the content of a reading selection. An example of this is when we read the title of a newspaper to know what happens everyday.
How to skim:

1. Read the title. 2. Read the introduction or the first paragraph. 3. Read the first sentence of every other paragraph. 4. Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs. * Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases. 5. Read the summary or last paragraph.

Scanning is a reading technique to be used when you want to find specific information quickly. In scanning you have a question in your mind and you read a passage only to find the answer, ignoring unrelated information. How to scan:

1. 2.


State the specific information you are looking for. Try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might use to help you locate the answer. For example, if you were looking for a certain date, you would quickly read the paragraph looking only for numbers. Use headings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might contain the information you are looking for. Selectively read and skip through sections of the passage.

What is inference ??
gathering clues and reading between the lines reaching conclusions on the basis of evidence and reasoning author and me questions Synonyms, deduction, conjecture, speculation, presumption

Sometimes people say this when theres a piece of information they dont know thats keeping them from making an inference. In this comic you have to know what a symptom is. A symptom is a sign or indicator of something. Calvin is trying to show his mom signs of being sick but tells her so many silly ones that she knows hes faking it.

Think about the hidden information in this comic that you have to figure out in order to get it....

The teacher sends Calvin to the principal when he takes the gum out of his mouth and offers to share it instead of understanding that his teacher is sarcastically reminding Calvin that he shouldnt be chewing gum. He tries to blame the teacher for the trouble hes in with the principal.

Now try some on your own to practice the skill of making inferences:
As you read the comics on the keynote try explaining why its funny. In order to explain, youll need to read between the lines and tell what information isnt directly there. This is inferring. Sometimes you may not get it. If that happens, you can write your note instead on what you dont understand. Thats the missing information thats keeping you from inferring.

Making an inference means knowing what a screen saver is.


1. What are the differences of skimming and scanning??? 2. When should we use skimming and scanning??? 3.Give examples of when you use inference!!!

Thank for your attention

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