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Scenario of Garment Export Industry in India

Presented by: Shrishti Dohare Shruti Seth Swati Sehgal Vandana Sain Yesha Bohra

India exports were worth 22443 Million USD in July of 2012

Exports amount to 22% of Indias GDP.

Gems and jewelry constitute the single largest export item, accounting

for 16 percent of exports.

India is also leading exporter of textile goods, engineering goods, chemicals, leather manufactures and services. Indias main export partners are European Union, United States, United Arab Emirates and China.
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Current scenario
India is the sixth largest exporter of readymade garments with 2.6 %

market share.
The apparel sector alone contributes to 8% of total exports of India. For the entire textiles sector, the government has fixed a target of $40 billion for the current fiscal. In 201112, the countrys textiles exports stood at $32.31 billion. In the first two months of the current fiscal, garments exports jumped 30% to USD 2.3 billion year-on-year.

Key Buyers
United States Of America European Union Canada

**USA & EU together account for around 65 per cent of Indias apparel exports. Source: AEPC

Ranked sixth China EU

Hong Kong
Turkey Bangladesh. With exports of US$ 18 bn, India is likely to fall behind Vietnam, Indonesia and Mexico and rank ninth in the world.

New Market
After the demand slowdown in the country's traditional markets the US and Europe, exporters started exploring new buyers in Latin America, Africa and Middle East countries.

The market diversification has yielded positive results.

Garment exports have increased from USD 2.7 billion in 2009-10 to

USD 3.15 billion in 2011-12
Source: /garment-exports-to-non-traditional-markets

Export Scenario-Still Grim

India's apparel exports stood at $1 bn, dropped 16.7% in July 2012-13 against same period last fiscal.

India's apparel exports in April-July 2012-13 stood at $4.2 bn, against $4.9 bn same period last fiscal.

Apparel imports of the US stood at $35.9 bn, declining .05% in JanuaryJune 2012 as against the same period last calendar.
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India's performance in that market fell 9.8% and reached $1.7 bn in January-June 2012 against $1.9 bn in January-June 2011.

EU's apparel exports too fell during the period, declining 13%

in January-June 2012 over same period last calendar.

EU's exports stood at $39.1 bn in first six months of this

Source :

Export Scenario-Still Grim

Indian textile industry hasnt reaped the full benefits of the sustained fall in rupee against the dollar Barring China, all others in the region are also passing through a

critical phase, with their exports dwindling, but not definitely to the
extent that India suffered. Textile Ministry has so far not been able to formulate a special policy to meet the export challenges faced by Indian exporters

Reason for downfall

EU and the US, the worst affected nations in the current debt crisis Western buyers preferring products from suppliers in close proximity to the EU and the US

Textile mills were caught off-guard by a fall in local yarn prices

after they had bought their main raw material, cotton, at high prices. They could not sell yarn locally at a profit nor could they ship out products due to poor demand as well as export restrictions,

resulting in huge losses.

Restructuring of loans as well as interest subsidy to the garments

and knit-wear sectors grappling with the economic slowdown.

Extending many export promotion schemes for readymade garment sector viz two per cent inter-subvention, two per cent Focus Market Linked scheme to USA and European Union and enlargement of countries under FMS/FPS.

Restrictions on exports of cotton and cotton yarn which lowered the raw material prices.

Increasing the eligible limit of Export Credit Refinance (ECR) facility

from 15 percent of the outstanding export credit eligible for refinance to

50 percent.

Focusing on Free Trade Agreement (FTA) as apparel industry will gain by enlarging bi-lateral trade and bringing stability in the region

Free Trade Agreement

On Aug 2012,India Signed a Free Trade Agreement with EU. Boost exports which have already declined by 48 per cent in the first two months of the current fiscal. EU imposes an import duty of 9.6 per cent per garment

and five per cent on other textile items from India which
will be abolished.

AEPC signs MoU with Israel to boost apparel trade. To target the Middle East Market Apparel Market, Apparel Export Promotion Council organized a Buyer Seller Meet in Tel Aviv, Israel from 5 6 September 2012. The MoU is aimed at enhancing trade and economic relation by expanding business and cooperation in the sphere of clothing & fashion industries,

India Market Days

Project approved by Ministry of Textiles and is funded under

the Market Access Initiative (MAI) Scheme of Ministry of

Commerce & Industry. Inviting overseas buyers and buying agents. Market Days is one of the endeavors for AEPCs export promotion initiatives for the year 2012-13 Apparel exporters will generate good business deals with buyers from the continent countries.

Apparel House, Gurgaon

The event will help the garment exporters find the right partners for their business.

The last India Market Days event (July 2012) generated the revenue of 58 lacs.

Current facts
Indias apparel exports to Japan have already jumped substantially. The textiles ministry hopes to ride free trade deals with Japan to target $50 billion in apparel exports over the next three years from $18 billion targeted for 2012-13. Indias share of the $31.1 billion Japanese apparel imports worth is only 0.9 per cent at present. AEPC signs MoU with Israel to boost apparel trade aimed at enhancing trade and economic relation.

The government has revised upwards the garment exports target to $18 billion from $17 billion for 201213 fiscal. For the apparel sector, the marketlinked focus product scheme was extended till the end of the current fiscal for exports to the US and the European Union.

The US and Europe together account for over 65 per cent of the countrys total textiles exports. For the entire textiles sector, the government has fixed a target of $40 billion for the current fiscal. In 201112, the countrys textiles exports stood at $32.31 billion. Continuation of the Technology Up gradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) with an allocation of Rs. 15,886 crore for the entire 12th Plan (201217).

References ent-exports-to-non-traditional-markets. orts

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