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Contagious disease in young kids Disease is caused by app 12 different spp of Eimeria. It parasitizes and desstroy cells lining intestinal tract.

Disease can not spread from goats to sheep or from sheep to goats.

Imp spp which cause coccidia in sheep and goat.

E.arlongi E.ninakohlyakinovae (most pathogenic) E.parva E.granulosa E.faurei E.intricata E.punctata

Life cycle
Oocyst are shed in feces. These are harmless to other goats. Under favourable conditions these undergo sporulation in 1-3 days. When the sporulated oocysts are ingested these release sporozoites which rapidly penetrate the intestinal cells. Now cccida pass through several stages of multiplication durin which large schizonts are formed. .

Intestinal cells are destroyes and thousands of merozoites break out and invade new cells. Eventually these merozoites form oocyst The entire cycle from oocyst to oocyst is 2-3 weeks.

Sign and symptoms

If a young kid is suddenly exposed to coccidia it become severely ill 1-2weeks later. Itll be off feed, listless and weak, abdominal pain by crying. At first kid might have fever but later it become normal. Diarrhea pasty then becomes watery. The kid may dehydrate rapidly The diarrhea is only rarely bloody. Neither is straining common. The lactic acid produced by digestion of milk helps to inhibit coccidia in nursing kid

Sever attack may kill young kids. In strong kids chronic disease develops. Kid with chronic disease cannot digest feed properly

Diagnosis is based on clinical signs or microscopical examination of feces. The diarrhea that begins with consumption of too much milk, grain, or lush grass may drag on for days because of coccidiosis. Oocyst can be identified if feces are mixed with a conc sugar soln.

Variety of sulfa drugs such as sulfaguanidine and sulfamethazine, tetracyclines and amprolium. If overdosed these are dangerous. Very high levels of amprolium may lead to a nervous disease polienceaphalomalacia. All these drugs are coccidiostats.

Prevention is very imp in larger herds if young kids are to thrive. Sick kids are treated to save their lives. Several steps will help to prevent disease. The adult goats are source of infection as they continuously shed oocysts. All old bedding and manure should be removed from kidding pens before the new kids are born. Sporulated oocysts are present at the skin of udder, thus the kids may become infected when take first drink of clostrum. The does udder should be washed and dried before the kid nurses.


Fecal contamination of feed and water should be prevented, this means that feeders and waterers should be outside the pens. Daily cleaning the pens can reduce infection because oocysts need to be sporulated before infection. Ordinary disinfectants dont kill oocyst. Oocyst are killed by very hot or cold temperature.


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