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Prof. N. N. Shinde Dept. of Energy Technology.(M. Tech) Dept.

of Technology-Shivaji university-Kolhapur

Energy Energy & Economic Growth Energy Scenario & Status Energy Conservation Energy Management Industrial Applications .

Energy is nothing but ability to do the work energy is related to central concept of thermodynamics In general: Work=Force X distance Newton Meter rate of change of work i.e w.r.t time 1 Newton X 1 Meter/Second = 1 Joules Mechanical energy equivalent Units - Joule (J), Watt , calorie, BTU (British Thermal Unit) etc.

Measure of energy The methods for the measurement of energy often deploy methods for the measurement of still more fundamental concepts of science, namely mass, distance, radiation, temperature, time, electric charge and electric current

CO2 Pollution of Fossil Fuels

Pounds of CO2 per billion BTU of energy::

Coal 208,000 pounds Oil 164,000 pounds Natural Gas 117,000 pounds
Ratios of CO2 pollution:

Oil / Natural Gas = 1.40 Coal / Natural Gas = 1.78

Pounds of CO2 per 1,000 kWh, at 100% efficiency

Coal 709 pounds Oil 559 pounds Natural Gas 399 pounds

Potential Energy Gravitational potential energy, Elastic potential energy Kinetic Energy Thermal energy Electric energy Magnetic energy/Electromagnetic fields Chemical energy Nuclear energy Surface energy

1. Past A]-Primitive Man---Energy to survive and make life good ------Energy from food i.e plants &animals. ------Fire cooling --wood and bio mass ------Use of Land and Agriculture -----Work from Animals, Wind etc. i.e sun was the source [renewable] B]-Advancement---Discovery of Steam ,steam engine [AD 1700] --- Use of fossil fuels like coal, oil gas heat engines[ AD 1870] Energy made mobileheat, light, electricity etc. Further technological advances turned in to various forms of energy

Energy Needs

Population & growth

Economic Developments

Technology progress

A very simple model of an economy to discuss in general conceptual terms the possible ways in which increased energy availability might be especially important to economic development.

Y=f [K,L,E] Y is out put of final good/services is physical capital, L ,is human capital
E=f [K,L] L=f [K,T] E is Energy services T is time factor ,K is constant

The resulting increase in economic activity could be substantial if the proportional supply of energy services are made available .

And This is how Economy is Linked to ENERGY

World war I --structure of energy sources mostly coal, and sun/traditional World war-II and 1950Other energy sources came to picture Two grand transition phasesemployment/labor, international trades resulted in Industrialization and urbanization of society whose impact is there on GDP and Energy

Renewable energy would play a major role here in after.

@50% of world energy is used in Industrial sector

Per capita energy consumption in India is less than 500 kgoe, compared to the global average of nearly 1,800 kgoe

Energy consumption is a prime driver of the Human Development Index Over the past decade, gains in both poverty reduction and economic growth have been significant, and supported by energy growth which has been significantly lower than the economic growth. Since 2004, it has been marked by an economic growth rate of over 9% per annum, which has been achieved with an energy growth of less than 4% per year

Energy per capita and GDP:



Sector State Sector Central Sector Private Sector Total

MW 82,596.58 55,572.63 38,821.19 1,76,990.40

%age 46.66 31.39 21.93




Total Thermal Coal Gas Oil Hydro (Renewable) Nuclear RES** (MNRE) Total

115649.48 96,743.38 17,706.35 1,199.75 38,106.40 4,780.00 18,454.52 1,76,990.40

65.34 54.66 10.00 0.67 21.53 2.70 10.42 100.00

We generate as on date 176990 MWs i.e year 201140 To achieve growth rate of 8% at the end of 11 th plan ending 2011-12 we need total energy in puts of 2,87,000 MWs i.e deficit of @ 1,10 000 MWS To achieve the growth rate of 8-10% as estimated in Indias integrated energy policy declared in year 2006 we need energy in the range of 8 00 000 MWs by 2032 to eradicate poverty and increase human devp. Index. The total deficit in peak power is @ 16% and rate of addition of power to grid is @3.8% The new power addition, despite fund shortage will take at least 5/6 years We have constraints --how much we can add by primer energy sources like oils ,coal , gas global warming??? The power shortage will continue We aspire for power and growth

What is alternative ?????

LET US CONSERVE we have no option.

Total Conservation 25000 MW

Conservation potential
2. 3.

Consumption Industry Agriculture Domestic 41% 19% 26%


Maharashtra generates around 25500MW It can save 3000 MW It has deficit (demand and supply) of 5000 MW maximum (1 MW costs Rs. 4 Cr.) imagine investment requirement for 5000MW

Commercial 10% Others 14%


Energy conservation can be achieved by effective Energy Management Techniques Improve EE

"The judicious and effective use of energy to maximize profits (minimize costs) and enhance competitive positions

Defined as method of achieving quality product at least energy cost without affecting environment. 1970-started thinking 1980- seriously thinking 1992Energy Policy Act-1992 -Federal USA India EC ACT 2001


energy supply do not fluctuate energy cost do not fluctuate

Environmental Welfare
Air pollution Water pollution Thermal, noise, CFC levels ,ozone depletion in stratospheres


Best quality Least cost Less energy intensity, market competetiveness,timely delivery value for time ,money

National Level Industry/Co Level Individual Level


Control the cost of energy function or service provided ,but not the Btu of energy Control Energy Functions as a product cost ,not as a part of manufacturing or general overhead.

Control and meter only the main energy function

Put energy management program in to installing controls and achieving results

RESULTS = Increase energy productivity by 20% + reduce the cost of energy functions by 20%

Its not just a technical challenge but it is how best one can implement technical

challenges within economic limits with minimum disruptions






ENERGY POLICY OF THE CO----------OBJECTIVE SUBJECT: Energy management program ACCOUNTABILITY Policy & procedure manual REPORTING 1--- POLICY-Energy management shall be implemented in all the areas of Company Operations TRAINING 2--- OBJECTIVES-It is co. objectives to use energy efficiently & provide energy security for the
organization for immediate & long term range by: 1. by incorporating energy efficiency in to existing equipments, 7 newproposed one etc. 2 by complying government regulations--3 by putting energy management program---4 3--- IMPLEMENTATIONS ENERGY MANAGE Committee CO-ORDINATOR 4.REPORTING: Employeeenergy coordinatorenergy managertop management 5. TRAINING: The energy manager will provide training to all levels of the company 6 POLICY UPDATING: The energy manager & energy committee will meet ------- & review the policy --- annually ? & make recommendations for updating or changes 7. POLICY STATEMENT. XYZ co is committed to effective & cost effective & environmentally responsible use of energy thoughout world wide operations . ------- will also promote energy efficiency by implementing cost effective programs that will maintain or improve the quality of the work environment ,optimize service reliability, increase productivity & enhance the safety of work place & operations.

Energy Audit is the verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of technical report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption.
TYPES Envelope Auditbuildings, balance for in/out/leaks etc. Functional AuditHeating, building, lighting, domestic water etc, air handling Process Auditprocesses,-heating, ventilation, heat treatments, furnaces etc, Transportation Auditenergy for transport means Utility Audit monthly, yearly uses etc. OR Industrial Audit Commercial Audits Residential Audits MAJOR classifications: i) Preliminary Audit ii) Detailed Audit

* * *

Establish energy consumption in the organization Estimate the scope for saving Identify the most likely (and the easiest areas for attention Identify immediate (especially no-/low-cost) improvements/ savings Set a 'reference point Identify areas for more detailed study/measurement

Preliminary energy audit uses existing, or easily obtained data

This type of audit offers the most accurate estimate of energy savings and cost. It considers the interactive effects of all projects, accounts for the energy use of all major equipment, and includes detailed energy cost saving calculations and project cost. Phase I - Pre Audit Phase Phase II - Audit Phase Phase III - Post Audit Phase

Use flow charts Represent graphically Identification of Energy Conservation OpportunitiesTechnical Feasibility Technology availability, space, skilled manpower, reliability, service etc The impact of energy efficiency measure on safety, quality, production or process. The maintenance requirements and spares availability

Economic Feasibility economic viability, simplest of the methods, Payback etc. Classification of Energy Conservation Measures Low cost - high return; Medium cost - medium return; High cost - high return

The benchmark parameters can be:

Gross production related kWh/MT clinker or cement produced (cement plant) kWh/kg yarn produced (Textile unit) . kWh/MT, kCal/kg, paper produced (Paper plant) . kCal/kWh Power produced (Heat rate of a power plant) Million kilocals/MT Urea or Ammonia (Fertilizer plant) kWh/MT of liquid metal output (in a foundry

Internal benchmarkinghistorical
Historical data well documented helps to bring out energy consumption and cost trends month-wise / day-wise

trend analysis-Energy consumption cost, relevant production features, specific energy consumption,
help to understand effects of capacity utilization on energy use efficiency and costs on a broader scale

External benchmarkingacross similar industries--inter-unit comparison across a group of similar units.However, it would be
important to ascertain similarities as otherwise findings can be grosslyimportant parameters to be looked are

* Scale of operation Vintage of technology Raw material specifications and quality

Product specifications and quality

Benchmarking energy performance permits

Quantification of fixed and variable energy consumption trends vis--vis production
levels Comparison of the industry energy performance with respect to various production levels (capacity utilization) Identification of best practices (based on the external benchmarking data) Scope and margin available for energy consumption and cost reduction Basis for monitoring and target setting exercises

-Operate the equipment efficiently through best practices

Eliminate steam leakages by trap improvements Maximize condensate recovery Adopt combustion controls for maximizing combustion efficiency Replace pumps, fans, air compressors, refrigeration compressors, boilers, furnaces, heaters and other energy consuming equipment, wherever significant energy efficiency margins


-Optimizing the Input Energy Requirements


of compressors to match needs. Periodic review of insulation thickness Identify potential for heat exchanger networking and process integration. Optimization of transformer operation with respect to load.

Substituting existing fossil fuel with more efficient and less cost/less polluting fuel such as natural gas, biogas and locally available agro-residues


Natural gas is increasingly the fuel of choice as fuel and feedstock in the fertilizer, petro chemicals, power and sponge iron industries. Replacement of coal by coconut shells, rice husk etc. Replacement of LDO by LSHS Few examples of energy substitution Replacement of electric heaters by steam heaters Replacement of steam based hot water by solar systems

Prepare an annual activity plan and present to management concerning financially attractive investments to reduce energy costs Establish an energy conservation cell within the firm with managements consent about the mandate and task of the cell Initiate activities to improve monitoring and process control to reduce energy costs Analyze equipment performance with respect to energy efficiency Ensure proper functioning and calibration of instrumentation required to assess level of energy consumption directly or indirectly Prepare information material and conduct internal workshops about the topic for other staff Improve disaggregating of energy consumption data down to shop level or profit center of a firm Establish a methodology how to accurately calculate the specific energy consumption of various products/services or activity of the firm Develop and manage training programme for energy efficiency at operating levels Co-ordinate nomination of management personnel to external programs Create knowledge bank on sectoral, national and international development on energy efficiency technology and management system and information denomination Develop integrated system of energy efficiency and environmental up gradation Wide internal & external networking Co-ordinate implementation of energy audit/efficiency improvement projects through external agencies Establish and/or participate in information exchange with other energy managers of the same sector through association

Report to BEE and State level Designated Agency once a year. The information with regard to the energy consumed and action taken in the recommendation of the accredited energy auditor, as per BEE Format. Establish an improved data recording, collection and analysis system to keep track of energy consumption. Provide support to Accredited Energy Audit Firm retained by the company for the conduct of energy audit. Provide information to BEE as demanded in the Act, and with respect to the tasks given by a mandate, and the job description. Prepare a scheme for efficient use of energy and its conservation and implement such scheme keeping in view of the economic stability of the investment in such firm and manner as may be provided in the regulations of the Energy Conservation Act.

Energy Auditors Responsibilities

Conduct internal audit of individual equipment/system once a year

Energy Auditors Duties

Submit copy of reports to Energy Manager with recommendation on action

Keep record of calibration status of all energy measurement instruments/devices Maintain portable tools/instruments required for audit Keep abreast of all Codes of practices for energy efficiency testing Training of measurement staff on use of instruments and Codes Be a team member of the external audit team For ESCO performance contract projects be verifier for M&V system and baseline and savings


An effective monitoring & implementing system with adequate technical ability for analyzing energy saving options is key to ENERGY MANAGEMENT

Energy monitoring and targeting is primarily a management technique that uses energy information as a basis to eliminate waste, reduce and control current level of energy use and improve the existing operating procedures. These techniques covers all plant and building utilities such as fuel, steam, refrigeration, compressed air, water, effluent, and electricity are managed as controllable resources in the same way that raw materials, finished product inventory, building occupancy, personnel and capital are managed.----It Becomes the Energy Cost Centers.

Recording Analyzing -

Measuring and recording energy consumption Correlating energy consumption to a measured output, such as production quantity

Comparing -Comparing energy consumption to an appropriate standard benchmark Setting Targets -Setting targets to reduce or control energy consumption Monitoring - Comparing energy consumption to the set target on a regular basis Reporting -Reporting the results including any variances from the targets which have been set

Controlling - Implementing management measures to correct any variances, which may have been occurred.

Particularly M&T system will involve the following:

Checking the accuracy of energy invoices Allocating energy costs to specific departments (Energy Accounting Centres) Determining energy performance/efficiency Recording energy use, so that projects intended to improve energy efficiency can bechecked Highlighting performance problems in equipment or systems

Plant level information can be derived from financial accounting systems-utilities cost centre Plant department level information can be found in comparative energy consumption data for a group of similar facilities, service entrance meter readings etc.

System level (for example, boiler plant) performance data can be determined from sub metering data
Equipment level information can be obtained from nameplate data, run-time and schedule information, sub-metered data on specific energy consuming equipment

After collection of energy consumption, energy cost and production data, the next stage of the monitoring process is to study and analyze the data and represent it for day to day controlsso represent it graphically

Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) represents the difference between the base line and the actual consumption points over the base line period of time. This useful technique not only provides a trend line, it also calculates savings/losses to date and shows when the performance changes.

CUSUM analysis
1 Plot the Energy - Production graph for the first 9 months 2. Draw the best fit straight line 3. Derive the equation of the line 4. Calculate the expected energy consumption based on the equation 5. Calculate the difference between actual and calculated energy use 6. Compute CUSUM 7. Plot the CUSUM graph 8. Estimate the savings accumulated from use of the heat recovery system


1-Given 2-plot graph 3-fit equation

5-CUSUM -Analysis

5-CUSUM -Analysis

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