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Department Of Business Administration University Of University.

Ozone (O3) is a highly-reactive from of oxygen.

Unlike oxygen (O2), ozone has a strong scent and is blue in color.
Ozone exists within both the tropospheric and stratospheric zones of the Earths atmosphere In the troposphere, ground level ozone is a major air pollutant and primary constituent of photochemical smog

In the stratosphere, the ozone layer is an essential protector of life on earth as it absorbs harmful UV radiation before it reaches the earth.

Ozone is the Earths natural sunscreen




UVc - 100% Absorption Mesosphere UVb - 90% Absorption UVa - 50% Absorption & Scattering

Altitude (miles)

40 30

Altitude (km)

40 20 20

0 2 4

Ozone (parts per million)

Chlorofluorocarbons are created and used in refrigerators and air conditioners. These chlorofluorocarbons are not harmful to humans and have been a benefit to us. Once released into the atmosphere, chlorofluorocarbons are bombarded and destroyed by ultraviolet rays. In the process chlorine is released to destroy the ozone molecules

Molecular oxygen is broken down in the stratosphere by solar radiation to yield atomic oxygen, which then combines with molecular oxygen to produce ozone. The ozone is then destroyed by chlorine atoms.

UV radiation from the sun releases the radicals Cl and ClO. Ozone is a highly unstable molecule so it readily donates its extra oxygen molecule to free radical species such as hydrogen, bromine, and chlorine. These compound species act as catalysts in the breakdown of ozone molecules.

Effects on Human and Animal Health Effects on Terrestrial Ecosystems Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems Effects on Air Quality Effects on Materials

Ban on the use of CFCs as aerosal propellant in several countries However, production of CFCs and other ozonedepleting substances grew rapidly after the other ozone-depleting substances grew rapidly afterward as new uses were discovered

Worlds nations became increasingly concerned that OSD would harm the ozone layer. In 1985, the Vienna Convention was signed. Expected that by 1998 , the production of the CFCs/ODS products would reduce by half

Decided to completely end production of halons(which is ODS) by the beginnings of 1994 end production of CFCs in 1996

No, in fact, we play an important role to prevent the situation form worsening!

Repair air conditioners this step prevents ozone-depleting refrigerants from escaping. Make certain the refrigerant is recovered If you purchase a new air conditioning system or heat pump, purchase one that uses nonozone-depleting refrigerant.

Remove the refrigerant from refrigerators, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers before disposing off If you suspect or witness unlawful releases of refrigerant or other improper service practices, you can report to the authorities concerned.

Ozone is the critical gas for screening solar UV radiation. Quality, long-term observations are critical for assessing change! ODSs have been regulated under international agreements and are slowly decreasing.

Ozone levels are not getting worse, but we cant say that things are getting better (yet).
The ozone hole will recover by about 2068.



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