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Monday 10/15 & Tuesday 10/16

DO NOW: Analyze the image below.

HW: Due Thursday/Friday 1. Do the analytical notes for the cartoon of your choice, make sure that it is meaningful and in depth. GOALS: IWBAT pick my offshore drilling position and begin my analytical notes..

1. 2. 3. 4.

Mock Trial Positions Analytical Notes Exchange contact info Read about oil

If you were absent the day of the test, you will be taking the test on Tuesday form 3:30-4:40pm. Meet in my room right after-school. This is the only make-up, so please be here.

Treepeople Event from Friday. Success

18 trees got the care they needed! Thanks to everyone that showed up.

Mock Trial Positions

Take out 3 post-its. You will see all the positions, make a list of 5 positions that interest you on 1 post-it.

TV Reporters (4)
You will create a video that will be shown at the beginning of the trial. Video must include
A short video of the B.P. explosion and introduces the trial The names of the 2 lawyers and their education (made-up). A commercial that explains at least 5 house-hold products that oil(petroleum) is used for.

To apply for this position, you MUST be proficient in video recording and editing and have access to all equipment (a camera, computer, and editing software).

DURING/AFTER:2 students, one taking pictures, one taking video and editing afterwards to a shortened video to upload to youtube and facebook.

Introduce the topic at beginning of trial. Create a PowerPoint that explains the following (introduction to offshore drilling, history, US policy, facts) You will be presenting the PowerPoint at the beginning of the trial. You are neutral to the issue, you are just informing the audience on history and policy.

Political Cartoonist/Journalist (2)

Explain 2 political cartoons during the trial and make pamphlets for each person. You will be finding 2 political cartoons (one pro, one con) and explaining them in detail during the trial. You will be making a pamphlet distributing it to the audience during the trial (pamphlet must be a reporter piece sharing both sides of the issue and including your political cartoons and introducing everyone that is in the trial) You are neutral to the issue; you are poking fun at both sides of the issue.

Barack Obama
You will depict President Obama during the trial. You will represent president Obamas viewpoints 1. During the 2008 Presidential Campaign 2. During the 2010 State of the Union Address 3. During the March 31, 2011 speech at Andrews Air Force Base. You must memorize parts of his speech and dress up the day of the trial and deliver the 3 sides of Obama when the historian is speaking. Your viewpoint is fluctuating (changing) depending on what stage in your career you are at.

Explain the process of off-shore drilling, plate tectonics Explain how we drill for oil. You are neutral Maybe connect to Artic drilling (deep-sea vs. shallow)

Facilitators (2)
Put together a PowerPoint for the day of trial. The day of trial, you will call everyone when it is his or her turn to speak. As the facilitator you are in charge of collecting everybodys presentation and putting it together in the correct order so that the trial goes smoothly. You must create the PowerPoint that will be used during the entire trial, introductions and titles of every person that will be speaking in the trial as well as collecting other power points that will be used in their presentations. You are neutral to the issue.

Defense Lawyer (pro)

You will be the lead for your team during the research portion of the assignment and during the trial. You will be working with all your witnesses to create a set of questions and answers to be used during the trial. You will be in charge of collecting your teams script You are pro offshore oil drilling. You will be calling different witnesses to the stand to help you prove your case.

An Economist
Specialist in the Economy and our dependence on oil for economical stability. You are a key witness to the Pro-offshore drilling side. You will be researching the economic factors of offshore oil drilling. The day of the trial you will be called and will answer questions (that you will create in advanced with the defense lawyer, a script) You are pro offshore drilling. Trying to prove that our economy would collapse if we dont drill for oil.

Expert on Foreign Oil Dependency

Explain why dependency on foreign oil is bad. You are a key witness to the Pro-offshore drilling side. You will be researching the importance on not being dependent on foreign oil. The day of the trial you will be called and will answer questions (that you will create in advanced with the defense lawyer). You are pro offshore drilling. Trying to prove that if we dont drill in our own land, we will become more dependent on foreign oil. Present reasons why foreign dependency is not ideal.

Expert on Alternative Resources

You are an expert on alternative energy sources. You are key witness to the pro-oil drilling side. You will be researching how much of our energy is met by oil, nuclear, solar, wind, and alternative and create a poster-sized bar graph. The day of the trial you will be called and will answer questions (that you will create in advanced with the defense lawyer, a script). Your viewpoint is pro offshore drilling. You are trying to prove that alternative energy sources do not meet the current needs of our population; therefore we must continue to drill for oil.

Fuel Price Expert

Expert on fuel prices from the last 20 years. You are a key witness to the Pro-offshore drilling side. You will be researching the varying gas prices through out the last 20 years. You will create an x-y scatter graph of these prices and explain why the prices have fluctuated so much, you will create an XY scatter graph. The day of the trial you will be called and will answer questions (that you will create in advanced with the defense lawyer). Your viewpoint is pro offshore drilling. You are trying to appeal to your audiences wallet by scaring them on gas prices. Must be able to explain what specific events caused oil prices to rise and how offshore drilling would prevent that.

Community Leader
Present the importance of jobs given by offshore drilling through primary sources. Convince panel that the amount of jobs provided is crucial to the economy through personal stories. You are the social justice voice- pro offshore drilling, for jobs for your community

Political Activist(2)
Will create posters and stand outside the trial trying to advocate for your issue

Prosecution Lawyer (Con)

You will be the lead for your team during the research portion of the assignment and during the trial. You will be working with all your witnesses to create a set of questions and answers to be used during the trial. You will be in charge of collecting your teams script Your viewpoint is anti- offshore oil drilling. You will be calling different witnesses to the stand to help you prove your case.

An Environmentalist
Expert on ecosystems. You are a key witness to the anti-offshore drilling side. You will be researching what the effects of oil spills are on the wildlife and the natural resources, create a power point with pictures. The day of the trial you will be called and will answer questions (that you will create in advanced with the prosecution lawyer, a script). Your viewpoint anti- off shore drilling. You have an egocentrism viewpoint, concerning yourself with all the living things that are harmed during an oil spill and the natural resources.

A Fisherman affected by B.P. Oil Spill

Local fisherman that was affected by 2010 B.P. oil spill. You are a key witness to the anti-offshore drilling side. The day of the trial you will be called and will answer questions (that you will create in advanced with the prosecution lawyer, a script). You are anti- offshore drilling. You are trying to persuade the audience by sharing first accounts of how peoples businesses were affected by the oil spill.

Tourism Expert
Tourism expert in Louisiana coast that was affected by 2010 B.P. oil spill. You are a key witness to the anti-offshore drilling side. The day of the trial you will be called and will answer questions (that you will create in advanced with the prosecution lawyer, a script). You are anti- offshore drilling. You are trying to persuade the audience by sharing first accounts of how peoples businesses were affected by the oil spill.

Biodiversity Expert
Expert on biodiversity. You are a key witness to the anti-offshore drilling side. You will research the effects on biodiversity on the area near the explosion. You will be creating poster-sized graphs of the loss of biodiversity for at least 4 different species. The day of the trial you will be called and will answer questions (that you will create in advanced with the prosecution lawyer, a script). Your viewpoint anti- off shore drilling. You have a biocentrism viewpoint, concerning yourself with ALL the living things that were affected by the spill.

A doctor- specialist in the effects of Oil on humans

Expert on human body. You are a key witness to the anti-offshore drilling side. You will be researching the effects of oil toxin exposure on the human body. The day of the trial you will be called and will answer questions (that you will create in advanced with the prosecution lawyer). Your viewpoint anti- off shore drilling. You have an anthropocentrism viewpoint, concerning yourself with the effects on humans that the spill had.

Demographics Expert
Will present data on the demographics of the people affected by spill (race, income, education level) and present in charts, must make the connection to environmental justice.

Political Activist (2)

Will create posters and stand outside the trial trying to advocate for your issue Hands Across the Sand

Picking your position

Look through your Mock Trial positions, pick your top 3 and fill out your 3 post-its as follows.

First Choice: ______________ ________

Second Choice: ______________ ________

Third Choice: ______________ ________




Contact Information Name, Phone, e-mail

Pro Team (get every members info) Con Team (get every members info) Political Activists (Get every members info) Facilitators (Get every members in the class first name, last name, and email address) TV reporters (get every members info and what resources you have, PC/Mac, assign jobs, camera person, editor, download videos from you tube, bring a USB )

What does it mean to analyze?

Analytical Notes

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