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Marketing Strategy

Durgadevi Saraf Institute of Management Studies

C 07/C 08
Tuesday September 25, 2012 nitin mukadam

How has technology changed the role of branding?

PLC & Marketing Mix

Introductory Stage Growth Stage Shake-out (competitive turbulence) stage Mature Stage Decline stage Limitations of PLC approach: market forces not recognized, consumer and competition behavior not predictable

New Products what is new?

New to the world products New company / marketer New product lines (variants) Improvements / revisions Re-positioning (Dettol soap, Cadburys) Low-cost variants The Booz Matrix: US-centric

Booz New Product Matrix

Pioneer Strategy

First choice of segment / positioning Define the rules of the game Distribution set-up first-on-shelf Economies of scale and experience High support of early adopters Possible positive network effects Pre-empting scarce resources But, pioneers risks - uncertainties

Follower Strategies

Learning from pioneers mistakes Product design and performance Communication / positioning Marketing process Technology jump No category-building expenses Ready distribution processes Ready talent pool

Success factors

Resources to cross critical mass Scale of operations Product quality Range of offerings Ability to sustain high promotion costs Rapidly responsive to customers Now, ability to buy-out

Penetration / Niche Strategies

Penetration Rapidly hit large scale heavy promo Count on economies of scale Niche Focus on high-margin segments Build aspirations Fund expansions

Strategies for Growth Markets

Focus on gaining market share because it is easy to get more share But, factors to keep in mind: Positive network effects Role of technology Markets evolving competitive structure Propensity for fragmentation

Strategies for Growth Markets

Take advantage of less price-driven competition Maintain technology leadership Maintain market share leadership Customer retention: Improve loyalty, simplify repeat purchase, increase switching cost


Other strategies for retention

Fortress or Position defense strategy Continuously strengthen position Develop flanker brands / strategies Confront competitor directly use muscle Market expansions force competitor to spread resources thin Strategic withdrawal

Market Follower strategies

Take away customers or address new customers? Flanking, Encirclement & Guerrilla attacks Attack & take over weaker competitors Frontal attack with superior value but beware of price wars Leapfrog strategy


Discussion: Growth strategies in a vibrant and growing market are like a chess game every move gets a counter-move. Now, the role of analytics And the factor of customer-driven markets should you worry about competition or customers?

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