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Planning for and Recruiting Human resource.

Forecasts of Labor demand Forecasts of Labor surplus or shortage

Forecasts of Labor supply

Goal setting and strategic planning

Program implementation and evaluation

People & Organizations- Nada Naeem

Organizations attempt to determine the supply of and demand for various types of human resources to predict areas within the organization where there will be shortages or surplus. To forecast labor demand, trend analysis is conducted. It is all about applying statistical models that predict labor for the coming year through statistics from previous year. A no. of leading indicators are:
Economy Competitors Technology Workforce composition.

Labor supply can be measured through a transitional matrix that lists job categories held in one period and shows the proportion of employees in each of those job categories.
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Forecasts enable the planner to determine expected shortages and surpluses and allows the organization to plan how to address these challnages. Analysis of the labour market situation enables the organization to set up numeric goals and plan strategically. Various Strategies are adopted by the organization to combat these situations. The planning stage is critical since organize must analyze the related expenditures and costs associated with implementation of each HR strategy. A few HR strategies are listed ahead.
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Options for reducing a Surplus Options Downsizing Pay reductions Hiring freeze Retraining Early retirement Speed of results Fast Fast Slow Slow Slow Amount of suffering caused High High Low Low Low Options for avoiding a Shortage Options Overtime Temporary employees Outsourcing New external hires Technological innovations Speed of results Fast Fast Fast Slow Slow Ability to change Later High High High Low Low

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Organizations are most likely to hire and retain employees who provide a core competencyorganization superior and create customer value. In contrast, organizations do down-size their workforce for enhancing their competitiveness and meeting four of their objectives
Reducing costs. Replacing labor with technology. Mergers and acquisitions. Relocation.

For whatever HR strategies are selected, final stage is of implementation. Some individuals are held accountable for achieving goals, given powers and resources and must issue reports to ensure compliance with the schedule.
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In HR, recruiting consists of any activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees.
Personnel Policies - Internal Vs. External - Lead-the-market Pay - Employment at will - Image Advertising Recruitment Sources - Internal ( postings, DB management, referrals) - External (Agencies, Direct app, Edu inst, Electronic)

Recruiter Traits and Behaviors

Vacancy Characteristics

Applicant Characteristics

Job Choic People & Organizations- Nada e


Interviewing Candidates

Checking References & Background

Making a Selection

Testing and Reviewing Work Screening Samples Applicati ons and Resume

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It is a low cost way to gather basic data from many applicants, contains information like contact details, work experience, Educational background etc. Resumes are a usual way of introduction to a potential employer. References and background checks have become increasingly popular for security and trustworthiness.

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When organizations identify candidates who meet the basic requirement, the process continues with narrower pool of candidates. Employment tests fall into two broad categories:
Aptitude Tests Achievement Tests

Physical & Cognitive ability tests, performance tests, personality tests, medical examinations.

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Interviews bring together job applicants and employer reps to obtain information and evaluate qualification. Various interviewing techniques are used including
Non- directive interview. Structured interview. Situational interview. Behavior description interview. Panel interview.

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There are various advantages and disadvantages of interview. (Comments????) Organizations can reap maximum advantages, if they carefully plan this activity. Selection decision the best fit, through multiple-hurdle model or compensatory model by the organization.

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