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The ability of any tourism site, resorts or a region to take tourism use without deteriorating.


Matheison and Wall defined carrying capacity as The maximum number of people who can use a site without an unacceptable alterations in the physical environment and without an acceptable decline in the quality of experience gained by visitors.

Types Of Carrying Capacity


Carrying Capacity Psychological Carrying Capacity Biological Carrying Capacity Social Carrying Capacity

Physical Carrying Capacity

The amount of suitable land available for facilities and the finite capacity of the facilities(car parking space, cover in restaurants, bed space in hotel room). The most straight forward among all the other capacities. Used for planning and management control by limiting the finite capacities.

Psychological Carrying Capacity

Psychological capacity is an individual concept which is difficult to be influenced by any management and planning. The psychological capacity of a site is exceeded when a visitors experience is significantly impaired. Eg: Some tourist can be crowd tolerant while others cannot tolerate the crowded places.

Biological Carrying Capacity

The capacity of a site considering the environmental factors. This capacity is exceeded when there is an environmental damage or disturbance. It is important to consider the total ecosystem rather than individual elements.

Social Carrying Capacity

This concept was derived from ideas of community-based tourism planning and sustainability. It defines levels of development which are acceptable to the host community residents and businesses.

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