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HOMEWORK to be assigned after PT

7 groups are to report on given topics about the Jewish life and culture You can use PowerPoint Presentation, Props or Role-play to report the topic assigned to you. 3-5 minutes to report. You may read your WB, pp. 17-19

HOMEWORK to be assigned after PT

Group 1 Houses and Buildings Group 2 - Food Group 3 - Drinks Group 4 Occupations/ Tools Group 5 Mode of Dressing/ Footwear Group 6 Means of Transportation Group 7 Activities in Daily Life

Round Robin
What to do: 1. Show the picture of your birthplace. 2. Share any information about your birthplace. 3. If some are born in the same place, the next sharer needs to give different information from what was already given. 4. Then, answer and discuss the following question: Why is it important to know our birthplace or country of origin?

Every person considers his birthplace as one of the most important places in ones life. Also, we take pride in the places where we grow up. Like all of us, Jesus belonged to a country when He was born here on earth. In that country, he grew up and did what God wanted Him to do.

During the time of Jesus, Israel is known as Palestine. It is also referred to as the Holy Land.

Why is Israel referred to us the Holy Land?

Whats happening with Israel and its neighboring countries recently?

However, even with this kind of situation, Christians from all over the globe still go on a pilgrimage to Palestine to see the country where Jesus lived. A pilgrimage is a journey or travel to a certain place that has a spiritual significance in ones life.


Groups of three. Accomplish the worksheet on the important places in Israel that are related to the life of Jesus. Use WB, pp. 15-17. 15 minutes to accomplish WS.

Sea of Galilee

ISRAEL, the country of Jesus

located at the northern part of Galilee not a sea but a large lake real name is the Lake Tiberias.

Jesus meets Peter, Andrew, James and John near the shore of the Sea of Galilee (Mk. 1:16-20)

Jordan River

ISRAEL, the country of Jesus

Jordan River located between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. It flows from the Sea of Galilee, watering the fields and making the land very fertile.

It was in this river that Jesus was baptized by His cousin John. (Mk. 1:9-11)


ISRAEL, the country of Jesus

Bethlehem is a little village.

It is the place where Jesus was born and the shepherds and Wise Men came to adore Jesus. (Mt.2:1-11)


ISRAEL, the country of Jesus

Jerusalem is the most important city for the Jewish people. It is the capital, the largest and oldest city in Palestine. One of the great Kings of Israel, Solomon built here the most beautiful temple in the land to honor God.

It was here (At the Temple) that Jesus at the age of twelve was lost, and found by his parents only after three days. (Luke 2:41-51).


ISRAEL, the country of Jesus

NAZARETH a little town that lies in the hills of Galilee.

Jesus grew up and lived with Mary and Joseph in Nazareth.

(Luke 2:39-40).


ISRAEL, the country of Jesus

CAPERNAUM It can be found at the edge of the Sea of Galilee in northern Palestine.

It was in the synagogue of Capernaum that Jesus began to teach and perform miracles. Mk 1:21-28).

We Respond

Jesus loved His own country, Israel. How can you show love to your country as well?


Why is Israel important to Jesus life?

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