Because If Dead People Peak Your Interests, Chances Are Nobody Else Is Going To Want To Hire You

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Because if dead people peak your interests, chances are nobody else is going to want to hire you.

Government position

Investigates human deaths

Determines cause of death Issues death certificates

A coroner is not usually called into response the death of an individual is deemed sudden, spontaneous, or unnatural.

Maintains records of deaths

Responds to deaths in mass disasters Identifies unknown dead

Because of this, coroners are technically on-call 24/7.

Depending on the local laws, some coroner hold other town duties, such as the ability to arrest the sheriff.

Medical or legal degree (i.e. criminology or bio-medicine) Generally, coroners start out as lawyers or physicians Coroners typically have 5-8 year college degrees.
UK Medical Students: human and cellular structure Neurology Pathology Pharmacy Internships UK Law Students: Legal drafting Legal procedure studies Externships in specific field (in this case, medicine)

Do you like suspense and mystery?

Does human biology interest you?

Do you enjoy solving problems? Do you often investigate peoples deaths? Are you a creative thinker? Do you use logic when formulating scenarios?

Do you have an advanced understanding of the human




Current Job Openings

Employment Projections

Biochemistry, sometimes called biological chemistry, is the study of chemical processes in living organisms, including, but not limited to, living matter. Biochemistry governs all living organisms and living processes. By controlling information flow through biochemical signaling and the flow of chemical energy through metabolism, biochemical processes give rise to the incredible complexity of life.
Quoted from Wikipedia

Ancient studies done on the human body led into the

medical science we used to identify living, dead, and non-living things. Features such as a pulse and body temperature provide evidence towards proclaiming death. Investigations that examine the cause of death rely on other types of chemistry indirectly related to that of a coroner. Often times, additional teams are brought in to do forensic work, and it is not the duty of the coroner himself.

Examining dead bodies can be tricky. Often times, a

situation concerning a body goes further beyond a coroners capability.

i.e. bodies that have been decaying for long amounts of

time would demand the attention of a forensic team, etc.

I used watch a lot of Scooby Doo as a kid.

I like mysteries.
Im really good at pronouncing people dead (or not).

Common Verdicts
Death by natural causes Death by misadventu re Lawful killing Unlawful killing Accidental death NonOccupation Drug dependent al disease dependence drug abuse Attempted abortion Selfinduced abortion Disaster (but only if it has been the subject of a public enquiry) Still birth Self-neglect Suicide

Famous Coroners

John C. Fleming

J. Howell Flournoy

Alexander Fulton

Morton Shulman

Graham Hetrick

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