EEG - Germany's Renewable Energy Source Act

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Presented bySudeep Dhar 25NMP13 Alankar Sinha 25NMP03 Om Prakash 25NMP30 Ajay Rawat 12EM02 Sourabh Roy 12EM12

Group 2

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

90% 70%

40% 30% 18%

60% 50% 40% 20% 10% 2020 2030 2040

Target % reduction in GHG's (as compared to 1990 levels) share of renewables in final energy consumption Energy compared to 2008 levels) cut energy the transport sector Efficiency (as consumption in

("Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz" EEG) Launched in year 2000. EEG is an aggressive policy by Germany to fulfill a substantial part of its Energy Requirement by renewables especially SPV & Wind. Three main principles 1) Investment protection through guaranteed feedin tariffs and connection requirement. 2) No charge to Germanys public purse :Different feed in tariffs for different renewable sources. 3) Innovation by falling feed-in-tariffs.

Implementation in Three Phases. 1st phase(2000-2009) Focus on scaling up domestic renewable energy generation with cost protection through FIT (Feed In Tariff) policy To provide TLC-Transparency, Longevity & certainty through customer Reduction in the FIT rates were modest

2nd phase(2009-2011)

Rapid decline in the cost of solar PV models. Active adjustment of FIT. Linkage of FIT reduction to degree of PV installation. Reviewing of PV policy more frequently.

3rd phase(2012 onwards)

Reduced FIT payments. Market premium options. Evolution towards grid parity. A subsidy Cap upto 52 Gig watts SPV installation.

Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition announced on May 30, 2011, that Germanys 17 nuclear power stations will be shut down by 2022. Huge investment in Solar PV installations due to high rate of return of 7.5%. Due to increase in Solar PV installations the subsidy also went up. To recuperate the subsidy German Govt.s environmental surcharge known as the EEG contribution increased from 3.6 cents to 5.5 cents. Increased surcharge led to increase in the already high Electricity Bills for the German Consumers (German consumer pay at an average of 23 cents per KWhr)

German Govt. made drastic cuts in FIT as detailed below:

Feed-in tariff lowered in an effort to stabilize the market

Largest share of renewable energy subsidies diverted SPVs despite being the most expensive renewable energy technology. SPVs are also the renewable energy least suited to the German climate. Photovoltaic power plant operators and homeowners with solar panels on their rooftops are expected to pocket around 9 billion ($11.3 billion) this year, yet they contribute barely 4 percent of the country's power supply, and that too only erratically.

Germany ends up importing nuclear power from France and the Czech Republic to compensate for shortages in solar power. Total Installed Capacity of SPV is 25 GW (approx.) which contributes to a total 4% of the Electricity Demand whereas total installed capacity of Nuclear Plants is 12.5 GW and it contributes to 18% of the total Electricity Demand. Thus, In reality, all of Germany's photovoltaic arrays together generate less power than two nuclear reactors.

Every solar array must be backed up with a conventional power plant as a reserve, creating an expensive double infrastructure. Despite the drop in the price of solar modules, solar power is still the least efficient of Germany's renewable energy technologies, yet it's the one that receives the most funding. Nearly 50 percent of all green energy subsides go to solar power, which yields only 20 percent of the energy generated by subsidized technology. For the same amount of money, wind power produces about five times more energy than solar power. Hydropower generates six times more, and even biomass power plants are three times as effective as solar power.

ThyssenKrupp, Germanys largest steelmaker, expects 5,000 job losses because of high electricity prices. The average household in Germany will be paying almost double for energy next year compared to last year. Many of Germanys poor and unemployed are on fixed energy credits, and cant afford either the increased electricity costs or the cost of energy-efficient appliances that could counter their rising monthly bills. Wealthy citizens can install solar panels and actually make money on them.

Germany is building a fleet of new coal-fired power plants to replace their shuttered nuclear fleet, reversing their downward trend in carbon emissions and pollutants. Germany is building about 25 clean coal-fired power plants to offset the loss of nuclear and address Germanys admittedly unaffordably expensive and unreliable renewable portfolio. Germanys present strategy will absolutely not allow them to reduce their carbon emissions anywhere near their goal of 40% by 2020.

Thank You

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