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Delivering business presentationVisual aids

Submitted By Madhumati.G

Learning objectives
Introduction Designing the Presentation Delivering the Presentation Visual aids

Business Presentation
A Business presentation is a formal talk to one or more people in an Organization or Corporate that presents"

ideas or information in a clear, structured way.

People give presentations because they want to communicate in order to: Inform Train Persuade Sell

Designing the Presentation

It involves the following ingredients
Establishing the Objectives

Planning and Organizing Your Material

Using Visual Aids

Establishing the Objectives

By establishing your objectives first, you can prepare

material that supports each objective.

The key to designing your presentation is determining these objectives. Establishing these goals requires careful planning. After all, they become the foundation upon which your content, organization, and visual aids are built.

Planning and Organizing Your Material

When you have determined the characteristics of your audience, then you are ready to plan and

organize your material.

The tips listed below will assist you in tailoring your approach accordingly.

1) Planning Your Material

At a minimum, prepare an outline of goals, major issues to be discussed Limit content to your major point and no more than five key supporting points. Analyze your audience. Prepare your content considering such things as whether they want only to listen or to respond and contribute.

2) Organizing Material
Recognizes the importance of reinforcement in adult learning

Completes the communication for the listener

Informs people who arrive late of what they missed Recognizes the importance of i) Organization ii) Highlighting and iii) Summarizing main points for the audience Serves to clarify main themes for the audience at the

end of the presentation

Using Visual Aids

Visual aids help your presentation make things happen. Clear pictures multiply the audience's level of understanding of the material presented

They should be used to

i) Reinforce your message ii) Clarify points iii) Create excitement

The chart below cites the effectiveness of visual aids on audience retention.

Delivering the business Presentation

Electronic Presentations: Shown directly from computer to screen If you have the computer and screen they are the easiest and cheapest to produce Check colors for accuracy Keep special effects to a minimum

Disable or shut down other features of your

computer Dim the lights

Audience Handouts
Audience handouts supplement your oral information They will explain the important information Represent a permanent record of your presentation

Ex: Contact information, case studies,

references ,etc,.

What to Include
Presentation slides
Select only the most important slides

Organize handouts in the sequence in which you will present them

Provide good quality, attractive handouts with

sufficient white space to allow for:

Clarity Notes

When to Distribute Handouts

Most effective time
Before the presentation if necessary
Either prior to arrival or as the person arrives

If the handout summarizes your message tell the audience that you will distribute it after the presentation

Developing and Preparing Visual Aids


Visual Aids
The use of visual aids will move you further along toward your objectives by illustrating and emphasizing your ideas more effectively than words alone. Power point Overhead Projector Slides White or Black boards

Paper handouts
Flip Charts Video

Power Points
Dos Use a big enough font (minimum 20pt) Keep the background simple Use animations when
Don'ts Make it so small you can't read it Dont use a fussy background image But don't over-do the animation

Make things visual

- it gets distracting
Use endless slides of bulleted lists that all look the same

Overhead projector slides/transparencies

Overhead projector slides/transparencies

These are displayed on the overhead projector (OHP) - a very useful tool found in most lecture and seminar rooms.

The OHP projects and enlarges your slides onto a

screen or wall without requiring the lights to be dimmed. Make sure that the text on your slides is large enough to be read from the back of the room

White or black board

These can be used to help explain the sequence of

ideas or routines, particularly in the sciences.

Rather than expecting the audience to follow your spoken description of an experiment or process, write each stage on the board. Check to make sure your audience has taken down a

reference before rubbing it off -

Paper handouts
Use a handout if your information is too detailed to fit

on a slide or if you want your audience to have a full

record of your findings. Given too early and they may prove a distraction. Given too late and your audience may have taken too many unnecessary notes. Given out in the middle and your audience will inevitably read rather than listen.


To avoid this give out incomplete handouts at key

stages during your presentation. You can then highlight the missing details vocally, encouraging your audience to fill in the gaps.

Flip Chart

Flip Chart
A flip chart is a large pad of paper on a stand.

We can even use pre-prepared sheets for key


Remember to make your writing clear and

readable and your diagrams as simple as possible.

Video gives you a chance to show stimulating visual

Use video to bring movement, pictures and sound into your presentation. Use video to bring movement, pictures and sound into your presentation. Always make sure that the clip is directly relevant to

your content

Developing and Preparing Visual Aids

Use visual aids only when needed Limit information to 40 characters per line (38 characters) 6 7 lines per slide

No more than three columns of data

Use both upper and lower case letters in a large simple typeface

Use the same color for all visuals

Readable from back of room (1 inch for every 30 ft) If the visual is not readable or attractive, dont use it

Using Visual Aids

Practice until you can use your visual aids smoothly and effectively Be sure that equipment works

Know how to use the equipment

Be prepared to give your talk without visual aids if necessary

Delivering the Presentation

Keep your presentation simple

Listeners have one chance to understand what you

are saying Short simple sentences Simple vocabulary Conversational style

Use previews, summaries, transitions, and

repetition to help the audience follow the

presentation 55 percent of your credibility comes through body language 38 percent from voice qualities

7 percent through your actual words


Thank You

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