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HTML and JavaScript

John Ryan B. Lorca Instructor I

HTML and JavaScript

Web pages must be interactive to be attractive to Internet surfers JavaScript and HTML are good partners in providing client-side functions that, in more advanced applications, are deemed necessary be for server-side executions

Events in JavaScript
Events are moments of interaction between the user and the computer, or internal Windows activity
Keypress Mouse-click

Note: We need to catch events to perform tasks or functions


Functions in JavScript
may be pre-defined or user-defined a separate collection of instructions for the computer to follow that is called after an event is triggered or when the user called it on purpose located within the <script> tag in the <head>

Functions in JavaScript: Pre-defined

Void Function (doesnt return a value)
function ([argument]) { <statements>; }

Functions that return a value

function ([argument]) { <statements>; return <value>; }

Note: Arguments are optional (as required)


Void Functions
<script type=text/javascript> function getSum(x, y) { var sum = 0; sum = x + y; alert(SUM: + sum); } </script>

Functions that Return a Value

<script type=text/javascript> function getSum(x, y) { var sum = 0; sum = x + y; return sum; } </script>

HTML and JavaScript: Sample Problem

Develop a web application that accepts two integers and computes the sum

Solution #1: Addition

<html> <head><title>Addition</title> <script type=text/javascript> function getSum() { var x = document.getElementById(txtNUM1).value; var y = document.getElementById(txtNUM2).value; var sum = x + y; alert(SUM: + sum); } </script> </head>

Solution #1: Addition (ctd)

<body> <input type=text id=txtNUM1 /> + <input type=text id=txtNUM2 /> <input type=button value=ADD onclick=getSum() /> </body> </html>


Solution #2: Addition

<html> <head><title>Addition</title> <script type=text/javascript> function getSum(x, y) { var sum = x + y; alert(SUM: + sum); } </script> </head>

Solution #2: Addition (ctd)

<body> <input type=text id=txtNUM1 /> + <input type=text id=txtNUM2 /> <input type=button value=ADD onclick=getSum(document.getElementById(txtNUM1).value , document.getElementById(txtNUM1).value) /> </body> </html>


Solution #3: Addition

<html> <head><title>Addition</title> <script type=text/javascript> function getSum(x, y, area) { var sum = x + y; area.innerHTML = SUM: + sum; } </script> </head>

Solution #3: Addition (ctd)

<body> <input type=text id=txtNUM1 /> + <input type=text id=txtNUM2 /> <input type=button value=ADD onclick=getSum(document.getElementById(txtNUM1).value , document.getElementById(txtNUM1).value, document.getElementById(outputArea)) /> <span id=outputArea>&nbsp;</span> </body> </html>


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