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Project Management - Project Charter Part 1

Define carefully Who is the customer?

The Project Charter #1

the nature of the project based on the demands of the customer and sponsor,

Unit coordinator, plus Shire, agency or business contact person

Unit coordinator

What is their brief?

A brief is not the same thing as a charter. Objectives of TOU303 as outlined in the Study Guide Implied Title of project: Destination Management Strategic Plan Unit textbook and its contents To be determined/negotiated Unknown For each project sponsor

The Charter #2
What it needs to include as a document: An overview of the project and its scope Project boundaries in time and space Define the criteria for success Do an initial risk assessment Ethics clearance issues Preliminary role definitions for team members Set deadlines for deliverables Do a preliminary budget Develop a list of requirements, reports, etc. Identify constraints Etc.

How to create a Project Charter

from Martin and Tate

Document Conveys purpose and requirements Who, what, why and when Deliverable(s)
Product Service Process, or Plan

11 activities or sections to the charter

Project Charter Activity #1

Write an overview of the Project scope

Define what the customer expects Purpose in 3 lines Give the project a name, a working name Identify the customers and sponsor Identify deliverables

Project Charter Activity #2

Determine the boundaries

Where does it start and end? boundaries is a time issue

Generic life-cycle stages

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create concept or defination Design or plan Test or install Produce or implement (submit and present) Retire (return items; party)

Project Charter Activity #3

Define the customers criteria for acceptance

What factors are critical to customers and sponsors? What needs to be included? Quality Quantity/length Presentation criteria? Written report criteria?

Project Charter Activity #4

Determine the required reviews and approvals

Who will do this?
Sponsor Customers Self/team or other team members

Review helps team determine its progress Are there certain approvals needed to move from stage to stage?

Project Charter Activity #5

Establish risk limits

Risk limits help you think about prevention and corrective measures Risk is the uncertainty of not being able to deliver!
Time issues Resource issues Skill issues Personal issues

Project Charter Activity #6

Select a project leader

Leader needs skills in:
Leadership Facilitation of team work Coordination of tasks Communication, written and verbal; sensitivity, insight Knowledge of project management Team members You know who you are so, Assess the particular skills of each member Knowledge and background Academic, Employment experience Attendance issues Face-to-face with other members Telephone, Email Attend group meetings, including class

Project Charter Activity #7

Set deadlines
Each interim deliverable Final deliverables Other deadlines
Detail will be worked out in the plan, CPM, etc.


Project Charter Activity #8

Set staffing limits
You know your staffing limits for numbers of people but Set time commitment limits, e.g. % of time Commitment to meetings (e.g. how many times/hours per week?)

Set spending limits

$$ Relate to Distance Overnight stays Food allowance In kind support (eg accommodation)


Project Charter Activity #9

Create a list of required reports

Include what they entail, ie may include Presentations and written Reports required by customer/sponsor Internal reports for team


Project Charter Activity #10

Organisational constraints and priorities

Some examples
Limited, if any, external funding No further staff/team members Only 3 hours per week of class time Limit to availability of facilitator


Project Charter Activity #11

Assemble the project charter

Martin and Tate suggest four divisions: Project scope
Objective, customers, needs, requirements, final deliverable, criteria for acceptance

Project scope risks

Risk limits

Project resources
Team assignments, orgl priorities/constraints, deadlines, staffing limits, spending limits

Project status reports

Reports required

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